Friday, April 30
Whoa I just noticed that the background is the same picture as my livejournal icon. That is so hardcore.
Today I totally looked like the typical stoner. My eyes were half open the entire day and my blinking rate was approximately 20 blinks per second. The pollen rate was way high fucking up, and so was my sneezing rate. I'm like a tired-ness meter and a pollen-meter. The more tired I am, the more I blink. The higher the pollen count in the air, the more I sneeze.
There is nothing more scary than my mom in a bad mood. There is nothing more scary than my mom. Yeah, she was having a bad day and when she got home lookin all pissed and yelling and shit and I swore, swore, SWORE, that she was fucking pissed about something stupid that I did. I was thinking, "Oh shit which thing did I do is she angry at this time?" It's not unusual for someone in this family to blame something bad on moi. If there's a broken oven with a cabbage patch kid burning inside, everyone says, "Christina did it!", if there's a dead animal spewing out its guts everywhere on the lawn, everyone says, "Christina did it!", if the entire basement is covered in asbestos dust, everyone says, "Christina did it!". Sheesh, isn't there such thing as trust anymore?
Thursday, April 29
I'm starting to blink about 20 times per second. Yeah I'm that fucking tired. I'm trying to do three assignments at once, and I'm getting nothing done. Oh no my highlighter is drying out. Just watch me tomorrow and check out how stoned I'll look. It'll be sexy haha.
Wednesday, April 28
01 | gwar
02 | grape medicine
03 | algebraic equations
01 | alice in chains
02 | leather
03 | brownies
01 | myself
02 | corey
03 | lara flynn boyle
01 | nnenna
03 | leah
01 | candy
02 | books
03 | potpourri
01 | looking stoned
02 | typing
03 | being a moron
01 | get laid
02 | screw brad pitt
03 | become a victoria's secret underwear model
01 | eat
02 | walk
03 | breathe
01 | stupid
02 | pathetic
03 | sexay!
01 | over-stress myself
02 | go 3 hours without eating
03 | make my mom shut up
03 | WHAM!
01 | gwar
02 | good charlotte
03 | dashboard confessional
01 | that sucks
02 | you suck
03 | i suck
01 | brownies
02 | chocolate
03 | lasagna
01 | guitar
02 | identify every single kind of white powdery substance out there
03 | make napalm that actually works
01 | water
02 | milk
03 | sperm [j/k i don't know]
01 | teenage mutant ninja turtles
02 | power rangers
03 | inspector gadget
Monday, April 26
Copied from my shitty livejournal:
I was right, today did suck. A lot of people were gone, they went to Florida for the band crap or whatever. Someone told me they're performing at Disney World? Kick ass I wanna go there! Too bad I don't sing or play an instrument nor are in chorus or band. Whatever, extracurricular activities suck and only cause stress and having to meet losers.
Dentist appointment after school, no loitering outside with people. Took fucking forever for them to look at my fucking teeth and take an x-ray. And my mom kept pissing me off when filling out the paper. Sheesh I'm not the one who's illiterate, I'm just the one who doesn't care.
White chocolate reese's are good. And they're more yellow than white.
Sunday, April 25
GUILTY PLEASURE: "In the Shadows" - The Rasmus
Can't believe I actually enjoy that sack of crap you call a song. If you could even call it a song. The video was made crappily, and the singer looks like a 5 year old girl who can't do her hair or her makeup.
Ow I got these cuts on my fingers and have no idea how I got them. Maybe I was trying to commit suicide in my sleep and sliced my fingers instead of my wrist. That's the mopst reasonable excuse I could come up with, since I don't recall a single thing I've done with anything sharp. I remember Helen once telling me that she somehow hurt her wrist and her parents thought she was trying to kill herself, and sent her to a psychiatrist. And that wasn't the only time they sent her to one either. She seems sane enough to me, but then again I'm crazy, probably crazy enough to not have people believing in my view of things.
Don't want to go to school tomorrow, it's gonna suck.
I feel a tide of bad karma coming on. It's like that Al Bundy thing, when good things happen to him they're always followed by events that are equally BAD. The better those things were, the worse the bad things were. If the good things were moderately good, the bad things are moderately bad. You get the idea. Since last week was exceptionally good I've got to admit, this week is going to be a real fucking hellhole. I'll state some reasons why. And there will obviously be more coming up, I just don't know what.
Eric's gone to Florida.
I'm feeling sick.
I pissed off my ever temperamental mom again.
We're starting a new unit in math class. (no really, that
is bad)
I have absolutely no plans or goals to accomplish, no reasons to do anything, no motivation to do anything significant.
last night.
Watched Almost Famous. What a fucking good movie. I remember when I was younger and watching Access Hollywood and the Oscars or Golden Globes and that shit, and they would never stop talking about that movie and I'd always be like, "Shut the fuck up about that movie I don't give a flying fuck, get to something else!" Yeah I was that much of a shithead to judge it and not knowing anything about it. I thought it was some boring ass drama that only people who love to cry would watch. Turns out it's totally different and way better than what my shitheadedness thought.
Cameron Crowe directed it, he toured with Zeppelin!
Saturday, April 24
God I am so goddamn fucking bored right now. And my parents are playing really shitty music in the living room right now and my headphones hurt my ears. Perhaps booming up some MC5 may help?
Ate too much crab and gummy kiwi candy today. Now I don't feel good XP
Eh went to the shit ass mall today, met up with Jeannie there, that was cool. Then Branda told me to go away. What a spunky constipated 7 year old. Or maybe she's 6, I don't know. Um my mom bought a big baggy ugly purse that looks like a coke bag. Mmmm Nine Inch Nails is really good. She almost bought me a pair of shoes, and then said no cuz of the material. Bullshit! Whatever, I'll go barefoot.
Oh yeah my mom made me help her pick out instrumental wedding music for my dad's business. INSTRUMENTAL music. I was thinking of that kick ass 50's and 30's big bands stuff and Frank Sinatra, which I know isn't instrumental and totally rocks, but she said it was too old and sad. What the fuck I bet Frankie would turn over in his grave just hearing that. Don't worry Frankie, it hurt me too. :(
So she picks out this crappy elevator/corny/crappy/piano/shitty stuff I totally despise and don't think is romantic at all. Yeah, no one ever listens to the music mogul. She's playing the cds she bought right now, and this guy really sounds like Michael Bolton, although I know he isn't but he really sounds like it SO IT SUCKS.
Dude I'm gonna puke. Never eat too much seafood, wontons, and kiwi gummy candy in a single hour.
So, what to do for the rest of the night? Probaby bathe and just sit here til I get so tired I start to get delirious again and post another droning ramble crap post like a few months ago when I was doing homework at 1 or 2 in the morning and the entry was just full of crap that no one cares about, like this post I'm typing right now.
Dr. Feelgood: Vince Neil Sued by Prostitute
By Jason Buhrmester, 04/21/2004
Former M�tely Cr�e frontman Vince Neil is once again in trouble with girls, girls girls. According to wire reports, a prostitute from the Moonlite Bunnyranch in Nevada claims Neil grabbed her by the throat and threw her against a wall. In a lawsuit filed this week, Andrea Terry (a.k.a. TriXXie Blue) requested $20,000 in damages from Neil and Dennis Hof, owner of the Bunnyranch.
In April, Neil pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor battery charge in the case and was sentenced to a 30-day suspended jail term, $1,000 fine and anger-management training.
How shameful is that? Being sued by a trashy prostitute....
Friday, April 23
Don't you hate it when friends go on vacation and you don't get to see them for a while? I'm probably the only one who never goes anywhere or who ever does anything and doesn't have a life at all outside of school. It's probably my own fault, being such an asshole.
Wow, Fugazi's really good. Just like their name.
Uh today was okay. I don't know I was just all blah all day. First block, ulgh. How many times must Leah have a hissyfit every time I simply ask her for a pen. You're probaby thinking, "Well, why don't you ever have any books? No wonder she's always annoyed." Well I'd like to ask you, "Why DO you have books?" You know, the more books you carry, the dorkier you look. And I look dorky as dorky can be enough without any books already.
Now what kind of a dumbass brings a cd player without a cd in it? THE CHRISTINA KIND OF DUMBASS. Had to suffer all during art class without my daily dose of Led Zeppelin and having to listen to The Person Who's Sitting in Front of Me's wigger music on the boombox. And yes, not much was done on my current-very-behind-from-the-rest-of-the-class project again.
French. EW. Forgot what happened during the first block, so I'll state the happenings of lunch, if you aren't already bored of this. Rob kept bothering me to go outside with him all the time, he can be a real ass sometimes. No wait he can be a real ass
alltimes. Oh yeah we saw this ultra hot guy whom we thought was new or something and he was sitting alone looking like, in Hollie's words, "He wants people to stay the fuck away from him." But actually he turned out to be a nice bunny and used to go to Hills, goes to Boonton now, and is here to see his girlfriend Rosie whom I don't know. Man I felt like such a groupie going up to him with the others. Haha I think that totally ruined it for us when we found that out. Oh well there'll be more =/
What the fuck, my mom is making me do homework ON A FRIDAY. Doesn't everyone know by now that I don't do homework unless she really threats me with a stick or it's something urgent, like in bio if everyone does their homework for the next 3 classes the teacher will bring us in something. Isn't "On a Friday" a song? By who? It's somewhere in the back of my head. I'll figure it out, eventually.
Second half of french, had to present our dialogue. Sucked. The goddamn teacher made me put my hella good italian ice away. Which it later melted and turned into lemonade. It made me cry :(
Metalshop, ew. Corey can strap his penis onto a bottle rocket for all I care.
Classes were shortened today to a certain thing which I don't want to mention that it sucks ass for the 10th time in 3 hours. Let's just say I had to sit in the middle of the bleachers behind a bunch of freshman whores and watching jocks and bitch-jocks run onto the basketball court making even bigger shitholes out of themselves and thinking that I actually care about them. God I should've snuck out the side door and walked home, but the weekend's starting, and I won't be able to see anyone til Monday due to being grounded and not having a life.
Wednesday, April 21
Okay one more post before I offically cool down and go to bed. I wonder why I still leave the comment thing here, even if the only people who ever commented on my crap were Vi and Leslie. And once this other middle aged guy whom I have never met commented. What a loser I am.
Oh good my hand isn't shaking anymore, it's stiff. Now my foot is shaking.
Been listening to A LOT of Zeppelin lately. Don't know why. (by the way, Norah Jones sucks) I currently have "Since I've Been Loving You" stuck in my head. Thanks to Mr. Stead for letting me borrow his cd and hearing that song for the first time, and then listening to it over and over until it becomes an earworm such as now and driving my sanity way from my useless asshole mind. It sounds like some weird overly-dramatic soap opera jam that only saps would watch. But then again I'm a sap too and this song kicks ass so fuck off.
Getting real tired, I'm out.
Hahaha G-Mail, makes me think of G-Unit. Real bouncy today, damn what a dumb word but obviously I have a very small vocabulary. Dammit why are people suddenly IMing me so much today. They never really did before. It's killing my keyboard. Ah whatever.
DAMMIT I CAN'T STOP TYPING. Yeah Leslie knows, I keep rambling on about how much this girl looks like an ass even if I don't know her at all. Too many mini reese's peanut butter cups in metalshop, thanks to it being Trish's birthday. But I do know someone else who looks like ass also. YEAH, COREY CAN GO STICK HIS PENIS IN A MEAT GRINDER FOR ALL I CARE.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say:
Yeah for the past 2 months that it was being built I never bothered to go in the backyard. Fuck I haven't even gone in the backyard for the past 5 months. And suddenly when I discovered it two days ago, there are new bricks, a deck, a storage room, and the house has almost doubled its size. Shows how much I care about things.
Hm yesterday my mom insulted me and said I'm fat. And that I'm going through some fatty stage that's part of puberty hahaha and it would eventually go away and I'd stop gaining weight. What a relief that was. She said that happened to her too when she was around my age. Come to think of it, I've gained about 10 pounds since almost exactly a year ago when the fucking school made me take a fucking physical. Don't know why I still remember that though. HAHA FATTY STAGE XD
GOOD TIMES BAD TIMES. Fuck that song won't get out of my head. Robert Plant constantly goin
"Good Times, Bad Times, you know I had my share; when my woman left home for a brown eyed man, well, I still don't seem to care." and Jimmy's guitar riff then John Paul's bass. Sheesh those same lines, that same guitar riff, that same bass, over and over and over and over and over and over and over ARGH.
Ouch my back hurts, and I don't know why.
Seriously, practically no one knows that band. Nor that they kick ass. I was ripping pages out of issues of Rolling Stone from the art room and found some articles on them. Yeah, I know Rolling Stone sucks now but it was either work, or eat my hash brown and Crunch bar and look at magazines and listen to Led Zeppelin. Guess which one I picked.
You know what was embarassing? I think I smelled like sweat today and that was definitely not cool. That's what you get for walking all the way to the fucking school wearing a sweater and a fucking leather jacket while carrying a goddamn backpack and umbrella, and no I didn't want my mom to drive me cuz she was obviously having some weird middle age mood swing this morning.
Jeremy looked like a crackhead today, he was jittering like a freak from eating I think like 5 packs of caffeine-gum before coming to school? Hahaha whatever.
In health we finished the movie and started talking about alcoholism. Also known as my future cause of death. Leah kept bothering me like every 5 minutes and asked, "What happened?" Well what the fuck did you just see? I told you she's an odd one alright.
Vi asked me really loud when I was talking to Eric in the hallway if I wanted to get laid. Jeez that's probably the stupidest question to ask me, since I state that in almost every entry in my depressing and pathetic
livejournal. Well that's Vi for ya, her and her "HARDCORE PREP" t-shirt she was wearing haha sheesh.
Oh yeah read in an article from one of those art room Rolling Stone's that the Sex Pistols played their last show ever in August or something and Johnny Rotten yelled "FUCK OFF!" to the
booing crowd. What the fuck is with that? And by that I'm talking about their last show ever? Oh yeah and why the fuck was the crowd booing at them? True, he has gone a bit um, let's say, softcore? over the years. Haha I don't know I can't find the right word. Or maybe since Sid wasted his ass to death they officially suck? No that's dumb I don't know much about them since after that Sid and Nancy "did-I-shoot-my-ass-off-with-heroin-and-kill-my-girlfriend-Nancy-and-dumped-her-in-the-bathtub-or-not" incident. Or maybe it was coke or somethin and not heroin, I forgot. Shame on me. Yeah, it is their last show ever so I probably have no chance at all for the rest of my life to see them perform. What a pity. Or maybe they'll be stupid and have a reunion tour again, even if they did say it was their last show ever.
Um still got more to say about random crap, but am hungry and have to do neverwork and you're probably bored anyway.
Tuesday, April 20
Pretty interesting day. Learned that hotdogs were made from leftover cow parts that weren't the steak and beef and such in history, had no idea what the hell was going on in algebra, and Katrina was goin on about her lip or whatever and if you pulled it would it stretch on forever or just rip off. The teacher had to help me with my work, and he was like, "What's the square root of 4?", and I'm like, "16". Well excuse me for mishearing it and thinking he asked me what's 4 squared.
Lunch was crazy. Ferris's nasty big black penis and the emo mosh pit. Haha Brittany's idea, "DON'T SLIP AND DIE ON THE TEARS!" Molly ate most of my fries so I was hungry the rest of the time and all during bio. And after bio I practically ran to the cafeteria to the vending machines my appetite is that important to me. In lit while opening the bag of chips I guess I bothered some people with the crackling noise. Damn foil it makes too much noise and gets all greasy and shit from your fingers which got greasy from the chips.
Oh no the demon lady says bed time, how lame is that?

take the butt quiz.
and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts?
hahahahaha what the fuck

take the taboo quiz.
and go to nothing is taboo there.
They call that a social taboo?

::grumblegrumble:: *gnaw on Robitussin bottle*
What pisses you off?
Created by ptocheia
Monday, April 19
Today Dillon jokingly said I smelled like weed. I wonder where that came from =/
Had too many nachos, now I can't eat dinner.
Bored so I'll take you on another walkthrough of another one of my crappy days:
First block - health. Ew. The teacher assigned my seat behind Leah, in the corner by the window. She always makes herself look like a fool, what an odd one she is. But who am I to say that, I'm as bizarre as bizarre can be. We watched When a Man Loves a Woman, a Meg Ryan movie whom she's an alocholic, hence health class. Sheesh I saw that movie already and it kinda bored me, not one of my most favorite romances. Oh god you know those hot jeans with the big ass belt attached to them? Well I was sittin my ass down real low on the chair and when I moved to get more comfortable the leather rubbed against the plastic chair and made a fart sound and that was embarassing haha I hope no one thought it was a real one or anything. It happened twice haha damn pants.
Ummm second block, boring as usual. Just sat there half the class looking around and listening to Led Zeppelin. Rich was like, "GET BACK TO WORK!", and I'm like, "No." Haha whatever.
I SWEAR Mr. Rosenberg has an identical twin. Back in Copeland the teachers talked about him a lot. And his identical twin. And now people are telling me he does have a twin, the other Mr. Rosenberg, and they look nothing alike. What the fuck?? Maybe it's the toxic fumes coming from the Copeland Pond that made me think the wrong thing.
FRENCH. EW. BORING. Very surprised I actually listened to the teacher's lesson today. Then after lunch for about 15 minutes or so played with a dollar bill the whole time. Yes, it was a frog, a square, a coke straw, a long coke straw, a chinese hat, and half an airplane.
Lunch, paid a dollar for a shitty warm, tasteless, stale bagel. Couldn't stand the first bite it was so shitty. Can't believe Cathleen actually accepted my offer of taking it. Yeah there were a lot of hookers outside, wearing their so-called "skirts" that barely cover their asses and walking around on the asphalt barefoot. Jeez the doors looked like the entrance to a whore house.
Uhhh didn't do anything in metalshop again, except taking another 10 minute bathroom break. Talked to Karla, blah blah Corey's an asshole and can suck Michael Bolton's dick for all I care, blah blah blah.
And I still own Kane as My White Guy.
Saturday, April 17
My cousin is one kick ass rabbit owner:
MZLELI87: & the bunny i have is either simba or furniture
WhipItGOOD05: there's a bunny named furniture?
MZLELI87: yes
Haha I don't know what the point of that was. I wanna go do something =/ No one has called, probably cuz they all know I'm grounded. Well they should at least call to just talk, sheesh.
Made more cookies today, with sprinkles, they tasted fucking good. Other than that, cleaned and watched tv. The only time I ever walked outta the house since Wednesday was to get the mail. How progressive and social.
Wow it's really hot today, I don't even wanna think about what the sluts in school are gonna wear on Monday. Heard it's supposed to be 85 or something.
Friday, April 16
Hmmm nothing to talk about really. Today, cleaned and waxed my mom's goddamn Nissan Maxima all by myself. How fun. Reminds me of that Karate Kid thing, wax on, wax off. I saw the second one so many times I can't even stand thinking about it. Hilary Swank having hissyfits and aggravating Mr. Miyagi and the bowling monks, sheesh.
Baked cookies that tasted like shit. Thanks to my mom telling me to leave them in the oven for too long. They weren't even circles. Damn it how is someone supposed to make cookies when a 45 year old red haired asian with bulging eyes is eating potato chips and laughing and yelling at you over your shoulder? Fuck she didn't even buy the sprinkles for the sugar cookies, so they were just plain and bitter cuz of the burnt-ness. One looked like diarrhea cuz my mom just plopped a bunch of the dough onto the cookie sheet. I don't know why she didn't even bother to fix it. Thanks goodness I didn't have to eat that one.
Yeah, that's the only thing that was the least bit worth writing about that happened yesterday.
Oh my report card came, I failed bio, haha. Got a 95 in metalshop. Which is really surprising, since I've only finished one project in the entire 3rd quarter anyway.
I wonder if I'm still grounded. Lauren's been aching me to try to get myself not grounded so we could hang out sometime. And I've been aching to go see a Knife the Glitter show, even if I don't know any dates, just for the hell of seeing a Knife the Glitter show. It's just some random feeling that's been aching me.
Exceptionally hungry right now. NARF!
Thursday, April 15

Which David Bowie are you?
how nice
haha damn i suck
Now this really pisses me off:
Wednesday, April 14
Break is boring, just as I had expected. But not as boring as I really did expect. Today we went with Jeannie to Bridgewater Commons, cuz I had a gift certificate from my dad's friend on Christmas that was $20 for any store in that mall. We went through the entire crappy mall, and there was nothing that was really reasonable to use the certificate for. Could you believe there was no fucking FYE? The crappy Sam Goody didn't have the Strokes album NOR the Deep Purple album I wanted. So I decided to get this kick ass denim Sergio Valente designer jacket. It originally cost 128, clearanced to 98, further clearanced to 44, and further money off with the certificate to 22. Haha what a bargain.
Yeah that's like the only good thing that happened all break. Yes, my life is that much of bullshit. I've been aching to go see a Knife the Glitter show, but I think I'm still grounded. Fun.
Feel like baking cookies all of a sudden. =/
Sunday, April 11
New background, Jim Morrison! Yeah it's not David Bowie, whom this page is named after, but oh well.
Friday, April 9
Very bored at the moment. Everyone's out on a Friday night doin their thing while I'm at home grounded. Not cool. And there's like, 4 people who are availabe to talk to online. FOUR. That's how great this Friday is for everyone. Except me. For shame! Lots of folks call me stupid for constantly getting myself grounded, and now I'm starting to call myself stupid. More than usual, that is.
Hm tomorrow I gotta go to another one of those fuck ass parties at my dad's friend's place. Yeah the place with the drunks and the Heineken and the karaoke and the billiards. I think we're gonna stay really late again. Okay I hate cell phones and phones and payphones and that shit, but these are probably the only times I actually do want one. It wouldn't hurt to talk to someone for a few hours while my parents douge themselves in cigarette smoke.
Thursday, April 8

How dumb are you?
A Rum and Monkey stupidity.
Looks like my man Prince is in some shit right now:
PRINCE SUED: A Minnesota college student is suing Prince, alleging that the rock star's bodyguard assaulted him just for snapping a photo. Apparently, when Prince got off a flight at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Dec. 29, the shutterbug's approach was met with a "threatening" rebuff by Prince's handler. Natch, this left the guy "stunned and humiliated," anxious and unable to sleep, and, apparently, badly strapped for cash. - Courtesy of
I think the assaulting thing just for taking a picture is crap, but the second reason is pretty dumb. Wow the dude can't sleep cuz of a bodyguard threatened him? Hahaha I'm assuming he's a queer? Sorry, that was rude.
Tvguide obviously isn't the greatest source for music events and shit, but I just went there to plan out my boring-life-night-ritual and stumbled upon the headline.
Wednesday, April 7
 in the age of greed, you dominated it all. you had the attitude, the money, and oh yes, the clothes. how easy can it be to look red-hot in white jeans?, about as easy as solving the rubik�s cube. still, you acomplished this great feat and didn�t even get your member�s only jacket dirty. |

what kind of junkie are you?
This is quiz is stupid, don't take it.

Say Anything...
What John Cusack Movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Dammit why don't the images from Quizilla ever work anymore?
Don't you hate it when people bother you when you're talking to someone? I was talking to Eric and Leah suddenly comes to me from behind with a box of matzah crackers and says, "LOOK AT MY MATZAH! DO YOU WANT SOME MATZAH?!?!" And in my head I was like, what the fuck???
Other than that, today wasn't bad I guess. In 4th block Karla and I wanted to get away from some asshole in our class so we told Mr. Stead that we had to ask Miss Williams something for lit class and perhaps maybe work on something (and this is all bullshit by the way so we could walk around the school). So he let us go. After finding out Miss Williams wasn't in her usual room, Karla wanted to go one way and I wanted to go to the other to visit people in their boring ass classes, so we agreed to meet at the doors at the BOTTOM of the stairs where the library was. I didn't hear it all and thought that we were supposed to meet at the actual library doors that were UPSTAIRS. Haha so we lost each other and ended up looking for her all over the place. I probably walked around the whole goddamn school for like 5 times til I finally saw her coming. Damn was that a relief, cuz it would be a shame to go back to class without her and having to make up some excuse for it.
And you know what the odd thing is? Mr. Merle and some other guy was talking to a hall monitor in the hallway, the same place where I probably walked past 5 times, and not a single time did they ask me for a pass (which Karla had). There's no fucking point to having hall passes. Sheesh.
Monday, April 5
My new shirt came in the mail today. Damn is it hot!
Today wasn't bad. Our last and final gym class of the year was pretty good, cuz I didn't do anything at all. We played that stupid ass game when everyone gets in groups of three and lie down on the floor and it's kinda like tag or something I don't feel like describing it to you cuz you don't give a damn. I only had to get up once, and in my mind I panicked and slid down in the nearest group immediately after I had to get up, and burned my knee on the rocky/pebbley, dusty floor =/
Dammit some fucking idiot put on fucking wigger music during art. I was too busy working my ass off and concentrating on trying to draw a grid over a picture for my drawing of my retarded child self to put on my headpghones. Yeah that super shitty kind with a guy rapping or singing or some shit along with some bitchy bitch's high pitched voice in it too. Talk about brain tumors or what? Now it's fucking stuck in my fucking asian head and it fucking sucks!
Didn't go to the nurse til the end of art class so I could miss part of french class. Why? Well for the hell of missing french class. Walked with Angelica, she left, then Kane went up to me and said, "Good game!" I'm like, "What game?" He's like, "That was a good game!" And I'm like, "What game??" Yeah, it went on for a while til the other Eric came and he started wondering too. After all that, I still have no idea what he was talking about.
Leah was yelling my name in the background which I ignored, due to trying to find out what Kane was talking about. But she just spoke to me a second ago already. What the hell did she want then?
Lol at the nurse the guy whom Molly and I call Sexy Dave was there. Got my knee bandaged up and shit.
Met up with Angelica again and walked her to her gym class, saw Amy there.
Talked to Kane again and Jeremy and Sarah, who were having lunch. Lucky A lunch bastards. Jeremy chewed up my pass and I was like NO I GET KICKED OUT OF FRENCH IF I GET ONE MORE ABSENCE! So he spat it out. Thank God it was dry enough to still be usable. Then he said, "Whatever I lick I own." Then Kane licked my jeans, and Jeremy says, "Haha you own an asian!" I should've licked his sweater and said, "Haha I own an Irish lesbian!" And Jeremy started talking about Vietnamese people eating babies or something. THEN I finally went to class.
Turned out that we weren't going to take the test right away, and were gonna watch Shrek. Yup you guessed it, in french. I hate that goddamn movie, exept for the gingerbread man, he kicked ass.
The test wasn't hard, just had to actually bury out some extra knowledge this time.
Lunch was pretty cool, Brittany was her usual weirdo self again.
I was totally bored in metalshop, out of the feeling of not wanting to do anything. Which I never do anything in the first place. Spent like an hour picking pieces of wax off various objects and melting them in the pot. Hey it's really fun you know!
Some moron reminded me that today is Kurt Cobain's death day, which is something that SHOULD NOT BE CELEBRATED.
Sunday, April 4
Ah, the fundamentals of doing homework well late into the night. I'm failing bio and possibly algebra, and am deathly afraid if the folks get the report card from the mail before I do. How long will the bruises last this time? It even hurts to think. I am supposedly studying now, but the shit is so boring my brain doesn't even have the itty bitty heart to take it in. Some ritalin may help.
I bet school tomorrow's gonna suck. Crappy weather and a B day. Last day of the marking period, last day of gym yay! Well sort of, since these last few games we've been playing are pretty fun; I hate to admit. Learning about health will be boring as fuck. The urinary system disposes of bodily wastes and consists of salt, water, ammonia, and other numerous chemicals. DON'T DO DRUGS. Millions of people suffer from lung cancer and brain damage every day from past drug use. Over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol will help reduce pain. Skin cancer can be caused by excessive exposure to the sun. Genital herpes is not curable, but there is treatment for it. Condoms reduce the risk of sexually transmitted dieseases, such as HIV and AIDS. The respiratory system is made up of the lungs, trachea, and other related organs and body parts. The endocrine system- ah who gives a fuck I know enough about health already! Hope you enjoyed my all-in-one health course right there.
I still don't wanna study, so I'll make a list of movies that I must see in the near future:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Better Off Dead
3. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
4. the From Dusk til Dawn series
5. Footloose (YES AGAIN)
6. Serendipity
7. Reservoir Dogs
8. Fight Club
9. Spinal Tap
10. Wonderland
11. Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Can't think of anymore at the moment, but since I am extremely bored, I will probably list some more later tonight. Or make some other insanely useless list, like Rob Gordon does.
Hmmm I got some Pink Floyd stuck in my head, now it's impossible to get anything done. And still, no one is talking on AIM. No one is talking to me that is. Am I that much of a loser?
Today was so boring, just ate and sat in front of this piece of shit you call a computer all day. And studying for those 3 upcoming bullshit tests, which I could care less about.
Wait, my dad came home with these kick ass new speakers and subwoofer for me! The old ones were starting to get burnt out and a piece of the plug broke off, so they were pretty jacked up. Not to mention I've only had those for about 2 or 3 or 4 years. I kept knocking them over too they were so light. Yup, they were cheap pieces of shit alright. These new ones kick ass, they actually weigh more than a pound and have these metal stands and a remote and spiffy subwoofer and stuff.
Wow that was a long paragraph, all about speakers! How pathetic.
Anywayz that's enough for my little temper tantrum right there. Last night I watched Once Upon a Time in Mexico. I know this is a stupid ass cliche, but Johnny Depp really really does kick ass. And the thing is, I've loved Johnny Depp BEFORE Pirates of the Caribbean ever came out. So nyah!
Yeah that last thing was dumb. But I won't delete it, just to fill up this page.
Friday, April 2
Why did I create three new screen names and haven't used any one of them yet? If you see one of these names online sometime, it'll most likely be Christina:
And what does that third one mean if you haven't guessed already? IM it to find out.
Hmmm, today was a spiffy day. I'm in a writey mood at the moment, so I'll drone on and on about today.
First block Mr. Finkie (hahaha Vi's term) was absent due to some emergence I guess so we had a sub. Then I went on one of my 20 minute "bathroom" breaks. Visited Brittany and Jeannie in one art room, and Laura and Eric in the other. It so obviously took me a long time to get back to class, and no one said anything. Haha.
Uhhh second seats new groups....both pretty decent. Dominique is funny, he walked in front of Katrina at her desk and squeezed his ass on purpose XD LOL
Lunch was cool, hung out with the kids and yet again my asianness was made fun of haha. Eric called me a crazy asian again, dammit being asian sucks. And how many times have I said that to myself already?
Third block was the same as usual, crazy. Jeremy stabbed me with a safetypin =/ And that video about the pregnancy and birth and shit. Oh god that was probably THE only thing I have ever looked away at and cringed in horrific agony. That's it, no kids for me. Yeah, you guessed it. Jeremy went on about how happy he had a penis again and pissing me off thanks a lot!
Fourth block. Boring. The guiltiness was comin on cuz we worked in partners to answer this packet of questions on Great Expectations and Lauren answered most of them without my useless help. Cuz I was hungry and took another "bathroom" break and went to buy food. Then she wrote stuff all over my lit book that I didn't want there, which I later put my fingers on to pick up the book, and ending up with graphite shit all over my fingers from crossing everything out with MY OWN PENCIL. Talk about dumbass.
Thursday, April 1
Ok here's some stuff I just typed in my
livejournal. Why was it typed there first? Beats me. in metalshop I was doing sissy work and making rings. Yeah with the alcohol lamp and wax and shit. I got bored and was playing with the flame on the alcohol lamp and noticed a paper towel on the table. Suddenly a light bulb went on above my head. I ripped a piece of the paper towel off, rolled it up, lit the end, and made a joint. Yeah there isn't anything in it, but it really looked like a genuine marijuana smoke. Shawn told me to smoke it, and it worked! Or at least smoke blew out of it and looked like a real joint. XD I was laughing my ass off even though it was only a rolled up piece of paper towel with the end lit up.
Then a loser copied me and started trying to make his own and ruined the whole idea.
Wow, what a day. But not online though, NO ONE'S TALKING. I'm kind of in the mood to write, but I don't feel like writing. Haha what the hell?