Monday, April 5
My new shirt came in the mail today. Damn is it hot!
Today wasn't bad. Our last and final gym class of the year was pretty good, cuz I didn't do anything at all. We played that stupid ass game when everyone gets in groups of three and lie down on the floor and it's kinda like tag or something I don't feel like describing it to you cuz you don't give a damn. I only had to get up once, and in my mind I panicked and slid down in the nearest group immediately after I had to get up, and burned my knee on the rocky/pebbley, dusty floor =/
Dammit some fucking idiot put on fucking wigger music during art. I was too busy working my ass off and concentrating on trying to draw a grid over a picture for my drawing of my retarded child self to put on my headpghones. Yeah that super shitty kind with a guy rapping or singing or some shit along with some bitchy bitch's high pitched voice in it too. Talk about brain tumors or what? Now it's fucking stuck in my fucking asian head and it fucking sucks!
Didn't go to the nurse til the end of art class so I could miss part of french class. Why? Well for the hell of missing french class. Walked with Angelica, she left, then Kane went up to me and said, "Good game!" I'm like, "What game?" He's like, "That was a good game!" And I'm like, "What game??" Yeah, it went on for a while til the other Eric came and he started wondering too. After all that, I still have no idea what he was talking about.
Leah was yelling my name in the background which I ignored, due to trying to find out what Kane was talking about. But she just spoke to me a second ago already. What the hell did she want then?
Lol at the nurse the guy whom Molly and I call Sexy Dave was there. Got my knee bandaged up and shit.
Met up with Angelica again and walked her to her gym class, saw Amy there.
Talked to Kane again and Jeremy and Sarah, who were having lunch. Lucky A lunch bastards. Jeremy chewed up my pass and I was like NO I GET KICKED OUT OF FRENCH IF I GET ONE MORE ABSENCE! So he spat it out. Thank God it was dry enough to still be usable. Then he said, "Whatever I lick I own." Then Kane licked my jeans, and Jeremy says, "Haha you own an asian!" I should've licked his sweater and said, "Haha I own an Irish lesbian!" And Jeremy started talking about Vietnamese people eating babies or something. THEN I finally went to class.
Turned out that we weren't going to take the test right away, and were gonna watch Shrek. Yup you guessed it, in french. I hate that goddamn movie, exept for the gingerbread man, he kicked ass.
The test wasn't hard, just had to actually bury out some extra knowledge this time.
Lunch was pretty cool, Brittany was her usual weirdo self again.
I was totally bored in metalshop, out of the feeling of not wanting to do anything. Which I never do anything in the first place. Spent like an hour picking pieces of wax off various objects and melting them in the pot. Hey it's really fun you know!
Some moron reminded me that today is Kurt Cobain's death day, which is something that SHOULD NOT BE CELEBRATED.