Friday, April 9
Very bored at the moment. Everyone's out on a Friday night doin their thing while I'm at home grounded. Not cool. And there's like, 4 people who are availabe to talk to online. FOUR. That's how great this Friday is for everyone. Except me. For shame! Lots of folks call me stupid for constantly getting myself grounded, and now I'm starting to call myself stupid. More than usual, that is.

Hm tomorrow I gotta go to another one of those fuck ass parties at my dad's friend's place. Yeah the place with the drunks and the Heineken and the karaoke and the billiards. I think we're gonna stay really late again. Okay I hate cell phones and phones and payphones and that shit, but these are probably the only times I actually do want one. It wouldn't hurt to talk to someone for a few hours while my parents douge themselves in cigarette smoke.

Christina N. @ 10:35 PM