Saturday, November 30
Well actually it's a little late.....but oh well the music's pretty loud still. They're all my parents' friends. And not surprisingly they bought my sis's boyfriend. I think he's uhhh six now? Anywayz the karaoke is so loud I can feel the floor vibrating! @_@ It's especially freaky when they all start singing in unison like Irish guys who put chili in their beer XD . Lol it's pretty funny, too bad they don't do that often enough.
I'M HUNGRY!!!!! Again...too afraid to go downstairs where all the food is cuz, well, you know. My mom just HAD to bring all da bread downstairs...leavin nothin up here! #_# These cheesecake is crappy and I have no more Pepsi Twist!!!!!!!!
Inu Yasha time!! ^____^
Arrgghh....blogger's bein' an ass and not changing the layout fast enough.... #_#
Friday, November 29
BORING ass day....didn't do shit. As usual. Mom went food shopping for our party tomorrow...called Jen. Talked about how strange it is whenever Antoinette likes or is goin out with a guy they ALWAYS get a haircut. Hahahaha she probably jinxed herself or something....So then Jen had to go. So I called Ilona. The first time the line was busy cuz Jen called her that I was gonna call her. Lol so the second time I got through. We didn't talk much cuz then she had to go to someone's house or something. Sheesh I have such bad luck with phones. At first EVERY time I called the person wasn't home, and now they're home alright, but just can't talk for long. Only for like FIVE minutes! Sheesh why must I be tortured like this.....@_@
So hungry!!! ARGGHHH SO HUNGRY!!!!! I only had soup for lunch today and cereal for snack!!!!! #_# Lol I know, I have the strangest things for snack. Once I had steak for snack. XD
Thursday, November 28
FOUR HOURS AND NINE MINUTES ONLINE!!!!! Still didn't beat the record......DAMMIT!

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?
What a dumb quiz.

You got Freddy!!
You're dirty,smelly,rape children,
and you have a thing for ripping
people apart in thier own dreams
You're after the children of the parents that killed you years ago.
You feed off fear.
In the end only one thing can be said
for anyone you're after....
9-10 never sleep again!
What Horror Movie Villian am I?
Hahahaha awesome!! Well except for the raping children part....that's just sick.
Hahahahaha check out this hella funny conversation with me and Amy just now:
NirvanaInsanity0: sorry aim caused an error
NirvanaInsanity0: stupid piece of shit
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
Furiousdragon87: its a piece of crap
Furiousdragon87: i hate it
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: but everyone has it
NirvanaInsanity0: that's the only way we could talk to them
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: dumbasses
NirvanaInsanity0: they don't know what's good
Furiousdragon87: well there is always yahoo
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah but not as many people have it
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
Furiousdragon87: i don't really use it either
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah it's ok
NirvanaInsanity0: but kinda annoying
Furiousdragon87: i guess
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm so bored
Furiousdragon87: me too
NirvanaInsanity0: isn't it SOO obvious krupa likes dan
NirvanaInsanity0: why won't she admit it
NirvanaInsanity0: to save all our complaining
Furiousdragon87: see does
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah i'll show you on monday
NirvanaInsanity0: we'll make some jokes and she will totally freak
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: that would be soooo funny
NirvanaInsanity0: i know
NirvanaInsanity0: works everytime
NirvanaInsanity0: trust me
Furiousdragon87: she'll go phyco
Furiousdragon87: phsyco
NirvanaInsanity0: psycho
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: she'd scream at me
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha but she can't hurt me
Furiousdragon87: damn i suck at typing
Furiousdragon87: i know
Furiousdragon87: its so funny
NirvanaInsanity0: i know once monica was standing behind her and was waving a banana across her head without her knowing
NirvanaInsanity0: it was hella funny!
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: hahahahaha
Furiousdragon87: brb
NirvanaInsanity0: ok
Furiousdragon87: Iok i'm back
NirvanaInsanity0: welcome back
NirvanaInsanity0: why weren't you in school yesterday
NirvanaInsanity0: you thought it was a snow day?
Furiousdragon87: no
Furiousdragon87: i didn't want to go
NirvanaInsanity0: ooohh
NirvanaInsanity0: good excuse
Furiousdragon87: so i lied and said i was sick
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: my dad is a sucker
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: it works every time
NirvanaInsanity0: my folks too
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: nnenna and ilona made up their own country
NirvanaInsanity0: called czechoslorussia
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm the mafia chief
NirvanaInsanity0: the capital is lamas, for lamas classes
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: LOL
Furiousdragon87: LOL
NirvanaInsanity0: you know what lamas classes are right
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: LOL
Furiousdragon87: she said i was the first to know what it ment
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: when she kept askin people
NirvanaInsanity0: i knew that term for a long time
Furiousdragon87: me too
NirvanaInsanity0: i learned it from watching the fresh prince of bel air
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and i said LET'S TAKE OVER GERMANY!
NirvanaInsanity0: and everyone started yelling YEAH!!!! and clapping
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahhaa
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: hahahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: and burn hitler's grave
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahahaa
Furiousdragon87: hahah
Furiousdragon87: hahahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: burn it til it turns into fine ash
NirvanaInsanity0: then put it in an envelope and mail it to saddam hussein
NirvanaInsanity0: and they'll think it's anthrax
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahahaha
Furiousdragon87: hahahahahahaha
Furiousdragon87: :-D
NirvanaInsanity0: =D
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm so smart
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: yeah it must be great
NirvanaInsanity0: then we'll make all the little german kids wear laderhosen to school
NirvanaInsanity0: and their national anthem to be that yodel for the yahoo commercials
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and after germany we'll take on italy
Furiousdragon87: a then all of Europe
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahhaa
NirvanaInsanity0: and after all of europe we'll take on the rest of russia
Furiousdragon87: yay!
NirvanaInsanity0: YEAH!
Furiousdragon87: then the whole world
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: then off to afghanistan
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: kick all the al queda ass outta there
NirvanaInsanity0: and promote peace afghanistan-wide!
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahha
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: slash all their heads off with buzzsaws
NirvanaInsanity0: and everyone in the army gets brass knuckles
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and it'll be the law to take at least one shower per week
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaa
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: then we'll take over iraq
NirvanaInsanity0: i'll come to saddam's palace personally and punch him in the face with brass knuckles that say ass fucker
NirvanaInsanity0: so it'll say that on his face
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: LOL
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lmao!
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha i'm on a roll!
NirvanaInsanity0: then we'll take over china
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and then all the rest of the little asian countries will be easy cuz we got the powerful countries
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: yup
Furiousdragon87: but when do we get the usa
NirvanaInsanity0: that'll be last
NirvanaInsanity0: no wait
NirvanaInsanity0: after all of asia we split the army into half
NirvanaInsanity0: no wait
Furiousdragon87: who cammand the other half
NirvanaInsanity0: after all of asia we got one hell of a big ass army
NirvanaInsanity0: split that into half
NirvanaInsanity0: one half invades the u.s.
NirvanaInsanity0: the other is split in half again and invades canada and south america so the americans have nowhere to run
Furiousdragon87: but who will lead the attack
NirvanaInsanity0: hmmm....
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: YOU
NirvanaInsanity0: you got a mind that's cynical enough
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: you take over south america and canada while i work on america
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: HAHAHAHA
Furiousdragon87: LOL
Furiousdragon87: HAHAHAHA
NirvanaInsanity0: their throats
NirvanaInsanity0: HAHAHAHAHA
Furiousdragon87: i'll suff sward threw there head and stick daggers in there knees
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: it'll be awsome
NirvanaInsanity0: flick their eyes out with a spoon and use them as ping pong balls
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: hahha
NirvanaInsanity0: what an interesting conversation
Furiousdragon87: then we could have a ping pong tournament
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: lol i found a quiz that's called "what fucked version of hello kitty are you?"
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: can you send it to me
Furiousdragon87: i want to see it
NirvanaInsanity0: ok
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: ok
Furiousdragon87: brb
NirvanaInsanity0: ok
Furiousdragon87: i took the quiz
Furiousdragon87: its pretty funny
NirvanaInsanity0: hahah what'd you get
NirvanaInsanity0: i got weed smoker
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: i got hellraiser
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: i'm compltly fucked
Furiousdragon87: completely fucked
Furiousdragon87: thats awsome
Furiousdragon87: i you know the question where it asked you if you had a boyfriend
Furiousdragon87: i said if i did i would sacrifice them
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: go amy!
Furiousdragon87: yeah it said i'm the king of darkness and evil
Furiousdragon87: that rules
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah KICK ASS
Furiousdragon87: yeah
Furiousdragon87: i'm gonna see what else you can get
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: huh?
NirvanaInsanity0: nvm
Furiousdragon87: um ok
NirvanaInsanity0: all this soda is goin to my head
Furiousdragon87: yeah too much caffeine
Furiousdragon87: but i always say the more the batter
Furiousdragon87: bettter
Furiousdragon87: better
NirvanaInsanity0: hehe yeah
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: CAFFEINE RULES!
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha the substitute to ALCOHOL
Furiousdragon87: yeah
Furiousdragon87: its alcohol for minors
NirvanaInsanity0: yup
NirvanaInsanity0: for those who just arent' old enough
Furiousdragon87: yeah
Furiousdragon87: but my dad sucks
NirvanaInsanity0: why
Furiousdragon87: he buys caffeine free shit
Furiousdragon87: it sucks
NirvanaInsanity0: what an ass
Furiousdragon87: it takes away the reason for drinking soda
NirvanaInsanity0: i know what kind of an asshole actually enjoys it
Furiousdragon87: I wish i had caffeine
NirvanaInsanity0: well actually the kind i'm drinking has no caffeine either
NirvanaInsanity0: :-(
NirvanaInsanity0: tastes like crap
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
NirvanaInsanity0: but it's either that or water
Furiousdragon87: it makes me so sad :'(
NirvanaInsanity0: or beer
Furiousdragon87: TAKE THE BEER!
NirvanaInsanity0: lol i can't
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: grown ups are too greedy
Furiousdragon87: bastards!
NirvanaInsanity0: haha
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm so bored
Furiousdragon87: me too
NirvanaInsanity0: oh did you check out my blog yet
Furiousdragon87: huh?
NirvanaInsanity0: online journal
Furiousdragon87: oh
Furiousdragon87: i gotta go byebye
Furiousdragon87 signed off at 10:24:29 PM.
I'm so bored I had nothing better to do than post this strange conversation.....

You could feed a 3rd world child for a year with the cost of those pants, ya know.
What pisses you off?
Created by ptocheia
I'm not even sure who ravers are anyway....

Which Sailor Scout are you?

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What's your Inner Anime Protagonist?
brought to you by Quizilla
I don't know her....

What kind of anime fan are you!?!?!?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hehehehe cool!
Still at the party....and they're starting to sing with's really really loud.....they're in the basement, and I'm two stories up on the bedroom floor. I can hear the singing clear as a bell. Lol they sound so gay.....
Been online for what, two and a half hours so far? Maybe three.......Anywayz I'm gonna try and beat that record from last time, I think it was 4 hours and 56 minutes??

what fucked version of hello kittie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
IT'S THANKSGIVING AND IT SUCKS!!!!!!!! I knew this party would suck. For me that is. There's nothing but grown ups. Old people, women who talk about their annoying-ass kids, annoying-ass kids who bother the shit out of you and pull your beautiful black hair, and ten or so guys who're waiting for the elders to leave so they can get drunk and sing karaoke in slurred Vietnamese. And guess what. There's NO ONE around my age. Why must there NEVER be anyone THIRTEEN. Or twelve. Or eleven. Or fourteen. Or fifteen. Or at least TEN. But NO, there are only stupid ass PRESCHOOLERS. Kids around that age. THE most worst age there could be. THE worst. It's not that hard to invite a few people my age so I don't have to sit my fuckin ass down on this chair all day just waiting for people my age to be online.
The food sucks too. The turkey is dry. The mashed potatoes have lumps in them. The stuffing looks scary. The eggrolls have no flavor. And there's nothing to drink except water, beer, or CAFFEINE-FREE coke. Who the hell likes diet coke?? Fat people who think they're thin, that's who. Stupid fat ass people who think they're thin as a stick. Hahahahaha I hate those people, you make fun of them and all and they go bragging about how "thin" they think they are.
Lol lemme tell you about this one time when a fat girl almost made 3 or 4 people fall over. It was last quarter and I was still in spanish class. There was an awesome adventures class right outside our window playing that game when there's three small wooden islands, two about 4 by 4 feet and one about 2 by 2 I think and there's two planks, one long one and a shorter one. Everyone starts out on one big island and they gotta get across with the plank onto the small island and then to the big island, one person at a time obviously. Ok so there was this fat girl about to jump off the plank and onto the other island and the other three that were left and to stand on the end so she could jump off. And when she jumped off she flipped the plank and the other three all almost fell off the island. LOL!!! ONE person making THREE almost fall. LOL!!! I know, I know, if you don't get this it's probably because I'm a horrible story teller. Well, TOO BAD.
Hahahaha did you ever hear a song by The Ramones called "The KKK Took My Baby Away"? Hahahaha what a funny name for a song. But it's a damn good song! It was stuck in my head all day and it FINALLY got out. Hahahaha the KKK took my baby away! :p
Wednesday, November 27
Hehe Yellow's cool!
which musicgenre fits to you?
Hahahahahahaha YEAH!!!!
which song describes you the best?
Heeeeey is that a diss?

Which Gundam Wing Pilot Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hehehe awesome!
Monday, November 25
HOWCOME NO ONE'S EVER ONLINE?!?!?!?!?! Well there are a few but they GOT THEIR AWAY MESSAGES UP!!! @_@ No one to talk to!!!!! Well except for like TWO people.....and sometimes even just ONE. And I got 102 buddies on my buddy list.....sheesh! Where the fuck is everyone?!?!
Today was pretty good I guess....watched part of Band of Brothers in history class....made a new friend in science class....made another new friend in awesome adventures.....and lost my really really really expensive diamond ring. What a GREAT day! -_-' Well that was the only bad thing. It was the one with all those little diamonds on it. Don't worry, they weren't real but the gold was. #_# We were doing that walk when you hold hands and walk around the woods blindfolded and it slipped off my goddamn finger and into the many many many leaves on ground. And just like I predicted.....we didn't find it.
Mom's home, gotta go.
Saturday, November 23
Watched tv for SIX straight hours yesterday.....right from 1:00 when I got home from school to 7:00 after I finished dinner. @_@ And today I actually did something. I CLEANED! WOW!!! What a life I have......
Thanksgiving is almost here! We're having a party.....all my parents' friends...... :( Them and they're stupid getting drunk on Heineken and singing karaoke.....ALL DAY AND NIGHT! I should ask if I could invite some of my friends. Or at least one! I bet my mom would say no, she always does. I mean, COME ON. She's gonna be having fun all day with like TWENTY of her friends and I'll have NONE. And the stupid bitch sister has her stupid boyfriend. I have NO ONE. What kinda party would that be?? A fucking ass boring one.
Sometimes grown up parties are SO boring I'd rather be at school where my friends are and I can diss people all I want. Even if there are drunk guys singing like fags at our parties I get bored of laughing at their stupidity.
Thursday, November 21
LOL!!!!! Today the lunch special was nachos with meat and cheese......looked more like yellow shit to me.....eeeewwwww.......Well near the end Ann took a fork and put it on the table and chairs for the seventh graders to sit on. Hahahaha it looked so nasty! Too bad I didn't stick around to see how they it woulda been hella ass funny!
Don't feel like typin' anymore.....
Wednesday, November 20
What a pretty day today was! The sun was shining, the leaves are orange and red, the lake was glittering, OH HOW PRETTY!!!! Ok I'm scaring myself now.....
Was almost late for school today! #_# I was dreamin' and it made me sleep deeper so I couldn't wake up. ALARM CLOCKS SUCK!!! Sometimes the damned thing won't even wake me up and when it does it rings spontaneously. What pieces of crap they are....
Average day I guess, surprised Mr. Stiles didn't yell at me for not writing my paragraph! Hehehehe.....I gotta write THREE more for Friday....sheesh how many descriptions is he gonna make us write??!?! #_#
Started playing volleyball today in gym. It's pretty fun! ^____^ I used to play it a hell of a lot back when I was kid.....without an actual net. Hahahaha we just played with an imaginary one....parents wouldn't buy one. And plus there's no flat ground on this damn hill. Anywayz I'm on the last team (I mean last number) AGAIN. Jeez don't I ever get to be on team one or two or something?? NO, it's always FOUR or FIVE. Stupid bad luck.....
Took another two hour nap today after school! Damn it feels good! Woke up at four. Still tired though....Then watched tv til five. Then did homework. Then ate dinner. Then finished homework. Washed dishes. Showered. And here I am now bein' bored as hell cuz NONE of my friends are online and I have like one HUNDRED. Where ARE they??? Same thing happened yesterday....where the fuck are they???? Probably makin' out or something....hahahahaha
Tuesday, November 19
Heheehhe so we all go home at 12:23!! ^____^ But, the stupid buses take so long just to leave the freakin school and plus the long ride and instead I get home at around 12:45 or 1:00. -_-' Service these days....
Watched tv from 1:00 to 2:00. Nothing to watch so I took a nice two hour nap! But when I woke up I was really sore....probably from those damned push ups I had to do TWO DAYS AGO. Jeez it hurts like hell!! #_# AND I got a stomach ache from which I'm guessing was those shitty french fries I bought at lunch today. I swear, I'm NEVER gonna buy that nasty shit they call food at the school cafeteria again. Except for the tator tots, those are yummy!
Didn't feel like doin' my lit homework...something about write a paragraph about some short story and three different ways of active reading??? Oh well at least I did my vocabulary hahahaha :p
In awesome adventures today, we did NOTHING. Some guys were playing with the volleyball equipment so Mr. Jackson as a punishment made us sit on the gym floor doing nothing the ENTIRE classtime. Well actually everyone was whispering and playing games with coins or tic tac toe on their shoes. Lol! For the first 15 minutes or 20 minutes or so I was just sittin there lookin at the clock til I kept almost falling asleep so I joined my friends playing those boring paper games. Damn that class is so fun but they just HAD to ruin it. I don't really care anywayz as long as there isn't any paperwork.
Math quiz tomorrow.....I think I'm ready, did the review sheet. Scale factors and proportions, HOW PATHETIC. We get quizzes EVERY WEEK. I wish it was like in elementary school where we only had tests at the end of the chapter instead of a quiz at the end of every SECTION. Sheesh! The good thing is that the teachers don't collect homework as much. More like barely! Sometimes they'd check if we have it and that's all. Hahahaha sometimes I just do enough on one side of the paper so it looks like I did it :p
Sunday, November 17
No wait, this is the last post for tonight. 4 hours, 52 minutes online. DAMN JUST 8 MORE MINUTES FOR THE RECORD!
4 hours, 40 minutes online. Last post for tonight. WOO HOO WE'RE GOIN' HOME!!! ^________^
4 hours 28 minutes online.
4 hours and 18 minutes. That's how long I've been online tonight. And being bored. What a record! I wonder if I could reach 5. Hahahaha....My neck hurts and my ass is numb from sitting too long. ARRRGHH I'M SO THIRSTY!!!! But I don't wanna use those nasty cups!! All smudgy and stuff....eeeeewww.......
Oh yeah, on Tuesday got yelled at for coming home and not staying after school for stupid Algebra Club....hahahaha I said I was hungry, can't believe it works. But still got yelled at. For going only two days a week instead of all three. Actually I NEVER go, I find other after school activities to do...hehehe ^_^ I mean really, who'd want to stay after school for an enter HOUR going over ONE homework assignment?? What good does that do?? Only to fill your head with a bunch of shit....I went on Thursday though, to keep my mom's mood steady. Who knows when another mood swing'll come. Hahahaha period! I think....she always spontaneously gets angry for some reason. :p
Gym's so fun! Well on Tuesday I got an unprepared on purpose. Didn't feel like doin' the sit-ups fitness test crap. The teacher said we still had to do it. -_-' Hahahaha I only did thirty.....I know I know, I suck. Who cares as long as you're not fat or anything i'm just fine.
Goddamn itchy shirt....all prickly wool! #_# Especially on my neck....By the time I get home I'll be one giant rash! I'm never gonna wear this sweater again, no matter how cool it looks.... @_@
At a stupid party now....been here for uhh....5 hours. Been on the computer for 3. -_-' SO BORED! 29 year old's birthday. He's really cool but still the party is boring for me. Kellog's got her stupid boyfriend, and my parents got all their drunk ass friends, karaoke, and more beer. And me? NOTHING. Well except for the tv and the computer. But this compy has no woofer, so I can't hear any music. :( There's nothing to watch now, no late night talk shows on weekends! NOOOO!!!!!! Missed new episode of South Park, the one where they go on a mystical quest to return The Lord of the Rings to the video rental store! Hahaha it looked so funny in the commercial. The one last week Cartman drank Kenny! Hahahahaha they cremated Kenny when he died and Cartman thought it was chocolate milk mix so he drank it all. Hahahaha what a dumbass....
DAMN I'M THIRSTY!!! There are no clean cups at this house.....nor is the water..... :( They should AT LEAST have paper cups....stuff that was never used before and is all clean... ARRGGHH NORE MORE SODA!!!! I MUST HAVE WATER!!!! #_#
Overall this week I think it was crappy. Nothing really bad happened, just boring and lame overall. Too much goddamn rain makin' my pants dirty. Humidty makin' my shirts smell. Hairspray bottle weighs as though it's starting to run out. Skipped some homework I think. Mom's been grumpy. (hahahaha probably period) Sister's bein a usual. Lots of guys getting haircuts and looking weird. Homeroom doesn't bring in canned food for the drive so we could get a pizza party. (homeroom with the most cans gets pizza party. so far we have 6, while others have SEVENTY) Oh yeah and literature test comin' up on Monday. Who cares.
My theory on politics. Or at least part of it. Ok, my family, or at least the grown ups, take politics really really seriously and are ALWAYS talking about it. Like at the dinner table or whenever we're hanging out or something. My mom's ALWAYS complaining about how much she wants to shove a stick of dynamite down the Democrats' throats. And my dad agreeing and crap. And my stupid ass bitch sister agreeing and cheering and shit. Everyday. Everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY. My mom even calls her parents in CALIFORNIA to talk (well actually complain about the Democrats and side with the Republicans) about politics. My mom loves to vote and is making my dad vote too. Yes, they take it that seriously. And to tell you the truth,
I'll say why when I feel like it.
Saturday, November 9
I'm never allowed to go anywhere!! -_-' And no one from school is ever online. -_-' And when I was watching Knockin' on Heaven's Door all of a sudden my monitor blacked out! STUPID PIECE OF SHIT! The sound was still playin and crap but the monitor JUST WOULDN'T WORK! So I had to pull the plug of the whole damn computer cuz I couldn't find the plug for the monitor itself. And then I turned the whole damn thing back on and wait for the anti virus/error thing finish its thing. Improper shutdown detected...yeah yeah that crap.
Oh yeah Jeannie and Branda came over yesterday. Didn't do much, Jeannie and I just played video games the whole time. It was pretty fun! Then Branda tripped on the wire of my controller.....sheesh -_-
Didn't do shit today....just stayed home and watched tv and video games. Ann called, made me call Tom to tell him to call her but then he wasn't home. So then I called Ann to tell her that he wasn't home. Then she decided to call Naw Naw (Nnenna, hahahaha) three-way, and while I was on call waiting something happened and the goddamn operator came on. I waited for her to shut up but then this really really really loud static or beep i forgot came on so I had to hang up. And Ann never called back. She never does anyway.
Thursday, November 7
Now you must be thinking what kind of a freak would wait four months just to download a movie. Well the program I used to download it from you can turn off your compy and not lose it and when you log back on it just continues ^____^ So I just left it there for what seemed to be about four months and when I checked it today it was DONE. Maybe it was five months.....I lost count sometime along the way.
Boring ass day.......spent most of the afternoon playing video games sitting on the floor and making my ass numb......then I got stuck at a part so I turned it off and decided to watch tv. You're probably wondering why I'm playing video games on a weekday.....cuz it's a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! Teacher's convention or something on Thursday and Friday. The bad part is.....I have too much homework...... :( And some other reasons I don't feel like typin right now..... -_-'
Tuesday, November 5
Have you ever loved someone so much almost to the point of crying??? Or to the point of crying?? And they're not a family member? How serious is too serious????
Just wondering........for some reason I've been thinking of really good theoretical/philosophical questions lately! Well that one's not philosophical but I'm still wondering anyway. Anywayz hehehe go me! Just gotta remember my other ones..... -_-'
Monday, November 4 pictures lately....gotta go take more of those quizzes and make this blog all purdy again! Later, that is.
Doin' homework now.....gotta find a newspaper article about anything that has to do with life science and summarize it including the questions on this paper. I don't feel like summarizing it AND answering the questions that have to ALSO be included in the summary. Maybe I should skip this whole assignment. I have a good grade so far anyway and this is just ONE zero I think, or maybe my second. But the other one is just a missing homework. No biggie! Hahahaha plus the quarter ends on Tuesday ^_-
Late for spanish again...but got a pass hehehe Ann lied to Ms. Hoffman Pinto that we were at the office and they sent us to her for a late pass to class hahaha. But sadly, she said it'll be our last time asking her :( So I can't be late anymore! Well if I really really wanted to I could be late for a few short minutes, but not those long 15 to 30 minute ones :( DAMN FAT ASS PINTO BITCH!
Just like I thought, my team is LAST PLACE in the lacrosse championship -_-' Oh well I don't really care. Not that anyone does. I was thinking of doing a fake unprepared but thought my team would be pissed at me. I should've done necklace broke and my hairspray got messed up #_# Well it didn't look that bad, everyone still said it was nice and perfect like it always is. They only think that cuz it's super super super natrually straight. Hehehe ^_^ Remember I was talking about that best of the best yearbook thing? Nnenna said "VOTE CHRISTINA FOR STRAIGHTEST HAIR IN COPELAND!!!". Hahahaha there should be a category for best hair, I swear I'd win. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE keeps complaining why my hair is so shiny and perfect and straight and well you know. And some even bother me to touch it or braid it or do something to it. How depressing why won't they leave me alone and GO TO THE SALON!
YAY!! Dinnertime, gotta go ^____^
Saturday, November 2
Went shopping at Short Hills today!! The rich people's mall! It has THE best clothes! Well....obviously. We didn't buy much, but what the only thing I got was the Nirvana cd. ^____^ It's the new one that's a collection of their best songs. My seventh cd.....sheesh that's NOTHING compared to my friends' collections. Well they have an allowance I DON'T. :( See that's why I never buy anything.....I HAVE NO MONEY!!!! :(
Don't feel like typing anymore....