Thursday, November 28
Hahahahaha check out this hella funny conversation with me and Amy just now:

NirvanaInsanity0: sorry aim caused an error
NirvanaInsanity0: stupid piece of shit
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
Furiousdragon87: its a piece of crap
Furiousdragon87: i hate it
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: but everyone has it
NirvanaInsanity0: that's the only way we could talk to them
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: dumbasses
NirvanaInsanity0: they don't know what's good
Furiousdragon87: well there is always yahoo
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah but not as many people have it
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
Furiousdragon87: i don't really use it either
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah it's ok
NirvanaInsanity0: but kinda annoying
Furiousdragon87: i guess
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm so bored
Furiousdragon87: me too
NirvanaInsanity0: isn't it SOO obvious krupa likes dan
NirvanaInsanity0: why won't she admit it
NirvanaInsanity0: to save all our complaining
Furiousdragon87: see does
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah i'll show you on monday
NirvanaInsanity0: we'll make some jokes and she will totally freak
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: that would be soooo funny
NirvanaInsanity0: i know
NirvanaInsanity0: works everytime
NirvanaInsanity0: trust me
Furiousdragon87: she'll go phyco
Furiousdragon87: phsyco
NirvanaInsanity0: psycho
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: she'd scream at me
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha but she can't hurt me
Furiousdragon87: damn i suck at typing
Furiousdragon87: i know
Furiousdragon87: its so funny
NirvanaInsanity0: i know once monica was standing behind her and was waving a banana across her head without her knowing
NirvanaInsanity0: it was hella funny!
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: hahahahaha
Furiousdragon87: brb
NirvanaInsanity0: ok
Furiousdragon87: Iok i'm back
NirvanaInsanity0: welcome back
NirvanaInsanity0: why weren't you in school yesterday
NirvanaInsanity0: you thought it was a snow day?
Furiousdragon87: no
Furiousdragon87: i didn't want to go
NirvanaInsanity0: ooohh
NirvanaInsanity0: good excuse
Furiousdragon87: so i lied and said i was sick
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: my dad is a sucker
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: it works every time
NirvanaInsanity0: my folks too
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: nnenna and ilona made up their own country
NirvanaInsanity0: called czechoslorussia
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm the mafia chief
NirvanaInsanity0: the capital is lamas, for lamas classes
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: LOL
Furiousdragon87: LOL
NirvanaInsanity0: you know what lamas classes are right
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: LOL
Furiousdragon87: she said i was the first to know what it ment
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: when she kept askin people
NirvanaInsanity0: i knew that term for a long time
Furiousdragon87: me too
NirvanaInsanity0: i learned it from watching the fresh prince of bel air
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and i said LET'S TAKE OVER GERMANY!
NirvanaInsanity0: and everyone started yelling YEAH!!!! and clapping
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahhaa
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: hahahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: and burn hitler's grave
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahahaa
Furiousdragon87: hahah
Furiousdragon87: hahahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: burn it til it turns into fine ash
NirvanaInsanity0: then put it in an envelope and mail it to saddam hussein
NirvanaInsanity0: and they'll think it's anthrax
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahahaha
Furiousdragon87: hahahahahahaha
Furiousdragon87: :-D
NirvanaInsanity0: =D
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm so smart
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: yeah it must be great
NirvanaInsanity0: then we'll make all the little german kids wear laderhosen to school
NirvanaInsanity0: and their national anthem to be that yodel for the yahoo commercials
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and after germany we'll take on italy
Furiousdragon87: a then all of Europe
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahhaa
NirvanaInsanity0: and after all of europe we'll take on the rest of russia
Furiousdragon87: yay!
NirvanaInsanity0: YEAH!
Furiousdragon87: then the whole world
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: then off to afghanistan
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: kick all the al queda ass outta there
NirvanaInsanity0: and promote peace afghanistan-wide!
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahha
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: slash all their heads off with buzzsaws
NirvanaInsanity0: and everyone in the army gets brass knuckles
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and it'll be the law to take at least one shower per week
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaa
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: then we'll take over iraq
NirvanaInsanity0: i'll come to saddam's palace personally and punch him in the face with brass knuckles that say ass fucker
NirvanaInsanity0: so it'll say that on his face
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: LOL
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lmao!
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha i'm on a roll!
NirvanaInsanity0: then we'll take over china
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: and then all the rest of the little asian countries will be easy cuz we got the powerful countries
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: yup
Furiousdragon87: but when do we get the usa
NirvanaInsanity0: that'll be last
NirvanaInsanity0: no wait
NirvanaInsanity0: after all of asia we split the army into half
NirvanaInsanity0: no wait
Furiousdragon87: who cammand the other half
NirvanaInsanity0: after all of asia we got one hell of a big ass army
NirvanaInsanity0: split that into half
NirvanaInsanity0: one half invades the u.s.
NirvanaInsanity0: the other is split in half again and invades canada and south america so the americans have nowhere to run
Furiousdragon87: but who will lead the attack
NirvanaInsanity0: hmmm....
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: YOU
NirvanaInsanity0: you got a mind that's cynical enough
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: yeah
NirvanaInsanity0: you take over south america and canada while i work on america
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: HAHAHAHA
Furiousdragon87: LOL
Furiousdragon87: HAHAHAHA
NirvanaInsanity0: their throats
NirvanaInsanity0: HAHAHAHAHA
Furiousdragon87: i'll suff sward threw there head and stick daggers in there knees
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: it'll be awsome
NirvanaInsanity0: flick their eyes out with a spoon and use them as ping pong balls
NirvanaInsanity0: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: hahha
NirvanaInsanity0: what an interesting conversation
Furiousdragon87: then we could have a ping pong tournament
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
NirvanaInsanity0: lol i found a quiz that's called "what fucked version of hello kitty are you?"
Furiousdragon87: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: can you send it to me
Furiousdragon87: i want to see it
NirvanaInsanity0: ok
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
Furiousdragon87: ok
Furiousdragon87: brb
NirvanaInsanity0: ok
Furiousdragon87: i took the quiz
Furiousdragon87: its pretty funny
NirvanaInsanity0: hahah what'd you get
NirvanaInsanity0: i got weed smoker
Furiousdragon87: hahahaha
Furiousdragon87: i got hellraiser
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: i'm compltly fucked
Furiousdragon87: completely fucked
Furiousdragon87: thats awsome
Furiousdragon87: i you know the question where it asked you if you had a boyfriend
Furiousdragon87: i said if i did i would sacrifice them
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: go amy!
Furiousdragon87: yeah it said i'm the king of darkness and evil
Furiousdragon87: that rules
NirvanaInsanity0: yeah KICK ASS
Furiousdragon87: yeah
Furiousdragon87: i'm gonna see what else you can get
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha
Furiousdragon87: huh?
NirvanaInsanity0: nvm
Furiousdragon87: um ok
NirvanaInsanity0: all this soda is goin to my head
Furiousdragon87: yeah too much caffeine
Furiousdragon87: but i always say the more the batter
Furiousdragon87: bettter
Furiousdragon87: better
NirvanaInsanity0: hehe yeah
Furiousdragon87: lol
Furiousdragon87: CAFFEINE RULES!
NirvanaInsanity0: hahaha the substitute to ALCOHOL
Furiousdragon87: yeah
Furiousdragon87: its alcohol for minors
NirvanaInsanity0: yup
NirvanaInsanity0: for those who just arent' old enough
Furiousdragon87: yeah
Furiousdragon87: but my dad sucks
NirvanaInsanity0: why
Furiousdragon87: he buys caffeine free shit
Furiousdragon87: it sucks
NirvanaInsanity0: what an ass
Furiousdragon87: it takes away the reason for drinking soda
NirvanaInsanity0: i know what kind of an asshole actually enjoys it
Furiousdragon87: I wish i had caffeine
NirvanaInsanity0: well actually the kind i'm drinking has no caffeine either
NirvanaInsanity0: :-(
NirvanaInsanity0: tastes like crap
Furiousdragon87: yeah i know
NirvanaInsanity0: but it's either that or water
Furiousdragon87: it makes me so sad :'(
NirvanaInsanity0: or beer
Furiousdragon87: TAKE THE BEER!
NirvanaInsanity0: lol i can't
Furiousdragon87: lol
NirvanaInsanity0: grown ups are too greedy
Furiousdragon87: bastards!
NirvanaInsanity0: haha
NirvanaInsanity0: i'm so bored
Furiousdragon87: me too
NirvanaInsanity0: oh did you check out my blog yet
Furiousdragon87: huh?
NirvanaInsanity0: online journal
Furiousdragon87: oh
Furiousdragon87: i gotta go byebye
Furiousdragon87 signed off at 10:24:29 PM.

I'm so bored I had nothing better to do than post this strange conversation.....

Christina N. @ 10:23 PM