Tuesday, November 19
Heheehhe so we all go home at 12:23!! ^____^ But, the stupid buses take so long just to leave the freakin school and plus the long ride and instead I get home at around 12:45 or 1:00. -_-' Service these days....
Watched tv from 1:00 to 2:00. Nothing to watch so I took a nice two hour nap! But when I woke up I was really sore....probably from those damned push ups I had to do TWO DAYS AGO. Jeez it hurts like hell!! #_# AND I got a stomach ache from which I'm guessing was those shitty french fries I bought at lunch today. I swear, I'm NEVER gonna buy that nasty shit they call food at the school cafeteria again. Except for the tator tots, those are yummy!
Didn't feel like doin' my lit homework...something about write a paragraph about some short story and three different ways of active reading??? Oh well at least I did my vocabulary hahahaha :p
In awesome adventures today, we did NOTHING. Some guys were playing with the volleyball equipment so Mr. Jackson as a punishment made us sit on the gym floor doing nothing the ENTIRE classtime. Well actually everyone was whispering and playing games with coins or tic tac toe on their shoes. Lol! For the first 15 minutes or 20 minutes or so I was just sittin there lookin at the clock til I kept almost falling asleep so I joined my friends playing those boring paper games. Damn that class is so fun but they just HAD to ruin it. I don't really care anywayz as long as there isn't any paperwork.
Math quiz tomorrow.....I think I'm ready, did the review sheet. Scale factors and proportions, HOW PATHETIC. We get quizzes EVERY WEEK. I wish it was like in elementary school where we only had tests at the end of the chapter instead of a quiz at the end of every SECTION. Sheesh! The good thing is that the teachers don't collect homework as much. More like barely! Sometimes they'd check if we have it and that's all. Hahahaha sometimes I just do enough on one side of the paper so it looks like I did it :p