Wednesday, June 30
I just learned a while ago that I have a grand uncle who was a crackhead turned heroin addict then turned dead from heroin. You see, he sold his belongings for money to buy it then eventually ran out of belongings, and the strength to go out and steal things to sell ran out also. Then he died of an overdose eventually. Looks like I'm not the only one who sucks at life here.
Today went to Jeannie's house and watched movies and stuff. The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre was dumb, but rather entertaining to say the least. I can't believe people actually thought that whole story was true. It is true, like 10% of it. What shitheads people can be, and I'm talking about the filmmakers too. Some folks actually had the shit scared out of them and believe the Hollywood made up crap. I pity the fool. Although I do want to see the original one, that looks more promising.
Sean Penn kicks ass he's so underrated. And Mystic River is one hell of a good movie. It's just not one that you could watch over and over, cuz it's gets really slow. We rented Kill Bill, but hey it's a Tarantino film of course I know it's gonna be good so I'll just watch it later. Haha this time when I was watching it, I kept thinking about Kevin Bacon and Sean Penn's brother, Chris Penn, having been in the movie Footloose. So everytime anyone made a real serious face and was about to cry or scream or something, I'd hear the Footloose theme start to play in my head. Footloose, footloose, kick off your Sunday shoes! XD
Oh god last night's Family Guy was sick. Stewie breast-feeding off of Peter and then picking a strand of hair out of his mouth and coughing. Remind me never to have children with a man who'll eventually get old and fat and develop man-boobs. I'll probably die at age 30 anyway so I shouldn't worry.
Exactly 2 weeks til my birthday! Ah, the wonders of adolescent puberty.
The MC5 were on the Late Late Show With Craig Kilborn last night. Quite frankly I think the performance sucked. By sucked I mean the two singers. Ever since the original singer went dead they never had a permanent one and just hired guest stars or something. I think they should hire better guest stars.
Tuesday, June 29
I'm still working on this. HTML is pissing me off I can't get it right.
Aw man we're gonna have stuffed chicken for dinner can it get any better than that? A 5 foot x 5 foot double fudge brownie cube would be, but that's a whole other fantasy.
Whoa I'm feeling good for once. Is it just cuz of the excitement for dinner? Probably. Other than that I should be feeling shitty. Because no one cares. And no I'm not emo, bitch.
My mom and I were looking at a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog that came in the mail today. God was that kinky stuff hilarious. They got hooker shoes that have 6 inch heels and hooker weed wigs and enough corsets to squeeze all the fat out of Queen Latifah's arm. Yes, just her arm. There aren't enough to fit her waist. That stuff is so trashy I don't know how Paris Hilton's wardrobe could beat that. God her clothes barely have any fabric at all I'm surprised she just doesn't wrap tissue paper around her pubes and her entire closet could probably fit in one of those fanny packs that 40 year old business men on their weekends would wear around their stomachs along with their dayglo colored jogging gear.
I think I'm growing an Every Time I Die fetish. Soon enough I'll be buying all their cds in one day and start trashing my room with insane asian angst.
Monday, June 28
This background is probably temporary. I don't know why.
My mom said she was supposed to drive us to Jeannie's to hang out for the afternoon. But she said she couldn't cuz I was sleeping. Well why the fuck didn't she wake me up? Cuz she said I take too long just to get ready. Excuse me for using an entire acne fighting system added to brushing my teeth and getting changed including combing my hair also. Whatever, we'll go on Wednesday.
I think I have a new fetish for Every Time I Die. I should be ashamed of msyelf for liking a band with such a long emo name although they're definitely not emo. And Franz Ferdinand is just getting on my fucking nerves, that song officially sucks right now.
I just heard the most hilarious stories of bathroom behavior in Vietnam. I'll spare you folks the details, except the fact that I laughed so hard my abs started hurting and I almost spit out my food.
Sunday, June 27
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, or maybe just moping around, if I'd be a crappy girlfriend or not. I probably will, cuz I've cheated on a whole lot of people including my parents and even my friends. Hey actually I've done that to pretty much everyone which adds to the fact that I'm an extremely shitty person. It's surprising that people still want to hang out with me anyway? I hate the fact that up to a certain point in a relationship - friends, family, guy, acquaintances, whatever - I start to hate something about them and treat them like shit. And then I eventually get over it and hopefully I'll still think of them in a positive way, but then the negative things keep coming back. It's a goddamn horrible and irritating habit that I can't get rid of. You must be thinking, Christina is so full of shit.
I can't think of a single person that I haven't done this to, and apologizing is not one of my strongpoints. I'm sorry, kids. Sorry for lying and cheating and most of all being an arrogant shithead.
Saturday, June 26
I wonder who actually reads this crap. They don't even leave a comment.
Thursday, June 24
In addition to that, I
am going to the mall tomorrow. Guys, I'm joining you at last! XD
In other news, went to the doctor's today for a checkup. I despise going to the doctor more than having a glimpse at a photo of Michael Bolton, but this new doctor is hot. I mean sexy hot. I'm serious. God it was so awkward why can't my mom get me an old lady doctor cuz that wouldn't be so embarassing. I mean, no one's ever embarassed in front of their grandma, are they? Anyway, yeah I have a hot doctor and when he was hearing my heart I hope it wasn't pumping too fast or something god hormones are dumb especially when you're a teenager. I was SO relieved it wasn't one of those checkups where they make you take your clothes off and well, you know the rest. When he was checking my reflexes with that funny hammmer thing I kept laughing it was weird.
Wednesday, June 23
Whats your Led Zeppelin Theme Song?
very very true.
My mom's scaring the shit out of me. She said that she's just had enough with the neighbors being such assholes and wants to move somewhere else. Something happened today when she wasn't home when one of the neighbors did something to our property (not vandalism or anything though). She said she's gonna talk to my dad and tell him to find another job and that they want to move when I go to college or something. Well I don't want to go to college probably so we don't have to move and I'll live in the basement puffing the magic dragon all day and watch reruns of Say Anything. But that's another story.
Yeah I don't want to move I don't want to leave some people and if we (or my family only) move to California that's it I'm walking out and crashing at a friend's place I don't give a fuck. Californians are shitheads all they care about are pretty thongs for their orange asses and the next time they're going to take a dip in the orgy hole/pool. I don't get it we've been spending all this shitload of money on rennovating the house we're not even done with it and now she's thinking of moving? Fuck, middle aged women and their mentrual hormones.
She needs to realize that no matter where you go there will always be assholes and there's no such thing as a perfect plastic-up-your-ass town where everyone is nice and honest and reliable and the grass is always green and dogshitless and the dog always shits where its owner tells it to shit.
So anyway, today was the last day of school. The french final was easy as identifying Michael Bolton's ugly ass mullet in a crowd of guys wearing raccoon Davey Crockett hats and after the first block final me and Karla went down to Burger King, when they were still selling breakfast which she didn't want so we walked to Dunkin' Donuts where a bought a shitload of food with a networth of 10 dollars total and it was hella good. Yeah the cashiers couldn't even speak decent english and I was all like, "What? What? What? What? What? Yeah, ok. What? Huh?" Rule to people who are hiring: AT LEAST HIRE PEOPLE WHO SPEAK ENGLISH IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY. Jeez how the fuck do you expect to sell your products if you can't even negotiate with your customers? Then we went back to Burger King, they were still selling breakfast so we just sat outside and talked and stuff. Went back inside to buy food Jeremy came! Walked back to school and somehow I lost my straw for my lemonade coolatta. I have no idea where the fuck it went.
Yeah then we just sat on the steps in front of the school til Danielle came and left and we checked out this real fucking hot guy and Mel came and soon the day ended and weird but fascinating conversations ensued as people gradually left on their buses. Goddammit Leah still didn't leave me the fuck alone and exposed my box of munchkins til everyone wanted one and well yeah, I ran out. I'm glad I didn't give her my number or said I wanted to hang out in the summer, but I think she'll stalk me anyway and find me somehow. What a shame =/
Tuesday, June 22
Finals were painfully, and I mean painfully, boring today. And tomorrow is the french final. First thing in the morning. Someone shoot the teacher NOW. I can't cuz everyone would know it's me. I don't have a final for 8th block and would anyone like to join Karla and me at Burger King? I know that place sucks but there's nothing to do while she waits for her bus and knowing me, I have all the time in the world to go wherever I want and to do whatever I want. If the demon lady weren't in my way that is.
Aw man I really want a sandwich or something right about now.
For some reason I have the sudden urge to go out and buy leather pants =/
Monday, June 21
Fuck I can't change the goddamn scrollbar colors no mattter what =/
I can't stop listening to Stone Temple Pilots. For a long while I forgot how much I loved them. I watching the video for "Sourgirl" for the first time ever when it premiered on MTV. I was around 9 that time? It was always a guilty pleasure for me to listen to cuz children are horrible mean bastardly fucktards and made fun of you for listening to such un-poppy stuff and expect you to listen to the Spice Girls or Backstreet Boys or some shit like that. Haha the way Scott moved in that video always fascinated me and his voice is so hot it makes you swoon. Well not me, I don't swoon. But Sarah Michelle Gellar does. I hate that bitch anyway but that video was still cool. And those evil rabbit Teletubbies with the watermelon constipated faces just put the whole thing together.
At dinner somehow me and my mom got into this weird conversation about plastic surgery then to how flat her ass is. And then to some french prostitute who got 6 pound boob implants and died from all the excess silicone. I wish she wasn't pms-ing all the time. It was in vietnamese. I bet you kids woulda liked to hear that. Considering it lasted about an hour and a half while I was trying to stuff food in my mouth and speak at the same time.
I have a good feeling I might be able to go to the mall this week.
Just when I get a day off from school they start construction on the sidewalk in front of the house. Around 9 or so in the morning I'm still sleeping and suddenly I hear all these sledgehammers smashing cement. Sheesh they coulda waited til tomorrow when I actually go to school.
Oh no my file of Stone Temple Pilots's "Vasoline" is broken! :(
My birthday's in 22 days and still no one's gonna give a fuck.
I wonder how Lauren is. If she's pissed off at me or not and how the party went without my emptying the beer shelf in the fridge. Oh man I remember last time I put all this porn onto her computer and hitchhiked unsuccessfully and almost threw a football at the windshield of a passing car in the middle of the night. That was pussy stuff but everyone else there was a total boring ass fucker and didn't wanna do anything except sit down and watch The Fast and the Furious. Which features one of the shittiest actors of our day. God even the car acts better than Vin Diesel. See why I didn't want to go this time? And the fact that my mom keeps me in the house like a farmer keeps a KFC chicken in a dark room waiting to be boiled of its feathers.
Feeling very sick. And I don't know why =/
My sister got perfect attendance and my mom is so proud of her. What's the point of that anyway if you don't learn most of the time you're in school anyway and no one gives a fuck about you so why should you show up? But then again, I don't do a single useful thing at home. Nor do I do a single useful thing at school either. I might as well go work at a sweatshop where it takes up all my time which I have plenty of and get paid. I don't care if it isn't much cuz well I'm a dumbshitted asian, I can't get a better job.
Sunday, June 20

So Punk, Which Sex Pistol are YOU? Scientifically devised by Catwoman77 and a team of hard-working goat whores.
Made by the fine folks at
haha what the fuck?
this is what happens when you are extremely overly shitheadedly bored.

Which musician to die tragically are you?
it was a crappy quiz. don't take it. nice result though.
I am very bored and cold. It was like 90 degrees before and now it's like 50. Meteorology can go lick a toilet. TV on Sundays is so fucking boring I'd rather read an alegebra textbook. Okay, maybe not. But you should get the idea. We just had fried soft-shelled crabs for dinner and for some reason they're making me feel sick as fuck. They taste pretty damn good but I bet if I ate the usual amount (which is around 9) I'd be puking my guts, intestines, liver, even my kidneys out. Sheesh I think my stomach's being a crankypants again. I'm so bored and there's nothing to eat so I'm just rambling on random shit.
Oh yeah no school tomorrow for me. No finals. I might've come anyway to hang out or something but who the fuck wants to hang out with me so I'll just skip the whole fucking day and sleep the whole thing through. Hell I think I'll wake up at 1:00 or something and just watch TV for the rest of the day or something. If my folks weren't so asian and cared about grades so much I'd just not take any finals at all they're pointless and we don't remember shit at all. Unless, teachers put more sexual innuendos into their teaching maybe I'd remember a useful thing or two. Wouldn't learning be easier for you if it were that way?
Today in New York, bad when we went to the doctor's and good when we just went shopping around and eating. Which is practically the opposite of before. Fuck, I have to go back in 3 weeks. And we BETTER eat in Little Italy cuz it's killing me all the little restuarants in the streets look so cute and appetizing it makes me want to grow up faster and move to the actual Italy sooner.
Uranium is such a shitty show. First of all, the host fucking as a goddamn studded boot up her ass and doesn't know shit about anything. Most of the bands they play suck (probably cuz I don't like death metal and the bands think they kick so much ass and think they are actually gonna raise hell upon the world or something) and I'm glad Velvet Revolver screwed the whole thing up cuz they didn't really want to do the interview and I can't believe Juliya said she might make out with Slash. Maybe I heard that wrong, but if she did really say that, a Slowpoke is more sane than her. Even I am more sane than her.
I really wanna see Spinal Tap. Along with a bunch of other movies. But money's running short and I need to buy Monica a late birthday present cuz she's one of the few people who actually deserve one.
Blogger's fucking up. Nothing works so I can't continue working on this. I don't care if everything I do is all Jimmy Page =p
Friday, June 18
What the fuck did I just do? The background looks so great I could just kiss myself but I won't.
Haven't gotten enough sleep in almost a week. No wonder I've been amazing myself with html. I should go to bed and finish this up tomorrow. The house is eerily quiet and dark.
Bored and just trying to fill up space. Copied and pasted from thy
Finals can kiss my ass. Your back hurts from the test taking position and your ass gets numb from sitting too long. In my only advanced class they're so fucking committed they bring all their notes, book, the whole 9 yards and even a stress ball worrying they'll fail. God, I've never seen so many people with encyclopedias up their asses since being in a township spelling bee a couple years ago.
I have to go to New York AGAIN on Sunday. Supposedly it'll be the last time. I hope, cuz we don't really do anything.
I don't have to go to school on Monday. But should I come anyway? To eat popcorn and watch movies in Mrs. Van's room cuz I have absolutely nothing better to do? Yeah, my life is THAT depressing.
No going to Hawaii this summer. Financial problems =/
Ok, I wasn't aware that the comments thing was only for registered Blogger users. I changed it so everyone can comment now. Which no one will anyway so there was no point in doing this.
I kinda like these dots. It's happy. But I'll probably end up making another kick ass layout out of boredom when school ends soon.
Led Zeppelin vs The Who: | led zeppelin |
Janis Joppilin vs The Pretenders: | either |
Jet vs White Stripes: | jet |
Jimi Hendrix vs Jimmy Page: | jimmy page baby! |
Sex Pistols vs Nirvana: | both |
Ramones vs the Clash: | ramones |
Queen vs AC/DC: | ac/dc |
AC/DC vs Pink Floyd: | both |
Pearl Jam vs Nirvana: | nirvana |
The Kinks vs The Doors: | the doors |
Quiet Riot vs Loverboy: | quiet riot. who the fuck is loverboy? that's a mariah carrey song. |
Anthrax vs Nine Inch Nails: | nine inch nails |
Black Sabbath vs Led Zeppelin: | led zeppelin |
Metallica vs Nirvana: | nirvana |
Ozzy vs Marilyn Manson: | ozzy |
Led Zeppelin vs Pink Floyd: | led zeppelin |
Greenday vs The Pixies: | pixies |
Rolling Stones vs The Beatles: | rolling stones |
White Stripes ROCK, right? =D: | yes, don't see how they could be sellouts. |
Boston vs Kansas: | boston |
Foo Fighters vs Goo Goo Dolls: | foo fighters |
Bob Dylan vs Jim Morrison: | jim morrison |
Aerosmith vs Led Zeppelin: | led zeppelin |
Rush vs Pink Floyd: | pink floyd |
AC/DC vs Black Sabbath: | ac/dc |
Rock VS Roll brought to you by
I was getting tired of the randomness of the last layout and am not in the mood to make a new one. So I picked a spiffy one out of the already made for you ones from blogger. How nice. Colorful circles.
Tuesday, June 15
in each space, write a band you like that begins with that letter. |
a: | alice in chains |
b: | beatles |
c: | cream |
d: | def leppard |
e: | eric clapton |
f: | foghat |
g: | guns n roses |
h: | HIM |
i: | incubus |
j: | judas priest |
k: | blacK sabbath |
l: | led zeppelin |
m: | mc5 |
n: | nine inch nails |
o: | ozzy osbourne |
p: | pink floyd |
q: | queen |
r: | red hot chili peppers |
s: | stone temple pilots |
t: | television |
u: | undertones |
v: | velvet revolver |
w: | warrant |
x: | anthraX |
y: | yardbirds |
z: | zz top |
[ abc's of music ] brought to you by
28 days til my birthday. Haha reminds me of 28 Days Later. I liked that movie, but everyone else that was watching it with me were being assholes and didn't like it. So I never got to see the whole thing.
I am very tired and have Velvet Revolver AND The Partridge Family stuck in my head at the same time.
Monday, June 14

Which Rock Chick Are You?
get me high and i'll have plenty of shit to say about you
Wednesday, June 9
I've got to make a new layout for this. I've got an uploader and host so yippee =D
So, things have been getting worse. Except for a few things, but bad things just really piss me off.
Haha that last sentence was really dumb.
Anyway, no Knife the Glitter on Friday. (how many times have I typed Knife the Glitter today?) Pissed off-ness and boring-ness.
Saturday, more pissed off-ness and boring-ness. Going to my dad's friend's daughter's birthday party. I hate kids. My dream is to make homicide legal and beat them with baseball bats. Anytime I want, as much as I want.
When is my mom gonna do the fucking laundry? I put my light blue jeans in the hamper over a week ago, and they still haven't come back. Come on, only I'm allowed to delay things for weeks on end in this household.

You are Alexander Berkman. You are purity. You are
passion. You are alien and persecuted in your
environment. You love the cause more than you
love anything else. You will spend your whole
life in pursuit of it, enduring much hardship
to do so.
Which random tormented badass are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
i don't even know who that is

You are EMERIL LEGASSE, host of "Emeril
Live" and "Essence of Emeril"!
You are the epitome of a Celebrity Chef. You
have brought culinary shows down to the lowest
common denominator of popular culture, and are
using it to cash in, with your licensed line of
mediocre spices, marinades and pasta sauces
(hey! just like Wolfgang Puck!). Youre loud,
youre obnoxious, and youre not really talented,
but dont worry, you cover it up by showing off
to a live studio audience. BAM! Oh, and you
pretend youre cajun, but youre really from
Boston. Dumbass.
Which Food Network Personality are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha yup, i'm a dipshit.
Tuesday, June 8
I couldn't help myself, John Cusack is just way too sexy.
Friday, June 4
My eye is fucked up. My mom is coming home with McDonald's soon. I can't believe Ferris actually spoke to Leah and bought her goddamn sauerkraut.
At 7:00 I'm going to that Thai Nam Phet restaurant on route 46 to meet Vi and Marissa and drop off the tapes for the shit. I'm probably not gonna stay long, since I'm not in the E.R.A.S.E. club and don't want to be surrounded by too many committed students for too long.
Do I have an obsession with Nine Inch Nails? Or Led Zeppelin? I can't help it. But I do wonder why I've always considered Van Halen as my divine band. What a dumbass.
Thursday, June 3
It won't get out of my head. GODDAMIT XD
And not to mention, I don't even like that song very much either. I swear, I will never play it again.