Friday, June 18
Bored and just trying to fill up space. Copied and pasted from thy
Finals can kiss my ass. Your back hurts from the test taking position and your ass gets numb from sitting too long. In my only advanced class they're so fucking committed they bring all their notes, book, the whole 9 yards and even a stress ball worrying they'll fail. God, I've never seen so many people with encyclopedias up their asses since being in a township spelling bee a couple years ago.
I have to go to New York AGAIN on Sunday. Supposedly it'll be the last time. I hope, cuz we don't really do anything.
I don't have to go to school on Monday. But should I come anyway? To eat popcorn and watch movies in Mrs. Van's room cuz I have absolutely nothing better to do? Yeah, my life is THAT depressing.
No going to Hawaii this summer. Financial problems =/