Monday, May 31
copied from the
I saw a spanish guy in a gas station with a mullet today. That was awesome.
Yeah, I'm still pissed that I couldn't go to the show yesterday.
This morning the demon lady woke me up at fucking 9 AM to go eat breakfast at some place in East Hanover or something. They weren't open til 10:30. So, she called up her and the father's friends and invited them to eat at this other place down where they live in Boundbrook. 45 fucking minutes away, and we drove there. That restaurant was closed too. So all of us went to this other place called The Dynasty. The food was exceptionally tasty. I want more. I didn't lift my head up from stuffing food in my mouth for about 20 minutes. That's a record.
Then we went back to the father's friend's house. I played billiards alone again. Then again I'm always alone so whatever. I think I'm losing my skill at pool, or maybe it's just the fact that I hadn't stepped out of the house all weekend until this morning. That's very sad.
Whoa I just noticed that this entire entry is about 5 times more than what I've actually spoken all day.
Sunday, May 30
which Van Halen member are you?
Friday, May 28
Okay, I just feel like rambling. So I'll ramble and piss the the outta you.
Haha, Ramble On, that Zeppelin song. God I love them.
And Iron Maiden. I need their albums. I wanted the guy's haircut before, but the hairstylist totally fucked it up and I looked like that band Jet.
I'm gonna be so pissy this weekend. I'm obviously gonna be stuck at home feeling bad cuz I'm missing out on a whole lot, I mean whole lot, of shit. Is it that sinful to go to a friend's house on one day and see a simple little show the next? And stay home on the holiday? Jeez. That can't be too much to ask for.
Summer is more scary than Gwar. Believe it or not it really is. I'm scared as fuck and don't wanna lose all of the new friends that I've made this year. Honestly, I think high school is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I actually met people who actually care what my interests are and my bad times or times in need of being serious. People who just don't blow me off for their own fucking selfish reasons and don't have porn novels stuck up their asses. Summer's gonna fuck it all up.
Interpol is a great band, they need more recognition.
Hmm, I didn't ramble (haha that song!) as much as I thought I would.
Thursday, May 27
Haven't been updating this lately, probably cuz no one reads it. And they probably don't read it cuz they don't know that you could really comment on it without having to be a member.
Homework sucks. That's why I don't do it.
Summer's gonna be boring. I'll hate it.
My tumor on my arm has gotten bigger. And more disgusting. Ask me and I'll let you touch it.
Kazaa is really starting to suck. Some songs are screwed up when they're downloaded and sound like some foreign alien language sucking on a pipe.
In addition to wanting to see Knife the Glitter, I also gotta see Gotlieb and Bad Haircut. And Velvet Revolver too, but that's way out of the question.
I was very bored today, talked even less than usual. Haha Leah was absent, what a painless in the ass day. Which means absolutely no people bothered me today. Well Corey that bed sheet humping dumb fuck who could stick his penis into a pencil sharpener for all I care gave me a fucking command to put his goddamn toolbox up on the shelf cuz he's too fucking short from crouching down and humping already dog-pissed-on fire hydrants.
This weekend is still undecided, since people are also unsure of what they're gonna do. Hey it's a rare chance that my mom leaves and I'm left somewhere. With no supervision. Monday, Memorial Day though, I'll probably have to stay home. Great.
Oh yeah yesterday, the little elementary art show in Copeland. Ended up not finding my beloved history teacher who persecutes 6th graders. I got free cookies though. Those were good. Saw Seth there, that hurt my eyes. Haha, not really.
Yeah that's it. I'm done boring you kids.
Saturday, May 22

which one of my drugs are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Indie Kid.
Which Subculture Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, May 21

You're a Spirograph!! You're pretty tripped out,
even though you've been known to be a bit
boring at times. You manage to serve your
purpose in life while expending hardly any
effort (and are probably stoned to the gills
all the while).
What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
ha, i'm not surprised that i'm boring
Whoa a bug flew into the window at 40 mph and bounced back off with a weird noise. Hahaha.
Mr. Stead just lent me his Led Zeppelin box set for the weekend. Yes, the huge ass 70 or 100 dollar or so one with the crop circles on the cover. It's like every impoverished Zeppelin fan's dream. 4 discs, plenty of hours of pleasure =D
Today was dandy. The only ass who bothered me today was Corey. That ass licking Jesus cross humper could stick his penis onto a power saw table for all I care. He thinks I can't use the goddamn spotwelder. That would be like saying I don't know I'm a goddamn asian or saying that Michael Bolton was a sexy man. And he tried to shake my hand, I was thinking, "fuck off I don't want to touch your rabid hand that you used as toilet paper."
Good Will Hunting is one hell of a good movie after all. And I doubt that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon really wrote the entire script. Who gives a fuck, it's a good movie.
Wow Leah asked me if she could copy off my bio homework. I said no. She offered gum, still no. She offered a dollar, hell yes! Then she asked for it back at lunch, of course I said no.
In art I just sat there braindead organizing the stencil collection for approximately an hour and a half. Yeah, by color and topic on the plastic sheet. Easter, Spring, Halloween, cars, airplanes, street signs, houses, trains, pink, yellow, blue, green, orange. It was the highlight of my day.
In french we went to the library before lunch. To take quizzes that were on the internet. Woo hoo. Talked to Kane online on the computer.
Lunch. Haha. Eric looks so emo with my sweater on. Yeah then after the second half of french and I come down the stairs, out the door of the stairwell minding my own business the next thing I knew was BOOM! crashed into the garbage can. Then I realized it was Eric. At first I was like, who the fuck was that asshole walkin into me like that? And then I was like, oh it's you haha. I don't think I have ever had that kind of expression of shock on my face before in my entire life. lol
I wanna go to the mall with Britt Jamie Gracey and Nat but obviously my mom is on her period again. Actually she always is. Or acts like it. I can't go. I'll be very bored. I'll feel like I missed out on a lot. Which I have for the past 5 years. And Lauren's birthday party is comin up, I probably won't be able to go to that either :(
Added to that, Diana wants me to go to the Wharton library on Monday to work on our project with Denise. Holy shit I'm not as hesitant to do this project. Something's definitely wrong, I haven't been as hungry either =/ Anyway, I probably won't be able to go there either. Yeah a fucking library in fucking small ass 2 mile x 1 mile town. My mom doesn't trust me outside the house. No one should. Get me some crack and there goes a telephone pole.
Yeah so what if I type a lot. I have no life. And don't be surprised if there's going to be at least 2 more posts today.
Thursday, May 20
I stole this from
my little Irish boy.
1) Ocean, river, or beach? beach
2) Day or night? night
3) Radio or T.V.? tv
4) Music or movies? music
5) Shots or wine? shots
6) Mixed drinks or beer? mixed goodness
7) Blondes or brunettes? either kind of guy
8) Boobs or ass? ass, i'm no fag
9) Arms or chest? what?
10) Eyes or smile? Eyes
11) Moon or sun? moon cuz i won't burn like a belgian waffle
12) Stars or clouds? both are good
13) Walk or run? sitting
14) Swim or ski? activeness sucks
15) Mountains or deserts? deserts
16) Levis or corduroys? haha wasn't there a dummy that advertised corduroys
17) Square or circle? i can't do math
18) Fly or sail? fly
19) Summer rain or winter snow? precipitation isn't my thing
20) Bar soap or body wash? whichever smells better
21) Badday or toilet paper? toilet paper. what's badday?
22) Wood or carpet? carpet
23) Short hair or long hair? long hair but not fabio kinda long.
24) Tennis shoes or flip flops? they're called sneakers. i don't wanna walk like a duck
25) Full backs or thongs? flossing is not for the ass. that's what toilet paper is for
26) Boxers or briefs? boxers on a man yes
27) Sex in a car or in the mountains? um a nice house in the mountatins but not on solid rock
28) Sex in public or in the bedroom? bedroom, no one wants herpes from a toilet seat
29) Sleep in pajamas or naked? pajamas, no cumming on the sheets
30) Sleep with noise or silence? silence
31) Sleep on back, stomach or side? whatever
32) Hard or soft bed? nice and cozy
33) Fluffy pillow or a flat one? fluffy like marshmallows
34) One pillow or two? one, my mom's a bitch and won't buy me two
35) No blankets or lots? lots and lots
36) Alone or next to someone? depends on who it is
37) When with someone, entwined or like spoons? not too entwined, then you can't really move around in your sleep
38) Superman or batman? fuck them gambit rules over all.
39) Ginger or Mary-Anne? i forgot who they are
40) Cat woman or poison ivy? um i don't know
41) Brad Pitt or tom cruise? brad pitt
42) Demi moore or Pamela Anderson? oh come on choosing between two sluts is like choosing between my own children
43) Angelina jolie or meg ryan? either
44) Snow White or Cinderella? cinderella, she didn't sleep with 7 little men with little testicles
45) Ariel or jasmine? no
46) Being paralyzed from the neck down or dying? paralyzed, what loser like me doesn't wanna die
47) Freezing or burning to death? burning. cuz freezing at least i won't go to hell with a tan. but i'll get one from being in hell anyway so what's the point
48) Bees or spiders? spiders
49) Snakes or scorpions? scorpions
50) Being buried alive or falling off a cliff? buried alive. when you're falling you could at least pretend your flying for fun
51) Be stabbed or shot to death? stabbed
52) Leaches or ticks? leeches ew
53) Having to eat roaches or grubbs? ick
54) gave you a compliment? i seriously cannot remember
55) looked into your eyes? um jamie cuz she was talking to me?
56) said they were sorry to you? probably amy
57) got drunk with you? i get drunk alone to decrease the embarassment factor
58) cried with you? molly
59) listened to you? no one wants to hear my shit
60) asked you for advice? i think brittany
61) gave you advice? i never listen
62) made something for you? jeremy made a lovely racial slur bible out of my binder
63) sent you a letter? no one even cares
64) gave you a phone call? mommy
65) saw you puke? myself
66) danced with you? i don't have magical feet
67) gave you butterflies? can't remember
68) made you smile? my mom
69) saw you naked? haha
70) tickled you? kane and jeremy - my knees =/
71) fought with you? my mom
72) slept next to you? lonely as can be
73) made you feel bad? a dude
74) made you feel great? lots of folks
75) got you to admit something you didn’t want? eric
76) gave you something? amy. a nickel for the lost fries
77) held your hand? forgot who it was, everyone was dancing like asses in the rain last week
78) gave you a hug? um, henry or rob i forgot
79) gave you a kiss? oh god there's not a single one that could come up
80) told you they love you? another blank subject
81) you said I love you to? yet again blank. no one loves me so why should there be anything in return
Wednesday, May 19
How dare I forget. The actual date was yesterday. Sheesh. But then again, I sound like even more of an ass even stating his birthday. How pathetic.
Copied from thy
Leah can be such a pain in the ass. Like a metal chain thong that keeps riding up your crack all day and you don't get the opportunity to go to the bathroom and pull it out. (I'm just assuming that's what happens, don't imply that I'm a kinky whore) I mean, wouldn't you get annoyed too if someone keeps turning around and asking you stupid questions? Today, she asked me the same question twice even after the teacher just explained whatever it was loud and clear. Come on, put that $2000 hearing aid to use.
In art I finished my sexy David Bowie thing. I hope she hangs it up in the hallway. I'm actually proud of something for once.
Holy shit not a single teacher has yelled at me once this week. Whoa, nor my mom. Have I been listening to them lately and not even noticing that I am or something?
Lunch was dandy.
Corey that father humping dumb shit who could stick his penis into a lawn mower for all I care, didn't bother me today! What a relief.
It's extremely depressing that I in fact have had the same tan since JULY 2003. Yeah, I used to be pale as an ass. But being a loser asian, your color stays for as long as Jay Leno's chin keeps growing.
Sunday, May 16
Saturday, May 15
Ou the dark ones...

Who should your boyfriend be like?
great, another reason i'll never find love.
CD's that MUST purchased:
The Strokes - Room on Fire
Incubus - A Crow Left of the Murder
Velvet Revolver - Contraband
Def Leppard - Pyromania
Deep Purple - I Don't Know the Name of the Album
Oh and the kick ass metalshop teacher is gonna let me borrow his 5-CD Led Zeppelin set. I'm so flattered I don't know what to say.
Friday, May 14
Yahoo is pissing me off. It's image uploader fucking sucks and doesn't work for me. Or maybe it's just me that can't find out how, cuz I'm a fucking idiot.
What's with this week? Man I love Foghat. It was exceptionally fucking good I'd have to say, and I know there are going to be exceptionally shitty as hell days real soon. Just at the end of the year. Great.
Went home for a while during first block. I'll do this later.
Thursday, May 13
Kind of ran out of things to say, so I'll just copy and paste from the livejournal:
Wow I can't believe it. I did my work in school today.
I'm almost done with my David Bowie calligraphy thing, it's so hot. And by the way, it's hanging in Mrs. Van's room on the wall against the computers. GO AND MARVEL AT IT.
Lunch was dandy, no one bothered me. Or at least what I could remember.
I got the answers for the history shit right in front of me for the past half hour, and still haven't reworded them for myself.
I actually used power tools in metalshop. And Corey that rabbi fucking dipshit who could stick his penis into a lathe for all I care bothered me again. Jeez he couldn't even be able to get it on with a monkey. Like the guy who started AIDS. I feel sorry for the monkey.
Angelica came over again with me after school to work on the history shit. My sister was walking around outside the house looking all weird. Turns out that we were all locked out. The fucking garage remote wouldn't work, and neither of us had the key to any of the doors. I had keys for the REGULAR door but not the STORM DOOR and the key to the garage which is IN the garage. Man my parents are such dumb shits. Yeah so after we begged the neighbor to give us water (haha reminds me of Oliver Twist for some reason) we sat on the steps in front of the house and looked at the mail, which was 2 Victoria's Secret catalogs and a Frederick's of Hollywood one. Well not the sister of course. Did we look weird or what? Not that we already do anyway. Yeah, we finally got inside after my dad had to come home all the way from work wherever that is and finally got the cheesecake we were craving for.
Went to Burger King, bought fries and walked her to the school, where her mom picked her up from there. Since the chorus kids were puttin on a little concert there, I decided to drop in and do some friends a favor for a bit before walking back home. Couldn't get in. 3 DOLLARS TO SIT AND WATCH PEOPLE SING. Damn the only money I had was the dollar I found on the ground. Sheesh.
They got some kinky shit in Frederick's of Hollywood.
Does anyone agree with me that Groucho Marx looks scary as hell?
Wednesday, May 12
Your George Harrison!
Your a thinker, a listener and an amazing musician. Your solo work is what made you so amazing and talented.
Which Beatle are you? (pics)
Whoa, today was a good day. I can't believe that actually happened. A good day. I never say that. I never have those.
Sunday, May 9
I am Nothing!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons
i could care less about anything

Bobcat Goldthwait
What 80's idol are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
um, what movie is he from
Saturday, May 8
Jeannie came over today. Did the usual stuff. Talked, watched tv, made food, ate the food, went on the computer. She went home at 7:30 or something. Yeah.
I don't wanna do the bio project. Who the hell wants to stand up in front of a class who could care less about going to school anyway for 20 minutes and educate them on microscopic organisms which could right now be climbing up into the deep depths of your ass? Art Garfunkel, that's who.
Bored and nothing to say. I'm out.
Friday, May 7
I'm eating potato chips and salsa and pears and drinking water all at the same time. Tastes hella good. And I hate it when the chip breaks in the salsa jar.
Oh god my nose was peeling today and I didn't know til the END of the day and my friend told me. Man, acne sucks. Advice to all you pre-teen/puberty kids out there, once you get your first zit, ABOLISH THE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BEFORE IT SPREADS THROUGHOUT YOUR ALREADY UGLY ASS FACE.
Ok so in health class we went to the boring as fuck library to do a project, which I didn't do at all. Yeah, you really think I ever do projects? If you do, then you're either too sober or just don't know shit about me. I never knew there was a room behind all the shelves with all these videos in clear plastic looked like some weird gattaca sperm bank thing that holds videos. Or perhaps porn. Cuz there was a sign on the door that said "ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENTS ALLOWED IN HERE" or some crap that I could care less about on it. Leah and I were gonna go in it, but unfortunately there was a bell hanging off the doorknob which we so would've made a racket out of and got in trouble with the ass looking librarians.
Drawing Ziggy Stardust in art class for the calligraphy thing. It's gonna look fucking sexy.
Wow in french I didn't get yelled at today. What a relief. Lunch was cool. A lot of people gathered around me. That never happens. Maybe those vases are really bongs after all.
Damn I suck at using rulers. They're just flat sticks with numbers and lines on them, but to me they're like quantum physics or trying to find my way home once I got kicked out of someone's house.
Wednesday, May 5
This has got to be the longest rhyming convo ever to walk the face of the earth:
FatefulHearts06: boohoo
WhipItGOOD05: woo hoo
FatefulHearts06: foogoo
WhipItGOOD05: boojoo
FatefulHearts06: dont be a foo
WhipItGOOD05: i am a foo
FatefulHearts06: well im a jew
FatefulHearts06: are you?
WhipItGOOD05: no i am not a piece of poo
FatefulHearts06: yes u r a piece of poo
WhipItGOOD05: no, it's you, you jew
FatefulHearts06: who u talki to foo
WhipItGOOD05: stop saying all this hullabaloo
FatefulHearts06: ill do wut i want to
WhipItGOOD05: fine, you person who looks like goo
FatefulHearts06: u still a silly foo
WhipItGOOD05: i know, and you're a giddy cockatoo
FatefulHearts06: u are too
WhipItGOOD05: i know i am who
FatefulHearts06: im confused, are you?
WhipItGOOD05: nope, i'm not as dumb as you
FatefulHearts06: you are too
WhipItGOOD05: yeah to hell i flew
FatefulHearts06: cows go moo
FatefulHearts06: do you?
WhipItGOOD05: and babies go coo
FatefulHearts06: and chickens go 'coo coo'
WhipItGOOD05: gorillas go doo doo
FatefulHearts06: and ppl go woo woo
WhipItGOOD05: and orgies go chooo chooo
FatefulHearts06: ppl in australia go to the loo
FatefulHearts06: no orgies go woooo
WhipItGOOD05: and choooooo
FatefulHearts06: and oooooh
WhipItGOOD05: and aaaaaaaooooooooohhhhhhhh
FatefulHearts06: heehee and woowoooo
WhipItGOOD05: what the hell are you trying to do
FatefulHearts06: i have no clue
FatefulHearts06: woo i rhymed too
WhipItGOOD05: because you're feelin blue
FatefulHearts06: no i feel coo
WhipItGOOD05: sure you doo
FatefulHearts06: i do too
WhipItGOOD05: boo hoo
FatefulHearts06: are you sad too
FatefulHearts06: or is it just you
WhipItGOOD05: it's just you and your poo
FatefulHearts06: im nto blue
WhipItGOOD05: cuz you live at the zoo
FatefulHearts06: no i live in a kangaroo
WhipItGOOD05: in it's sack of poo?
FatefulHearts06: kangaroos dont poo u silly foo
WhipItGOOD05: then what do they do
FatefulHearts06: they go shooshoo
WhipItGOOD05: and go loo loooo
FatefulHearts06: they do go to the loo, thats true
FatefulHearts06: im having trouble thinking of more rhymes, are you?
WhipItGOOD05: that's very true
WhipItGOOD05: i'm having lots of trouble just like you
FatefulHearts06: true true
FatefulHearts06: thats so coo
WhipItGOOD05: so what's new
FatefulHearts06: nuttin much. you?
FatefulHearts06: how is schoo
WhipItGOOD05: who is schoo
WhipItGOOD05: that is who?
FatefulHearts06: put in an 'l' you sill foo
FatefulHearts06: u no, where you go to learn things that r new
WhipItGOOD05: they just teach me to be a foo
FatefulHearts06: and say 'stay in schoo, little kiddoos'
Yeah, I doubt anyone would actually read all that. Only if you had as much time as a loser like me does.
Monday, May 3
PUNX1039: ah, man, theres nothing like playing tetris naked
haha, that's hot
This journal is dying and you know it. That's why I'm putting some more usesless crap in it. Stole this from
fat ass:
i am not: cool
i love: brownies
i hate: my hand
i fear: gwar
i forget: values
i remember: that i'm an idiot
i imagine: that i'm gonna get laid
i hope: that i will get laid
i crave: for brownies
i regret: everything
i care: for nothing
i want: some food
i feel alone: because i'm always alone
i listen: to alice in chains
i hide: stuff
i pretend: that i show the least bit interest in school
i drive: myself crazy (haha isn't that an n'sync song)
i sing: when i'm drunk
i cry: when i laugh too hard
i write: my name in pretty letters
i wake: up whenever the fuck i want
i breathe: pot smoke
i play: jenga, cuz it kicks ass
i find: that i'm a pathetic loser
i pray: to nothing
i miss: john bonham
i learn: bullshit in school
i feel: dazed
i know: i'm stupid
i joke: about you and your ass
i say: nazis suck
i change: stuff
i fail: at life
i dream: that i won't die of poisoning
i wonder: if i have a significant other
i worry: if i have any friends at all
i wish: i have someone who cares
i fight: the power
i need: brownies
i am: someone who needs a life and stop constantly updating her journals all the time like a net freak
I don't know, all those answers were lame and probably not all true, just crap I thought up of.
Sunday, May 2
I smell like soap now. Isn't that awesome.
I keep having the same part of "Light My Fire" playing over and over in my head. It's the ultimate pothead song.
No social outgoing today. No interesting entry. So I'll recap this entire week. Or at least what I could remember of it.
Very grungy day. I looked stoned the whole time. Went to the library for lit class, just sat there looking at Gourmet magazine. They got some hella good cakes in there.
Oh yeah during lunch my mouth was seriously fucking dry from eating chex mix and four reese's peanut butter cups in first block. It is so not fun when you can't swallow salty food.
Eric came over after school, that was fun. Watched tv, ate dinner, walked around the block and stuff, you know. And the neighbors. I hate the goddamn neighbors. I'm always surprised about how much they know about me. So guess what more they know about me. Jeez why won't they leave me the fuck alone? I mean, I don't go looking through their windows while they're havin sex. So don't fucking look out the window when I'm hangin outside! There were probably other times when they pull me outta my daydreaming business while walking home from school or something and wanna talk, and how the fuck do they know almost every friend of mine who comes at the door or walks down the street with me. I swear someday, I'll make my own Paris Hilton/Pam and Tommy tape of them. Lesbian, gay, bi, whatever. Revenge for invading my life. Not that I really have one anyway. But they invade the puny pathetic one I do have.
Still embarassed about how much I blinked that day. Can't help if I'm deprived of sleep. Lunch was cool. Forgot what happened, but it was cool.
Yeah, the library thing. Mother didn't know we went to the mall and I got on a caffeine high.
Ate, cleaned, ate, did homework, ate, did homework, showered, and here I am.
Man that was a boring post.
I'm not feeling so great right now. Maybe it's cuz my mom bought the super spicy salsa for nachos, my pollen-meter is way up, or maybe it's just cuz I really gotta take a piss.
Oh great, dentist appointment tomorrow after school. They gotta clean my teeth. Too bad it isn't during school, cuz I don't wanna fucking have to put up with everyone's fucking bullshit. I hate B days. I'm just not the same. That's the day I have all my classes with the retards in them. The ones who bother me with their pointless glomping after their crushes whom they have no chance with or the ones who constantly make perverted jokes in my face or the ones who just fucking piss me off. I won't mention any names, cuz apparently people read this, and I will apparently piss them off.
Quite a lot happened this week I guess. Well more than usual that is. But for now I'll just bore myself and you on how drained I am now, since the caffeine buzz died away.
Pretty scared at the moment, I think I hear my mom slamming things in the kitchen. She's most likely pissed at something I did. Oh dear that is
not good.
School tomorrow is gonna suck. Really suck. To shorten it for you, all first 3 blocks are fucking drop dead boring. Lunch is alright, not as good as lunch on A days. Second half of french I'll probably take an after lunch siesta. Oh god metalshop. Mr. Stead is awesome and all and Heather and Trish and Karla and Shawn are cool, but everyone else I either just don't consider at all or just consider as a fucking shithead.
I need someone to get drunk with and tell them all the weird things I've ever needed to tell someone, so then they'll forget about it. Hahaha I remember I brought Hennessey and Heineken to school once, and I was sittin next to my friend. Or at least she sort of was my friend I think. And this guy kept shooting rubber bands at her, and since she has a very serious (perhaps clinical) temper problem, she took my Heineken bottle from my bag and started beating his head with it. You betcha, it gets serious. Then she starts chasing him down the hallway. With my bottle! Hahaha that was the most jacked up fight I've ever seen first hand.
And Eric if you're ever reading this, IT'S A VASE.
Saturday, May 1
I'm jittering from all that caffeine from Starbucks. Holy shit I can't stop moving in my chair stop it! Added to all the slurping of air and whipped cream. Dammit in 10 seconds i'm gonna take my shoes off and jump around in the backyard like an ass who just lost their virginity.
Ok, so I was at first at the library with Lauren working on our goddamn research papers. Then we were like fuck this let's do something else. Cuz, why am I doing homework in the first place? You know me, the Master of All Bums and Slackers. Fucking library, charging 20 CENTS FOR A PIECE OF PAPER WITH INK ON IT. Fucking library, charging 15 CENTS TO USE THE GODDAMN COPY MACHINE WHICH I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE.
Yeah, so I called my mom and said that Lauren's mom was gonna drive me home at 5:30. She took Lauren and I to the mall and we all got large-sized frappuchinos. Hella good shit I tell ya, hella good shit. And now my fingers are starting to get numb. Oh well.
Sirens and Slackers show tonight in Boundbrook, obviously as you can see the time, I can't go. Still grounded. Just watch all my friends' journals in the next couple of days, full of pictures and entries and shit on how much fun I missed. Great. Another reason to make me feel bad. Why aren't my speakers on? I always miss kick ass shows with kick ass bands, cuz I'm an idiot who always gets in trouble with her folks.
Tonight is gonna be a boring one, everyone's either gone to the show or gone to do whatever. I'm gonna be at home still being a loser. Sheesh.