Saturday, May 1
I'm jittering from all that caffeine from Starbucks. Holy shit I can't stop moving in my chair stop it! Added to all the slurping of air and whipped cream. Dammit in 10 seconds i'm gonna take my shoes off and jump around in the backyard like an ass who just lost their virginity.
Ok, so I was at first at the library with Lauren working on our goddamn research papers. Then we were like fuck this let's do something else. Cuz, why am I doing homework in the first place? You know me, the Master of All Bums and Slackers. Fucking library, charging 20 CENTS FOR A PIECE OF PAPER WITH INK ON IT. Fucking library, charging 15 CENTS TO USE THE GODDAMN COPY MACHINE WHICH I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE.
Yeah, so I called my mom and said that Lauren's mom was gonna drive me home at 5:30. She took Lauren and I to the mall and we all got large-sized frappuchinos. Hella good shit I tell ya, hella good shit. And now my fingers are starting to get numb. Oh well.
Sirens and Slackers show tonight in Boundbrook, obviously as you can see the time, I can't go. Still grounded. Just watch all my friends' journals in the next couple of days, full of pictures and entries and shit on how much fun I missed. Great. Another reason to make me feel bad. Why aren't my speakers on? I always miss kick ass shows with kick ass bands, cuz I'm an idiot who always gets in trouble with her folks.
Tonight is gonna be a boring one, everyone's either gone to the show or gone to do whatever. I'm gonna be at home still being a loser. Sheesh.