Friday, May 7
I'm eating potato chips and salsa and pears and drinking water all at the same time. Tastes hella good. And I hate it when the chip breaks in the salsa jar.

Oh god my nose was peeling today and I didn't know til the END of the day and my friend told me. Man, acne sucks. Advice to all you pre-teen/puberty kids out there, once you get your first zit, ABOLISH THE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BEFORE IT SPREADS THROUGHOUT YOUR ALREADY UGLY ASS FACE.

Ok so in health class we went to the boring as fuck library to do a project, which I didn't do at all. Yeah, you really think I ever do projects? If you do, then you're either too sober or just don't know shit about me. I never knew there was a room behind all the shelves with all these videos in clear plastic looked like some weird gattaca sperm bank thing that holds videos. Or perhaps porn. Cuz there was a sign on the door that said "ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENTS ALLOWED IN HERE" or some crap that I could care less about on it. Leah and I were gonna go in it, but unfortunately there was a bell hanging off the doorknob which we so would've made a racket out of and got in trouble with the ass looking librarians.

Drawing Ziggy Stardust in art class for the calligraphy thing. It's gonna look fucking sexy.

Wow in french I didn't get yelled at today. What a relief. Lunch was cool. A lot of people gathered around me. That never happens. Maybe those vases are really bongs after all.

Damn I suck at using rulers. They're just flat sticks with numbers and lines on them, but to me they're like quantum physics or trying to find my way home once I got kicked out of someone's house.

Christina N. @ 7:46 PM