Wednesday, May 19
Copied from thy
Leah can be such a pain in the ass. Like a metal chain thong that keeps riding up your crack all day and you don't get the opportunity to go to the bathroom and pull it out. (I'm just assuming that's what happens, don't imply that I'm a kinky whore) I mean, wouldn't you get annoyed too if someone keeps turning around and asking you stupid questions? Today, she asked me the same question twice even after the teacher just explained whatever it was loud and clear. Come on, put that $2000 hearing aid to use.
In art I finished my sexy David Bowie thing. I hope she hangs it up in the hallway. I'm actually proud of something for once.
Holy shit not a single teacher has yelled at me once this week. Whoa, nor my mom. Have I been listening to them lately and not even noticing that I am or something?
Lunch was dandy.
Corey that father humping dumb shit who could stick his penis into a lawn mower for all I care, didn't bother me today! What a relief.
It's extremely depressing that I in fact have had the same tan since JULY 2003. Yeah, I used to be pale as an ass. But being a loser asian, your color stays for as long as Jay Leno's chin keeps growing.