Wednesday, October 30
VOTE MR. STILES MOST LIKELY TO GET PREGNANT!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! It's almost time to vote for the best of the best for the yearbook. And me and my friends were making our own categories and makin fun of people. Like Antoinette most likely to have killed 42 people before the age of 21! Hahahaha or Ilona most likely to get into a mental institution and I made up the one about that fag Mr. Stiles lol! VOTE MR. STILES MOST LIKELY TO GET PREGNANT!!!! Everyone calls him dickhead cuz he always gets crewcuts so many times and he looks kinda bald and shiny and well you know. Hahahaha and there's also those rumors that he's screwing so and so.....including guy teachers hahahahahaaha
Snowed today! Well not that much, it snows, then it rains, then snows, then rains, then all the snow melts and it starts all over again. It snowed in OCTOBER. OCTOBER. That's too fuckin' early! The weather's been weird all mom said it's el nino but I'm not sure....You might think it's really really cold here but actually not really. I can go around wearing just a t shirt and only be a little bit cool hahahaha I don't know why but I'm like the human radiator now. Like if I just sit in class bein bored my palms get sweaty for some strange reason. Oh well at least I don't freeze my ass off like other people :p
History test's was in between easy and ok. I hate the essay though, too much writing and it made this giant blister on my middle finger from the goddamn pen and writing too hard. Then for the rest of the class we had to summarize any article except sports and The Osbournes from the newspaper...I know, how BORING.
Skipped half of second period....walked around and messed up and polluted the school with Nicole and Ann. Hahahaha Ann was called to Ms. Hoffman-Pinto's office for yellin at Mr. Hartman.......again. So me and Nicole waited for her then were forced to go to class by this fat teacher but instead walked to the stairs and at the top she poured a bottle of perfume and tried to get in the garbage can and missed so it got all over the floor hahahaha. But then a teacher went by but didn't notice. Hahahaha........then the bottle ran out. So the first floor was all wet and too bad no one was running down the stairs then tripped on it and now their shoes smell like Since there was no perfume or anything left we went to that big corridor with all the science labs and stuff and opened all the windows so people can freeze their asses off and threw some stuff out onto that sewer pit they call the courtyard. Hahahaha the whole thing's nothing but weeds and NO grass.....what a pity.....
Ok after science class I went back to where Nicole poured all the perfume and instead saw one of those yellow CAUTION: WET FLOOR signs there hahahaha I'm surprised no one broke their foot or anything :p
Late for spanish class the 5th a detention....hahahahaha I don't care....I swear I thought it was my fourth and the teacher said I had three and needed one more, the fourth one to get a detention..... @_@ Huh?? I'm confused....I had it clear in my head before, nevermind that I'll try to remember it later. I wonder when I have to go, hope not a Tuesday cuz I gotta go to science club. It' SO AWESOME! We get to go to that giant shithole they call the Copeland Pond and scoop algae and sludge from it and take the little organism bug thingies and bring them back to the lab and put them under the microscope. It may seem disgusting to you but IT'S NOT. Pretty excited for next week's session and what experiment we're gonna do next ^_^
Monday, October 28
Just a normal wait bad hair day. I ran out of the good hairspray, the Physique kind. And now I gotta use the shitty Herbal Essences and I quote "Extra Super Hold Hairspray". It said that on the bottle, and plus it smells really nice. But does hold?? NO!!! I'll have to spray like half the bottle tomorrow to get it to hold like Physique or Pantene Pro-V. And I bet since the Herbal Essences hairspray sucks like shit the shampoo does too. If my hair is even worse than today tomorrow......I have no idea what I'd do.
Hahahaahaha Mr. Adams got all pissed today cuz we were noisy during the firedrill. ALL teachers say they're meant to be taken seriously. I don't know, I don't talk too much, just normally and not as much like I usually do. Hahaha everyone was freezing their asses off and I was just fine. Probably due to wearing two shirts hahahaha I just wore a long white tank under my black shirt and you could see just cuz it looks cool. Then when we got into the classroom he slammed the door real hard and called some guys out into the hallway for being fresh. Lol Mark was giving Mr. Adams the finger cuz he said everyone's getting a zero on their assignments we were doing. Oh well I don't really care anyway it's only one bad grade. Or maybe.....I'm not sure about my computer programming grade, it's a real damn hard thing....programming. But it's pretty fun. I'm too lazy to do all the work now and just ask my friends for help now hehehe.
Saturday, October 26
Wow I can't believe I actually called someone.....I hate telephones....stupid pieces of shit that never work and hurt like hell when it all of a sudden gets static. And those public pay phones got people's ear shit all over them and it's the only way I could call my mom to pick me up from church cuz my Vietnamese lessons were canceled.....and I didn't even have any money so I had to use Collect....hahahaha....that was a few years ago before I quit the Vietnamese classes.....
Anyway phones suck whenever I call the person's never home and I can never remember anyone's goddamn number so I have to find my phone book which I always lose and now we have to dial TEN numbers.....I don't know why. I think it has something to do with raising our taxes....?? Well some crap like that. And when you talk too long and the receiver's been on your ear it starts to hurt or get annoying cuz the person on the other end can't freakin talk loud enough or clear enough, which makes the little screen thing where you see the numbers you dialed and such gets all oily cuz your face has been on it and your face has been on it cuz you have to put the thing up close to hear the person on the other end cuz they don't freakin talk loud enough or clear enough.
See how bored I am I keep repeating everything I say for the stupid time to pass by so I can watch stupid Inu Yasha and go to bed and dream bad dreams and wake up from my dumbass sister's stupid TV and my parents' loud and pathetic arguments and dropping their paintbuckets from painting their damned room which their stuff has been all over the house and some drawers and crap in my room so I trip over them and hurt my freakin toe and you know what I found in the living room in their stuff?? Well, I was sittin and eating some snack and put my cup on the side table where some of their stuff was and I noticed this big pink box. I looked all over the cover and it didn't say what the hell it was anywhere on it. And a few days later when I was eating at the same place again I wasn't feeling lazy and decided to read the back finally cuz the last few days I'd really been wondering but never had the will to read the back and you know what it was?? You know what?? It was some kind of vagina cleaner!! DUDE! Hahahahaha eewwww it said you gotta use it after intercourse......hahahahaha eeeewwww and it's in the LIVING ROOM. Sheesh my mom should know I sit there every day EATING. Hahahahaha a vagina cleaner.......hahahaha
Today was hella ass boring......woke up. Watched TV. Brushed teeth. Ate. Watched TV. Worked on leaf book. Watched some more TV. Waited til family went shopping. Called Ann but wasn't home like I predicted. Then mom called to put rice in rice cooker. Called Helen and watched TV while talking to Helen. Two or something or hours later family got home. Got in trouble for talking too much. Worked on leaf book again. Ate. Dad left to go get drunk. Worked on leaf book another time. Washed dishes. Took shower. Waited an hour for mom to get off the fucking phone. And here I am now posting a hella ass boring post about a hella ass boring day.

Which Lion King Character Are You?
Created by CrazyCoasterCo.
Nala's a bitch.
Friday, October 25
Oh yeah I forgot on Monday playing that dodgeball thing Blake chased Justin into the corner with a dodgeball and Justin was like on the floor rolled up in a ball covering his head with his arms and yelling "NO! NO! NO!" like a freaking idiot and Blake hit him with it but then at that same second he got hit right smack in the head by someone else's dodgeball! HAHAHAHA LOL!!!!! You shoulda seen Justin that was so funny he was panicking like a little kid almost like he was gonna cry and it's just a marshmallowy yellow ball thing. Lol that was a cheap shot that hit Blake...I wonder who threw it....I didn't see...hahahahaha....I was sittin right there too so I saw the whole thing up
Today was pretty good overall....Mr. Stiles went home during english class cuz he wasn't feelin' well. He was all pale and stuff hahahaha that fag! I'm glad he went home cuz he didn't assign any homework yet and we got to leave class EARLIER AT LAST with the sub. Can't believe someone actually said they felt sorry for him and wished he'd get better.....yeah right! He should DIE! Well maybe not just get really really sick and stay home for a long long time hahaha :p
Hmmm.....invited to Ilona's birthday/Halloween party at Nnenna's (hahaha faget name!) big ass rich house somewhere up in the hills but I don't think I'm allowed to go. But then again I don't really wanna go although they're my friends and such but oh well I'm goin to another party tomorrow with my parents and that bitch. Ilona's party is the day after. I don't think I'll ever be allowed to go to two parties in one weekend......having strict parents SUCKS ASS! They never let you do ANYTHING. I have to ASK just to call someone and can like NEVER go to anyone's house. And I'm THIRTEEN now. People are already dating and going to pool parties and sleepovers and shit while I stay home and bore my fucking ass off. I know all the grown ups say it's only good for you but seriously I think I deserve grades went up this year and I haven't gotten in trouble forgot. But anywayz it was a long time! Sheesh seriously it SUCKS ASS!-_-'
Prium and I finished our Spanish country project on Powerpoint today......easy as hell! She did all the layout and stuff for the presentation and I found all the info we needed. It's like eleven slides I think, full of info and pictures! It looks so awesome you should see it. Maybe I should somehow get the disc it's saved in from the teacher and put it here.....then again why would people wanna see a boring presentation about Venezuela? Ok so nevermind all that putting it here stuff then.
YAY!!!!! THE GODFATHER PART II IS COMIN' ON AT 8:00 TODAY!!!!!! ^_________^ I GOTTA see it! No matter how late it's gonna be! Hehehehehehe now I just gotta see part THREE. But for some reason those channels never show the third one.....just the first and second....probably cuz the third one was the weakest. But nonetheless any good! Has Andy Garcia in it, he's really cool. I liked his part in Ocean's Eleven. Now THAT was a good movie! And real funny too....can't really remember all of it but I really really enjoyed it ^_^ (a lot of really's there...heh heh....)
Tuesday, October 22

What Color Eyes Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, October 21
I get my damned picture taken tomorrow....good thing they got the softouch no one would see my goddamn blemishes and shitz.....
English class was boring as hell as usual.....they ask so many fucking questions even if class IS OVER ALREADY! I'm like I don't give a shit in my head, I wish I could just scream it out at them hahahahahahaha. Jeez and stupid Mr. Stiles says you can't go until all questions are answered. -_-' They almost made me be late for gym class.....what the fuck that class is so fun and they ruin it for us like that and not only that but almost get me in trouble for being late........assholes......wish I could tape their mouths with super duper forever stick tape so they'd keep their fucking mouths shut so I can go to gym class! Hahahahaha and play lacrosse and hit people with metal
Anywayz played freespace dodgeball in was much more fun than I thought it would be! At least they got the right balls for that like in soccer we gotta use this really soft marshmallowy "soccerball"....what the hell's with that?? Well so it was only me and Greg left in one round.....but obviously I lost....stupid hair was in the way so I couldn't see....hahaha it looks good like that I prefer to leave hair hanging in front of my face cuz it looks COOOOL......hahahahaha and a hell of a lot of hairspray too....makes your head all hard and funny feelin'...hehehe
Whoa like Ann went ballistic today.....we were staying late after our lunch period and into the 7th graders' lunch period too and she had to talk to Ms. Hoffman-Pinto about some harassment thing I bet isn't even true and when she wrote us late passes Ann tapped Thomas on the back and yelled "BYE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!". I was like whoa she must REALLY think he's that cute.....he like shook his head in puzzledness and I said that Ann was messed she is! But in a cool way.
Today was also the first day of my new elective....genetics....sheesh you learn about sex and stuff your parents pass down to you....well minus the sex sex elective!'s an ok class....a lot of boys....hahaha......only like four girls! Sheesh and we got homework on the FIRST interview your parents and copy down their facial traits from this paper thing....
Saturday, October 19

How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
HEEEEY!! HOW DARE YOU??!!!!!! Lol, actually that's pretty funny.....hahahaha........

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
What the fuck??
| You are Fozzie! Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.. |
Hehehehehehehe I like Fozzie! ^_^
Thursday, October 17
YAY!!!!! ^___^ I scored a goal in lacrosse today! Hehehehe and it's our first day playin' too! And, I was THE only girl who scored! ^___^ I got a nice gym class this year...last year's was mean. Nothin' but a bunch of blonde preppies who can't even hit a hockey puck and show offy jocks who yell at you for doing something wrong -_-' Well some were nice and a few were assholes.
Picture Day on Monday and Tuesday.....depending on when you have science....I have it on Tuesday then. Good, cuz I can't get my piccy taken when I got sweat all over from gym! And messin' up my hair and shit.....those photographers are weird....they go like "Now give me a BIG smile and say CHEEEESE!!!!!" like you're some little crappy kindergartener or something.
Hahahhahaha me Ann and Nnenna (I know that's a gay name for a girl hahahaha :p) stayed in the cafeteria so long that the 7th graders started coming in for their lunch time. So I sat at Thomas's table talking to him and his friends while Ann and Nnenna stood and complained that we were gonna get in trouble til they got so annoying I had to get up and leave. While we were walking to the doors they were talking about how adorable they thought Thomas was and Ann said he was really hella cute and I think I forgot, but maybe Nnenna was agreeing too....I wasn't really listening cuz I was thinkin' about somethin' else. Hahahahah whoa NNENNA?? THINKS THOMAS IS CUTE??!!!! DUUDE!!!!! NNENNA??? THINKS THOMAS?? THOMAS?? IS CUTE?Hahahahahahahahaaha that's scary!
Wednesday, October 16

What Is Your True Aura Colour?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, October 13
Oh I forgot to say......I FINALLY AT LAST finished reading The Godfather!! ^________^ Well, actually about two or three weeks ago....just totally forgot to post.....heh heh.....or did I say already???? I think I remember saying it ended so suddenly....I'm such a dumbass.......@_@....oh well I'll just leave this here....
Another boring day.....still didn't do anything or go hungry again.......#_# My mom said she's taking us shopping tomorrow cuz she got a coupon for Bed Bath & Beyond and it's a sunny day and she actually feels like going. But Thomas said he'd call me back tomorrow so he could come over or me come over to play video games! Sheesh I hope he doesn't think I'm ignoring him or something my mom would get pissed if I went to his house instead......she thinks I gotz a boyfriend! No way! He's in 7th grade and is too short for me and seriously I'm not attracted to him. It's just that we gotz lots in common and love to play kick ass video games where you blow da shit outta funky colored aliens hahahahahahahha :p
Hehehhe like da new layout?? Look at all the pretty colors!! ^_______^ I really like this one, but it took me a long time to perfect it - make it just the way I want. But I JUST can't move the sidebar down so it matches up with the rest of the page and doesn't block the advertisement! Arrgghh whatever I do it messes everything up! #_# If you're reading this and know what to do, please tell me! ^_-
I'm exceptionally artistic!
Find your soul type at
Yup that's me alright.
Saturday, October 12
What a boring day.....all wet and icky outside and my mom won't let me go to Thomas's house to play Halo with him and his dad! :( ARRRGHH I WANNA GOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That'd be soooo awesome three people kickin' some serious alien ass!! Hahahahahaha SCREW YOU DEMENTED ALIENS!!!!!
The Hives are AWESOME! Such an original band they are! They're videos are really cool too, although I didn't see their second one for Main Offender. But the one for Hate to Say I told You So is really spiffy! Kinda like 50's and 70's-ish or something ^_^ But when there's the closeup of the lead singer he looks kinda freaky cuz he looks all serious and mean and schtuff. Well whenever he's not in that expression he's REALLY hot! ^_^ My friend Helen said his name is Pelle......however you pronounce that....a Swedish name...looks funny if you ask who could resist those pretty green eyes! @_@

Hahahahahahahaha :p
Friday, October 11
Stayed home from school that virus that's been going's not that bad except that you get really really hot and when you sleep your hair gets soaked......sheesh
Thursday, October 10

take the nerd test.
and go to a nerd utopia.

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!
This has been another pointless
diversion by Bijouriel
Sweater fuzz sucks it messes up my best ones! #_#
Umm......tulips are pretty......
Bonding Day was postponed! ^_____^ To next Thursday. No one wanted to go anyway hahahhaha.
We started lacrosse in gym class but only did exercises and stuff for it. It was still pretty fun, but then Antoinette had to go with fat ass Ms. Hoffman-Pinto to the office for something. She said Ann would be back BUT SHE WASN'T. So I had to do everything by myself for the rest of the period. -_-'
Lol lunch was pretty funny, me and Ann were making fun of Mr. Stiles with push-up Italian ice pops. Hahahahahaha I was like "LOOK I'M MR. STILES!" and sucking on it hahahahaha he's such a faget and only the geeks in my lit plus class like him.
Wednesday, October 9
Team Bonding Day field trip tomorrow at Peterson Field........ulgh........Jeez we've been bonding for the past TWO years now! And it's not like Field Day where we get to do whatever we want we have to play scheduled games on this trip. :( And I hope it won't be as bad as I'm expecting it to be. Cuz since it's TEAM Bonding Day we're probably going to have to hang only with our team....and maybe even just HOMEROOM, which would REALLY suck. Hey at least I got Helen and Michelle to talk to ^_^
We had a state senator come to our school as a guest speaker today, Senator Bucco. Hahahaha what a weird name! Sat near the back.....oh well there's nothing to see except a big fat guy talking about New Jersey and that stuff. But when someone asked what kind of car he drove (what a dumbass that was) he said a Mercury Sable LS, and I said quietly to Helen that my parents drove that. And you know what, HE HEARD. No I mean I said that really really quietly! And I sat near the BACK. @_@ That kinda scares me......
Aw crap I got a vocab quiz for stupid Mr. Stiles tomorrow and I didn't bring my goddam book! Hahahaha I don't give a shit he doesn't deserve my best work anyway :p And we got this grammar worksheet too for homework.....what the fuck we were leaving the class THEN he handed them out, but I got out already so I hope that's a good excuse for not having my homework.
Saturday, October 5
Archery is AWESOME!!! ^___________________^
Hahahahahahaha you see in english class one day someone said that Mr. Stiles's classroom smelled like whiteout so I said that Mr. Stiles was high on whiteout and I think he heard. Hahahahaha and like two or three classes later he assigned us all new seats and I was the first to be moved but not only moved......but in THE CORNER. Hahahhaha and he always chucks my papers at me instead of handing them to me like a goddamn gentleman. Sheesh if he hates me that bad why can't I be changed to the stupid class where COOL people actually are.
I hate those fucking geeks and preppies in my lit plus class! Only a few are really cool and SANE. What bitches like 98% of the girls are. They SCREAM just cuz there's a SPIDER. And yet they don't wanna kill it. What the FUCK is with that???? I wish I could've said that to them and step on the freakin' spider. But nooooo, they made the teacher put a cup over it and slide a paper under and throw it out the window. It would die anyway, since it's a two story building. Sheesh what assholes! -_-'
Wednesday, October 2
You enjoy life, humor, and being exuberant. Wherever you go you usually find yourself stealing the spotlight without even trying. You love to let go and have fun.
Find out your color at!