Saturday, October 12
What a boring day.....all wet and icky outside and my mom won't let me go to Thomas's house to play Halo with him and his dad! :( ARRRGHH I WANNA GOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That'd be soooo awesome three people kickin' some serious alien ass!! Hahahahahaha SCREW YOU DEMENTED ALIENS!!!!!
The Hives are AWESOME! Such an original band they are! They're videos are really cool too, although I didn't see their second one for Main Offender. But the one for Hate to Say I told You So is really spiffy! Kinda like 50's and 70's-ish or something ^_^ But when there's the closeup of the lead singer he looks kinda freaky cuz he looks all serious and mean and schtuff. Well whenever he's not in that expression he's REALLY hot! ^_^ My friend Helen said his name is Pelle......however you pronounce that....a Swedish name...looks funny if you ask who could resist those pretty green eyes! @_@