Wednesday, October 9
Team Bonding Day field trip tomorrow at Peterson Field........ulgh........Jeez we've been bonding for the past TWO years now! And it's not like Field Day where we get to do whatever we want we have to play scheduled games on this trip. :( And I hope it won't be as bad as I'm expecting it to be. Cuz since it's TEAM Bonding Day we're probably going to have to hang only with our team....and maybe even just HOMEROOM, which would REALLY suck. Hey at least I got Helen and Michelle to talk to ^_^
We had a state senator come to our school as a guest speaker today, Senator Bucco. Hahahaha what a weird name! Sat near the back.....oh well there's nothing to see except a big fat guy talking about New Jersey and that stuff. But when someone asked what kind of car he drove (what a dumbass that was) he said a Mercury Sable LS, and I said quietly to Helen that my parents drove that. And you know what, HE HEARD. No I mean I said that really really quietly! And I sat near the BACK. @_@ That kinda scares me......
Aw crap I got a vocab quiz for stupid Mr. Stiles tomorrow and I didn't bring my goddam book! Hahahaha I don't give a shit he doesn't deserve my best work anyway :p And we got this grammar worksheet too for homework.....what the fuck we were leaving the class THEN he handed them out, but I got out already so I hope that's a good excuse for not having my homework.