Tuesday, December 31
New Year's Eve
What a boring New Year's Eve....why is this year's homelife so much more boring than the years before? Probably cuz it's a teen thing.... sheesh. -_-' Or maybe I know what's boring and what isn't. Oh my gosh am I getting smart?? Hahahahaha drinkin all that soy sauce from the bottle works....
Saw Poltergeist a few days ago....it was so gay! And stupid TV people/press said it was one of the scariest movies of all time. Yeah right. I was watchin it all alone in the dark at 1:00 in the mornin! Sheesh people were THAT chicken back then?? I feel the same way about Friday the 13th, but it was cooler than Poltergeist. Well actually I just saw the part up to when the family hires that old lady to help them and stuff. Hmmmm....also saw the end of Amityville II. Pretty cool but not scary at all. Kinda like The Exorcist but A LOT less scary I bet. I wanna see Exorcist!! Sounds damn cool. Definitely gonna watch it this weekend....TVGuide says it's gonna be on....Anywayz hahaha in Amityville II the priest got the demon into HIMSELF after he got it outta the guy.....I feel sorry for him, now he's gotta suffer. I feel even more sorry for him if no one saves him. And the third one was so boring at the beginning I stopped watching it.
Hahahaha That 70's Show KICKS ASS!!! Why didn't I ever watch it before??? Can't believe I thought it was stupid....then for some reason like a few weeks ago I started watchin it and it was really damn funny! And Ashton Kutcher is HOT........ @_@
Friday, December 27

which eye are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Boring, BORING day......stupid ass kelly watched her stupid ass Pokemon movie from Blockbuster so I couldn't play video games. Goddammit it was too long! Or at least felt like it. My mom made me put the Xbox upstairs. Well I want it downstairs! With the nice big flat screen TV. THAT'S where it belongs....Anywayz when kelly was done watchin the stupid ass movie my mom took the TV right away to watch home and garden crap. Sheesh!
Let's see.....there was this robot dude named Zeta on Batman Beyond....isn't that another series?? The Zeta Project! Dude and they both look a lot alike too......so....is The Zeta Project a spinoff of Batman Beyond? Hahahaha cool......but I don't watch The Zeta Project cuz it looks gay, unlike Batman Beyond, which kicks ass. ^_^
Thursday, December 26
One word to describe Christmas this year: CRAPPY.
Stayed home yesterday cuz my dad's friend from work's party was postponed. My mom said after New Years'?? Then won't there be no holidays left? I don't it......And I hope the party that we're supposed to go on Saturday isn't cancelled either, my crappy vacation will be even more crappier -_-'
That 70's Show was sooooo funny yesterday.....hahaha Eric was all drunk and stuff and was makin fun of his father to Kelso (or however you spell it) and he called his dad a "big bald party pooper". LOL! And guess what....Red was standing right there with his arms folded and that pissed look on his face. Lol then Eric barfed all over his shoes. Haha you bet he got in trouble.....and at the end Red gave Eric a present and he was goin all like "WHAT? I don't get in trouble and instead get a Christmas present?!?!" and all that and then when he shook it he said it smelled bad and Red said, "Yup, those are my shoes from last night. DUMBASS!" Hahahahaha what a dumbass indeed.... :p
How do blind people drive???
I have no idea where that came from....it just bothers me, how the hell do blind people drive??? And I heard they never get into any accident. It's almost as hard to solve as why Nnenna is so fat and ugly....hahaha
Wednesday, December 25
Christmas Day
Damn ass boring!!!! #_# I know Christmas is supposed to be fun.....but it's NOT. Well this year that is. Let's see what I got:
1. $54 Hurley sweater from my mom
2. another shirt from her
3. and...yet another
4. Pochacco notebook and pen from Monica (so cute!)
5. candy thing from Courtney
6. candy from Ilona
7. burned CD from Nnenna
8. another burned CD from Prium
9. a card from Krupa
10. Medal of Honor from my mom
11. two teddy bears, a card, and a giant box of Belgian chocolates ^____^ from Kim
12. candy cane from Lauren
13. Godiva chocolate from Rachel
14. paperweight with little fishies inside from Henry and his parents - Co Nga and Chu Hanh [ I think I spelled that right... ]
15. $50 from Jeannie's mom
16. $10 from my mom [ hahaha my fifth present from her ]
17. $2 from my mom and dad's friend's father [ I know, so little...but I don't really care ]
18. $30 from my grandpa
19. a damn good plate of homemade cookies from Helen
Dinnertime now.....I'll list more if I remember them.
Monday, December 23
Hahahaha lookie at this conversation between me and Leslie:
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: d0rk
iggypoprocks01: jerk
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: monk monk
iggypoprocks01: butt chunk
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: crab
iggypoprocks01: cow
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: ass
iggypoprocks01: monk ass
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: hahya
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: buttass
iggypoprocks01: lol
iggypoprocks01: buttcrab
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: har har
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: =P
iggypoprocks01: haha
iggypoprocks01: =p
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: crabby ass
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: crabass
iggypoprocks01: ass crab
kRzY vi3T cHiCk: d0rkass
iggypoprocks01: dorkbutt
Hahahaha we're so loving, aren't we???
Anywayz......lol on Friday stupid fag Mr. Stiles almost kicked me outta the room and watchin the movie cuz I said fuck out loud....hahaha well it wasn't my fault my friends were talkin about something about my hair or something and they wouldn't tell me what was going on. Then Mr. Stiles started questioning me like "DID YOU USE THAT LANGUAGE OR NOT?!?". Hahahaha he looked pretty pissed =p
Saturday was pretty dumb too.....lemme see what I can remember......Ah yes, we went shopping! But it sucked like hell. Everyone (mom, dad, and sis) take so fucking long just to pick out their damned Christmas cards and CDs! It felt like FOREVER. And the fact that the mall was so damned crowded and it was hot like hell made it seem worse. In FYE I saw the Sex Pistols CD........I WANT IT SO BAD!!!!!!!!! But I bet my mom won't let me get it cuz they're name is the SEX PISTOLS. They are my officially new favorite band....Korn has been kicked out....I don't know why....hahaha
Mom bought me Medal of Honor for Xbox.....kick ass game! Lol the Germans got pointy helmets and dressy like coats! Hahahaha for such twisted guys they gotz quite a feminine side! Haha fagets....So far I got up to the part when you have to take over that bunker and mark that place on the ledge and when I went back into the bunker I just died suddenly. I was like.....what the fuck??? I don't think I heard any gunshots or guys talkin either.....jeez -_-'
Ok...Sunday......BORING AS HELL. I don't feel like typin anymore so go away.
Sunday, December 22
Friday was so gay, all we did was watch dumb movies and the teachers didn't even give us a single damn snack! Tell ya more later.
Wednesday, December 18
Ok....why'd I get moved yesterday.......Oh yeah! Me, David, and Ann were makin fun of the Backstreet Boys and throwin papers and messin up the computer equipment and stuff and since I was sittin in the middle I had to be moved so it would separate everyone -_-' Hahaha it was funny while it lasted :p
Gotta go again #_#
Tuesday, December 17
Haha....got my seat moved today.....Uh oh, I gotta go. I'll type more tomorrow ^_-
Monday, December 16
Hahahaha almost threw up in school today! Too bad I didn't....that woulda been real funny....especially in gym. Lol everyone was doin the shuttle run and I bet if I had to do it and when I'm bendin down pickin up the stick I'd puke all over da floor. Haha Mr. C. woulda been pissed! And everyone would be like all eeewwww and stuff.....lol. But, it didn't happen.
Saturday, December 14

Come get your fortune read!
Created by ptocheia
Friday, December 13
Haha.....purdy good week I guess.....damn funny though on Wednesday in gym class.....like these guys were playin volleyball and two of them tried to spike da ball at once and instead hit the net and fell and knocked the whole damn thing down along with the other one that's connected to it for the other court! LOL!!!!!! And they were rollin on the floor laughin and dissin at each other for bein stupid enough to knock everythin down. Hahahahaha they looked so stupid! Especially Phil....hahaha what an ass......just kidding! He's hella funny and cool though hahaha. XD I was laughin my ass off!! And Blake was sittin right next to the giant metal pole and when it fell it scared da shit outta him! Those things are damn heavy too! I felt da floor shake a bit. Lol he almost jumped too......hahaha poor guy.
Gotta go now....I DON'T WANNA GO!!!! =(
Sunday, December 8
Hehehehe went shopping at the Paliades yesterday! Big ass mall.....they got a ferris wheel, roller coaster, and carousel in it! See what I mean?? Oh yeah and a movie theater, imax theater, ice rink, Home Depot, and a lotta other stuff. Anywayz we went with Jeannie and Branda and their mom. Hahahaha the ride there was long and loud and annoying. Thanks to me and Branda! Lol we were yelling stuff about how seatbelts are full of crap and stuff......lol.....we got lost for a few minutes, then the toll booth guy told us where it was....hahaha.....and my dad said he knew the way! Damn him, he always says he can do something and then can't. What an ass.
I got three new shirts.....one cost $8 I think, another cost $11 or $12, and the other cost like $54. Hahaha expensive one that was.....very pretty! Got it at Mr. Rags......funny name for a store but they got cool stuff there....all ghetto and skateboarding kinda stuff. Hahaha my mom said all that stuff was my Christmas present from her....not bad....finally I got some new and in style clothes....unlike my ugly and crappy stuff I gotz now....but Helen says they're really cool and so me! Same thing with Monica. Hahaha I don't think so.
Watched My Dog Skip today! Well at least the second half of it. Pretty damn good! I know I know, I never watch dramas like that and watch nothin but violent stuff that fills your head completely and makes you create makeshift weapons to use on your siblings but seriously, there was NOTHING to watch this afternoon. Except for this war movie called The Boys of Company C but I saw that already and plus it's pretty old...
Stupid ass homework.....I got so much I didn't do and now I gotta make it up! Lol! Oh well maybe I'll totally skip the history assignment...it's only one anyway and I'm doin good on everything else...hahahaha :p
Gotta go dinnertime! ^________^ So hungry...
Saturday, December 7
Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Thursday, December 5
EARLY DISMISSAL TODAY!!!!!!!!! ^__________^ Hahahahaha we were in the middle of first period when suddenly the principal came on the intercom and announced that school was gonna be changed to only a half day cuz of all da snow! It started snowing a little when I got out to wait for the bus but while in school it started to get really heavy. Good thing it was a B day....they suck! So boring....well except for history sometimes.
Hehehe no science quiz on mitosis today! I didn't even know til I saw it on the board but then the teacher said we didn't have time to so I lucked out! Hahahaha I was like what the fuck we got a quiz?!?! Mitosis....so boring so boring......
Gotta go =D
Tuesday, December 3
I'M SO COLD!!!!! #_# Stupid cold weather.....it was like 32 degrees today! And that's the HIGH. #_# My hands are kinda stiff so I don't feel like typin...
Monday, December 2
Oh yeah.....totally forgotz....last weekend (the one before the Thanksgiving one) we rented that Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson movie Changing Lanes and some gay Chinese wannabe movie called Gen-Y Cops. That movie was GAY!! Gay I say!! I'm sick of these chinese movies....why do my parents ALWAYS rent them?? They SUCK! It's nothin but a bunch of bad young cops who highlight their hair BLONDE and the ends are black. And they're CHINESE. BLONDE CHINESE PEOPLE??!!! That's messed up....And the acting was HORRIBLE.
Changing Lanes was pretty damn good! Don't feel like describin it an stuff now though...
Sunday, December 1
No wait they are goin home!! YAY!!!! ^______^ FOOD HERE I COME!!!!
I . AM . SO . BORED . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of a party is this.....?!?! NO ONE MY AGE WAS INVITED!!!!!! And I wasn't even allowed to invite ANY of my friends over!! I AM SO FRIGGIN BORED!!!!!! I've been online for what...FIVE HOURS?!?! Even worse my ass is startin to go numb....lol.....been sittin too long....
Oh yeah! Pretty interesting episode of Inu Yasha that was.....He and Kagome are gettin closer!! They almost kissed.....hahahaha I missed that part though due to talkin to Leslie (buttchunk [lol]). Hey wait I'm startin to sound like some freak who watches soap operas and cry over some bitch who got impregnated by her sister's friend's aunt's niece's boyfriend's sister.
Music was turned off!! Hope they're goin home so I can get some food....I don't care if it smells like cigarettes or got beer splashed on it.
Party's still goin on and the music still loud......except that they're startin to sing in echoes! @_@ Hahahaha it sounds so gay....lol they're playin really really gay music now.....
So it's Sunday now....gotta do homework later today.....hahaha for my book report I'm gonna read THE GODFATHER. I'll have the best report....describing who gets their throat slit or when the lady was forced to throw the baby in the FURNACE. That was a freaky part to read....#_# Anywayz I hope no one knows I read it during the summer already, cuz then I'll be all set! Hahahaha I'll be watchin tv while everyone else is readin :p
Hmmm.....what to talk about......what to talk about.....I'll get back to that.