Thursday, December 26
One word to describe Christmas this year: CRAPPY.
Stayed home yesterday cuz my dad's friend from work's party was postponed. My mom said after New Years'?? Then won't there be no holidays left? I don't it......And I hope the party that we're supposed to go on Saturday isn't cancelled either, my crappy vacation will be even more crappier -_-'
That 70's Show was sooooo funny yesterday.....hahaha Eric was all drunk and stuff and was makin fun of his father to Kelso (or however you spell it) and he called his dad a "big bald party pooper". LOL! And guess what....Red was standing right there with his arms folded and that pissed look on his face. Lol then Eric barfed all over his shoes. Haha you bet he got in trouble.....and at the end Red gave Eric a present and he was goin all like "WHAT? I don't get in trouble and instead get a Christmas present?!?!" and all that and then when he shook it he said it smelled bad and Red said, "Yup, those are my shoes from last night. DUMBASS!" Hahahahaha what a dumbass indeed.... :p
How do blind people drive???
I have no idea where that came just bothers me, how the hell do blind people drive??? And I heard they never get into any accident. It's almost as hard to solve as why Nnenna is so fat and ugly....hahaha