Wednesday, March 31
i'm hungry
Friday, March 26
Today was blah. I spent half the day walking around the school. Yeah, in every class except gym I took approximately 20 minute "bathroom" breaks. It's funny when you walk by a classroom and whoever's in view turns and looks at you with that "what the hell is that?" expression on their face. Is it human nature or something that people always sense someone at the door? I should wear my old adidas someday, cuz they always squeak easily and loudly if you walk the right way.
Paid this kid my left over snack money (a dollar and fifty five cents) for a Pearl Jam cd. How kick ass is that?
I stole this magazine from the art room, and it says that Radiohead is the best band in the world. It doesn't really support that opinion all that much, as you can see in the entirety of the one rather long paragraph article:
"Leading has always been more dangerous and more difficult than following, and Radiohead have led their fans, their foes and their countless imitators as ably as any rock band. The British quintet has managed to chart a hazardous course from alternative-rock radio with its jagged 1993 ode to self-hatred, 'Creep,' to global respect as the world's most sophisticated arena-rock band. After The Bends, in 1995, and the platinum OK Computer, in 1997, Radiohead headed in a strange new direction. Kid A and Amnesiac broke all the rules, employing tangled, miasmic arrangements, wistful vocals and all manner of electronic gadgetry in songs that could be as alienating as they are challenging. The band weathered a lukewarm popular response but toured with renewed vigor (and signs of actual enjoyment). With this year's Hail to the Thief , the group continued what it began in the early '90s: grand, experimental, fiercely original music that defies expectation and solidifies their position as the 21st century's greatest rock band."
QUOTE: "Thom [Yorke, Radiohead singer] is constantly testing us," says guitarist Ed O'Brien. "You think, 'Do I have to keep proving myself?' Yeah, you do. That's why he's such a great bandleader. He keeps you on your toes."
FUN FACT: The original band name was On a Friday.
See what I mean? Wow that's some major support for "the world's greatest band." Not to mention they're also "artist of the month." I'm starting to lose faith in Rolling Stone. Not that I haven't already. Actually, this magazine is from Rolling Stone presents XM NATION. I'm guessing it's some radio station shit. Oh no wait it says on the cover, "Advertising Supplement to Rolling Stone Magazine."
Sunday, March 14
I've been noticing, these plaid pants make my crotch 6 inches lower than usual. It's almost like those tight 80's pants with those hoops going under their feet that girls wore and they'd have to pull their pants up every once in a while cuz they were so tight and stuff and they'd start walking funny cuz the crotch is down too low. Except that these pants are ugly plaid and aren't tight and don't have the foot loop thing.
My livejournal is
pissing me off. I can't do anything with the layout except change the colors.
Yesterday I saw THE craziest movie in its entirety. Entirety for network television that is, fucking editors. Yeah Being John Malkovich is one crazy movie. Transexual Cameron Diaz? Steven Seagal-ponytailed John Cusack? Naked John Malkovich? AAHHHH o_O
I am seriously fucking annoyed now. The internet is a piece of shit. When someone actually does talk, "the connection is interrupted". What kinda bullshit is that? And I thought Optimum Online was the best out there.
I seriously need a life, and get out more. My fuckhead friends suck, they don't call me anymore. Is it because of my substance problem? Well it's their fault for not knowing how to have fun. Assholes.
Notice I said fuckhead friends. Which meant
only those who I consider fuckheads who don't give a fuck about Christina and use her just to talk try to talk to hot guys that she knows. Well fuck you, fuck your fucking ignorance, fuck your fucking jealousy, fuck your fucking indecency, fuck you!
Haha that sounds like what Spike Lee said in that Do the Right Thing movie XD
I'm gonna fucking crack soon if I don't go to bed.
Saturday, March 13

Your a dark Unicorn and you know it. Dark unicorns
are outcasts, and are filled with greif and
sadness, though few see it. Dark Unicorns horns
aare blood red, but humans cannot see it, so
they are often mistaken for a black horse.
Dark Unicorns love to see others suffer and
destroy things because of their anger. They are
loners, and like it that way, and like to
steal, kill, and other terrible things to show
their ravage. Dark Unicorns are blood-thirst,
very powerful creatures and should not be
tempered with. But, they are known to show pity
and mercy for children....
What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm watching a Howard Stern biography on MSNBC. Now
that's an interesting documentary. Did his show really end like two weeks ago? That sucks :(
Dammit there's a newsflash put Howard Stern back on!
I think today is going to be another day of sitting around and eating doing nothing progessive at all. Hey I just summed up my entire life. Being John Malkovich is on in a bit, that's something. Is anyone going to call me? I highly doubt it.
There's really nothing left to say.
Thursday, March 11
Wednesday, March 10
I finally got some more Pearl Jam songs. Kazaa is still being an ass though. It needs more Alice in Chains. And MC5. Sheesh where can I go to get good music besides a money-hungry record store?
The teacher scared me today in math class. He took my book and put a wind up moth in it. And when I opened my book and this thing comes flying out of it. The whole class laughs. It was all in good fun, except for the red blood cells in my face.
I heard when they did that to Danielle she totally freaked and almost broke the thing. Hahaha too bad I was at guidance and missed it.
Bio was fun. I got pregnant.
The demon lady was being, well, a demon when I got home.
I need more Guns n' Roses.
Tuesday, March 9

Grunge! You're all about the music and would even
turn your back on fame just to stay true to
your roots... You reached your high in the
early '90s, but you're still making some good
stuff! Keep rocking!
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Went home early from school today, possible pink eye. In actuality, my eyes did hurt a lot, but didn't want to be bored out of my mind in metalworking (you're probably thinking, how could metalshop be boring? what the fuck is wrong with you? well, I was tired of pestering the teacher for help with my project and stopped working for a few classes, doing nothing altogether). I only expected to get eyedrops or some shit like that, but noooo, they called my parents to go home. And I got home at TWO FIFTY. What a waste. Not that I wasted half of my life doing nothing already.
The literature teacher assigns us to write an essay about our life's "great expectation". And what does the loser write, after thinking and sidetracking for four hours? Overthrowing the government. Obviously it's just a temporary subject for the essay, and I must think up of
something. Probably astronaut, that's a decent idea. I'll be an astronaut when I grow up.
My hair needs to grow faster.
Monday, March 8
Ulgh today was a bad hair day. Or at least I think it was. Didn't feel like finding a mirror.
Just saw the end of The Sure Thing, another Cusack flick. It was really good, but pissed me off a bit. Damn romances. Maybe I should go watch Footloose or something.
B days are gay I got two classes and lunch with Jen Remick, French class, and a jerk in metalworking. I should get myself into iss on a b day just for the heck of it. Catch up on my sleep there.
Damn this David Bowie song is really good. It's a shame that he is so ignored in school. Everyone's like, AFI! NIRVANA! AFI IS SO HARCORE! NIRVANA IS THE BEST BAND TO EVER COME ON EARTH! Bullshit! I do believe they are good bands and that Nirvana is indeed a great band, but it's a real shame when losers say they like Nirvana just to be cool. And I hate it when people constantly talk about Kurt's going away. I don't think it should be talked about so freely. Don't people have any fucking manners? What's almost as bad is that some folks say Nirvana invented grunge? Nuh uh. At least in my opinion. Maybe there just happened to be a few other bands that seem to have the same tone that came out the same time they did. How could someone invent a musical category? Bach didn't invent baroque, Van Halen didn't invent hair metal, Barry Manilow didn't invent crappy music.
Ok back to David Bowie. Yeah, he kicks ass. Who wouldn't wanna wear so much rouge on their cheeks that they start to look like a Japanese powder cake? He's such an epic songwriter, and can sing in so many styles it's awesome. And all those different outfits making you question if he really has a penis or not? Even better!
Comparing how he sings in The Man Who Sold the World, Changes, and China Girl, it's surprising that it's all the same guy singing those songs. He sounds like a South Park alien, Donny Osmond or something, and some Frank Sinatra-like dude.
Ziggy Stardust is so underrated.
Sunday, March 7
Here's a valuable life lesson:
It has been known for many years that sex is good exercise, but until recently nobody had made a scientific study of the caloric expenditure of different sexual activities. Now after original and proprietary research they are proud to present the results.
With her consent....................... 12 Calories
Without her consent.................... 187 Calories
With both hands........................ 8 Calories
With one hand.......................... 12 Calories
With your teeth........................ 85 Calories
With an erection....................... 6 Calories
Without an erection.................... 315 Calories
Trying to find the clitoris............ 8 Calories
Trying to find the G-Spot.............. 92 Calories
Missionary............................. 12 Calories
69 lying down.......................... 78 Calories
69 standing up......................... 112 Calories
Wheelbarrow............................ 216 Calories
Doggy Style............................ 326 Calories
Italian chandelier..................... 912 Calories
Real................................... 112 Calories
False.................................. 315 Calories
Lying in bed hugging................... 18 Calories
Getting up immediately................. 36 Calories
Explaining why you got out of bed immediately......816 Calories
20-29 years old........................ 36 Calories
30-39 years............................ 80 Calories
40-49 years............................ 124 Calories
50-59 years............................ 972 Calories
60-69 years............................ 2916 Calories
70 and over......................... Results are still pending
Calmly................................. 32 Calories
In a hurry............................. 98 Calories
With her father knocking at the door... 1218 Calories
With your wife knocking at the door.... 3521 Calories
Stole it from someone's blurty.

You are a moon shadow. With the moon as your source
you are a being of great mystery. Constantly
drifting, you descend into darkness to conceal
your brokenness. You have come to believe that
you are the only one you can rely upon for
constancy and safety that you need. But those
who know how to see you find enchanting beauty
in your wistfulness and fragility. It is to
them that you should flee, for their arms are
an open haven where your true light can finally
thrive..(please rate my quiz cuz it took me for
freaking ever to create)
What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Sneakers- funny, laid-back, and goofy, you love to
make people laugh and have a good time. You
enjoy comfort and don't care to much about what
people think of you. You like to hang out with
your buddies and just have a good time. [please
vote! thank you! :)]
What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
What a stupid quiz. At least I'm not Barbie slippers or something.

Wow! You are awsome. You truley are a Bam fan.
Congrats!!! :D
Bam Margera
brought to you by Quizilla
Cuz I watch a lot of Viva La Bam.

You are WILD AND CRAZY KIDS. You couldn't get
through life without a little fun... or a neon
colored t-shirt. You are a team player and
really into Omar Gooding. GO YOU!
Which old school Nickelodeon show are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ummm, no.

What cartoon dog are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at
Holy shit I saw a DeLorean yesterday.
Today was blah, just cleaned and did homework. How exciting. I hope tomorrow's gonna be better.
Saturday, March 6
There was a show today? I wouldn't have gone anyway, no permission to. I don't even know where it was, cuz I'm a dumbass and don't pay attention unless someone goes like, "CHRISTINA, THERE'S A SHOW YOU GOTTA COME!".
At least I got to go shopping today. The demon lady wasn't pms-ing so it was an enjoyable time. And no, not the Rockaway Mall, it sucks. Yeah today was sissy girly day, wearing heels and shopping like any other bitch. Now my feet are sore. I got a t shirt of the man whose face is on the background of this page and green pants haha. Would've gotten these kick ass pointy heels that if you kicked someone in the ass they'd get constipated but I never go anywhere so there's point in buying them.
Friday, March 5
Hey I made a livejournal outta boredom and it looks like broccoli colored crap. Click
here if you wanna waste your time.

What lesser-known Simpsons character are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at
Thursday, March 4
For some reason I'm in a writey mood today. Probably cuz I'm hallucinating from the excess sunshine these last few days. The days are beautiful and you see things in a different perspective. I've got to admit, Great Expectations is a pretty good book, past the boringness. Actually, I think the only reason I actually want to read it is to see what happens with Estella. Other than that I don't really give a fuck. What a fucking hopeless useless lifeless romantic I am.
Ow why are my legs numb?
I've been really blah lately. I need to do something. Everything's been blah nothing significant really. Maybe I need someone to talk to. No not a shrink they'll prescribe me with some stupid ass Prozac or Zoloft or something. I should get out this weekend. If any of you loser friends wanna hang out. Probably not. Cuz I bet they're all thinking, Christina is such a boring slut who cares no one wants to fucking hang out with a freshman who looks like an old ass.
Yeah I'm so mean to myself haha.
Hey this one's cool. A big ass picture of David Bowie's face.
Testing is gay. I sort of blew the whole thing off so I'd get into stupid classes next year. That's it for advanced courses. History is bad enough this year I'm not gonna kill myself mentally by getting another honors class. Killing myself mentally meaning being surrounded by assholes for an hour and half every class. I know it's a lame excuse, but the projects and work and shit piss me off too. Lecturing is enough for me to learn I don't need the extra work outside of school. Not that I do anything outside of school, it's still a load of bullshit.
Yeah my eyes hurt like fuck, I need Clear Eyes or something. Good old Ben Stein.
I'm getting tired of this background already, but I like the title of this blog.
Wednesday, March 3
Who the fuck keeps visiting this page? Like everytime I check out if the background still works or something, there's always one or two people it says on the counter who have visited. Says that every day. I wonder who is actually interested in the shit I say, to visit this crappy website every day.
Monday, March 1
Why do I have The Orgasm Song stuck in my head? Which really is The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd off the Dark Side of the Moon album. Yeah, it really fucks you up when you listen to it during school. No wait it actually does you better when you listen to that album during school. It relaxes you and makes you forget about all the hardships of an adolescent's life and the obstacles which make life worth living. Yeah right that's what a fag would say.
But it's funny when I'm walking through a crowded and noisy hallway listening to the drowsy sounds of Pink Floyd. Think of it as like in a movie and some person is walking somewhere and it plays that music that goes so perfectly with what's going on. Well Pink Floyd is the exact opposite of what's going on. I'm boring myself so I'll get to something else.
Hmm I never knew the inside of a Mike and Ike is clear. YES, I HAVE THAT MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS.