Sunday, March 30
Where are my archives...................?
Wow......haven't really spoken about my days for the past couple of weeks, have I? Ahh the homework and shit! Seriously.....there's been way too much since those two days I've been out sick. Yes, I was out sick for quite sometime.....and been comin to school late for a few days after and pissin my friends off. Hahaha Nnenna said they'd send out a search party if I was missin any longer. Damn people actually noticed I was sick? Wow.
Well it started on a Monday when I got pinkeye and went to school anyway lol. Man was it nasty all my friends were grossed out. And in history class I was just sittin there and it started was annoying and itched and hurt like hell. The next day I came down with the flu and THAT wasn't fun at all....and was out for the next two days. The third day I came to school pretty late and, you know, Nnenna was pissed no one heard from me the last few days. HAHA =p
Dinner now ^_^
Damn I gotta make these tables transparent instead of white so people could see the sweeeet Trent is HOT! Now how the hell do I make the tables transparent??!!?!! #_#
Hehehehe now THAT is a sick background....I know you can't see it (unless while it was loadin and the posts don't come up til a little later) but it's of Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails for you asses who don't know) tied up shirtless and wearin a blindfold. Lol like some porno thing......hahaha it's from one of their videos I forgot which one...damn I can't remember -_-'
Saturday, March 29

You are The Downward Spiral. Intelligent,
sensitive, and introverted, you are probably
driven into depression out of your higher
understanding of the depravity of society, or
the deep emotional scars that you have buried
inside. You may also be prone to outbursts of
rage, and/or suicidal tendencies. Open yourself
up to the world, and try to see its rare
beauty, or you will slowly drift into madness.
Which Nine Inch Nails album are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I just realized.....what a crappily made background! Man I looks nothing like the real Nine Inch Nails logo.....I should be ashamed of myself. Damn I'm lookin for one now -_-'
Sunday, March 16

I hope you know this is my FAVORITE nine inch nails
song. Many people have left your life.. and it
seems that every time you are hurt even more.
Sometimes you consider killing everyone that's
ever hurt you, but deep down you know that you
care too much to do that. You are always there
waiting for them to come back into your life,
and would give them everything you have if they
did.. but you know you're just going to
disappoint them.
What Nine Inch Nails song are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Woohoo go me! Hahaha suicidal I not really....but NIN KICKS ASS.
Saturday, March 15

You are Mary Bell. At the ripe old age of 10 you
strangled a neighbor boy, afterwhich you carved
your initals into his skin. At his funreal you
laughed. Your next victim was a 3 year old. You
pushed him off the roof, resulting in a broken
skull. After he was found you went to his
mothers house and asked to see him, she replied
tha t he was dead. You smiled brightly and said
'Oh, I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in
his coffin."
You horrid little girl you.
-smacks your hand-
Which Imfamous criminal are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Whoa what the fuck she has some serious could a ten year old be that messed up? Hannibal Lecter and Charlie Manson must be very proud of her.
You like to talk,
you like to run,
but most of all you like to have fun.
Which drug should you be hooked on? brought to you by Quizilla
Hahahahaha druglord I am!

You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Cool ^_-
Not really....sometimes I could be pissed...other than that I don't
Isn't that the coolest pic of Bob Marley?? I don't know why but I really like it. It's all abstracty and stuff....really cool mosaic. I'm bored, takin some quizzes now.
Hahahaha big fight! Well, not
that big. Lol it was between Antoinette and Jessica. GO JESS!! Damn Ann, FUCKING BITCH. You may have seen her name in past entries....but lately she has been the biggest pain the ass and goddamn bitch/whore/slut/skank/whatever the past few weeks. Haha...I know I sound like those preps who go like, "Oh my best friend Angie is such a BITCH!! That whore...sleepin with mah boy Jake and all that...teh!" And then Angie suddenly comes and then they go like, "Oh Angie!!", and gives her a big hug and grimaces behind Angie's back or whatever.I'm a thirteen year old, what do you expect? But seriously....the whole school despises Antoinette the whore. I'll describe the fight later when I feel like it =p
Pretty good day....Ann was probably suspended or something from the day before....hahaha freedom! No bitch followin me around....
Anywayz...did this fitness thing in gym where there were six stations and you gotta do jump roping, sit ups, jogging, etc. depending on which station and switchin every forty-five seconds. Damn was it exhausting! By the third round I swear I was gonna drop dead on the nasty once clean and smooth floor of the gym. And thanks to PAUL my group lost our first chance to get water #_# Lol my throat had never been so parched before it felt like it was gonna dissolve into sand or wait I don't really get oh well.
Lol there was a station that you had to jump up into the air and try to reach the tape on the wall....hahaha it was so gay! And during math class next Greg was tellin us about how he stuck his ass out in front of people before jumping lol.
I AM IN AGONY!! Not just cuz I've been sittin on this chair for two hours and my ass is numb but my muscles ache from gym yesterday....... #_# GOD HELP ME!!!!!!
Oh and my parents got this party that the guests should be comin dad's friend Peter is in college and has off for spring break and wants to party so we're givin him one! won't be so fun for one my age is comin! Damn kellog's.....she's got her fucking boyfriend HENRY comin.....sheesh -_-'
I WANNA GO TO ILONA'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =( Jeez she's havin an End of GEPA party today......just started 45 minutes ago......and I'm not allowed ta go cuz I gotta stay at my parents' party....they said they'll be all busy bein the hosts and won't have to worry about droppin and pickin me up at Ilona's.... =( I WANNA GO!!!!!
You're proabably wondering what GEPA is. It's one of those fucking stupid standardized tests for the state. GEPA stands for Grade Eight Proficiency Assessment. Oooooohhh sounds all fancy and important, doesn't it? Well, it is. Lol. I think if you don't pass it you don't get to go to high school or somethin......
Ok anywayz we had this goddam test for from Monday - Thursday. Lol and believe it or not, the science part was the hardest. And even more harder to believe, the MATH part was easiest. I'm like.....what the fuck??? Math is my worst subject and science tests are really damn easy...... @_@
Wow the food smells hella good Hella Good is a cool song by No Doubt.....but obviously I'm not really into them. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuungry #_#
Wednesday, March 12
I don't have anything to say so I'll just do this survery thing I got from Joan
1. Time now: 4:27PM
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Christina Nguyen
3. Nickname(s): Chris
4. Parents' names: Sandy and Dennis
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 13 I think
6. Date that you regularly blow them out: A day or two after my actual birthday
7. Pets: None
8. Eye color: Dark brown
9. Hair color: Black
10. Piercing: Ears
11. How much do you love your job? I'm still a student....and don't like it.
12. Best gift you've received: A computer
13. Hometown: Morristown, New Jersey
14. Been in love? Yes
15. Been to Africa? No
16. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
17. Been in a car accident? Nope, but saw a lot hahaha
18. Sprite or 7 UP? I forgot what 7Up tastes like
19. Favorite Movie: The Matrix
20. Favorite Holiday: Christmas
21. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: SHUT THE DAMN BABY! (lol saw it in The Sixth Sense)
23. Favorite Toothpaste: Aquafresh!
24. Favorite Restaurant: Anywhere that has good food
25. Favorite Flower(s): Roses
26. Favorite Drink: BEER!! (j/k it's Pepsi)
27. Favorite Sport to watch: Sports on Jackass....that's close enough
28. Preferred type of ice cream: CHOCOLATE WITH DOUBLE FUDGE BROWNIES AND FUDGE!!! ^_____^
29. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Sesame Street sucks
30. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Pizza Hut
31. When was your last hospital visit: A field trip sometime ago
32. What color is your bedroom carpet: Beige
33. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Not old enough yet you ass
34. Who was the last person you got email from before this? I forgot
35. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? Mastercard, so then I could get another one and max that one out and do it over and over and over then I'll be the master =p
36. What do you do most often when you're bored? Be bored
37. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away: Australia
38. Most annoying people: Everybody
39. Bedtime? 9:00 on sad
40. Who will respond the quickest? The person who reads this first
41. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? The person who doesn't read their mail
42. Favorite all time TV show: South Park
43. Last person you went out to dinner with? All of my dad's drunken friends
44. Last movie you saw? Ummmm.....I just watched The Waterboy for the tenth time a half hour ago
45. Favorite Music: Rock, some punk rock, some heavy metal, classic rock, emo rock (lol all rock)
46. What CD is in your player right this second? Burned cd with The Vines, Nirvana, and The Hives in it
47. What is your deepest fear? Going blind #_#
48. What time did you finish this? 4:49PM
Sunday, March 9
I am STILL working on my goddamn research paper. Haha it was due Friday. I even stayed after school to finish it. But I STILL couldn't. Holy shit seriously it is THE most boring subject ever to have come up on the crusty face of the Earth. I SERIOUSLY CAN'T STAND IT. Even if my thesis statement is about The Sopranos, one of the most kick ass shows to ever come on television. See how boring Research Paper is? It's soooo boring that I'm starting to sound boring in this entry.
THANK GOD that Thursday will be the last and final day of that stupid ass elective....I'll wait for it like it's Christmas....and I swear, once the bell rings and I step out of that classroom, I will collapse on the nasty ass floor of the school in grief.
Went to Henry's birthday party. For those of you who haven't been reading this crap for sometime, he is the kid I call Kelly's boyfriend. Hahahaha it's so obvious. For a kid who doesn't know much english, he still calls her. Well only twice, but still! And he's like....five. Now he's six though. Well duh.
Anywayz it was BORING. There were so many little damn kids makin so much damn noise playin this gay ass Tom and Jerry video game. While I was upstairs on the computer, I could still hear their goddamn voices cheerin and arguin and crap about it........sheesh.
Saturday, March 8
Hehehe changed the name of this page......yes, I am indeed an anarchist. All politicians suck and they all probably have 1 to 5 mistresses. AKA whores. Just think about it. George W. Bush has all these problems....and I mean A LOT of problems in the U.S. He'd probably be insane now. But, he probably gets screwed real hard every night by some crackwhore for the pleasure. LOL. And that's what keeps presidents from going to mental institutions. They need a good banging every night to relieve themselves of the stress. And the reason their wives won't is because they're too old and tired.
The government sucks too. Not only the U.S. government, but the country that Bob Marley lived in. (forgot what country) THEY TRIED TO KILL HIM. Just cuz of his free speech. He was tellin the truth for God's sake! I forgot who killed him, and it was probably them.
Friday, March 7
I'm bored and hungry now so I'll do this survery I found on Jeannie's Blog.
Name: Christina Nguyen
Birthday: 7/13/89
Sign: Cancer
Location: New Jersey
School: Copeland Middle School
Status: Single
Crush: Buzz off you ass
Natural hair color: Black
Current hair color: Black
Height: 5'7"
Birthplace: Morristown New Jersey
Random fact(s): I'll work on that
Numbers: 13, 7, 27
Song: Schools are Prisons by The Sex Pistols
Food: brownies!
Season: spring cuz that's when all the pretty flowers bloom and it's not too hot or too cold
Sport: hockey, archery
Class: history
Drink: don't know
TV Show: South Park
Radio Station: 92.3 K-ROCK
Animal: dragons
Word: fuck (lol)
Flower: white roses
-- which one?--
Me/You: you
Coke/water: water
Day/night: night
aol/aim: aim
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: car
tall/short: tall
Lunch/dinner: dinner
Silver/ Gold: silver
Alcohol/Weed: both.....hell yeah!
-- Fashion --
Name your fav. clothing stores: don't know
Name your fav. clothing brands: DC, unionbay, armani, calvin klein, adidas, tons more
Name your fav. Fashion magazines: none cuz they all suck
Type of clothing you wear: workin on my collection of band t shirts.......other than that whatever i want
Your fav. clothing accessory: this chain necklace and another white necklace thing
Do you write cursive or print?: cursive
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
Do you drive?: not old enough
Do you have glasses or braces?: my eyes are perfectly fine and used to have braces
--Have you ever--
Done anything illegal?: yeah
Cried your way out of things: no
Cried over someone you loved: yes
Betrayed a friend: yup
Lied to your parents: yup
Ran away from home: no cuz i'd be tracked down and get my ass kicked til i have no more ass
Got kicked out of a place: lol yeah quite a few times
Ran into a door in public: i think so lol but forgot when
Worst feeling in the world: heartbreak
Greatest feeling: love
Hardest thing: i don't know, everything's hard
How long are you in the shower: 10 - 45 minutes
How many times do you shower: once a day
What do you do in your spare time: be bored
What time is it: 9:28 PM
What's today's date: 3/7/03