Wednesday, March 12
I don't have anything to say so I'll just do this survery thing I got from Joan
1. Time now: 4:27PM
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Christina Nguyen
3. Nickname(s): Chris
4. Parents' names: Sandy and Dennis
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 13 I think
6. Date that you regularly blow them out: A day or two after my actual birthday
7. Pets: None
8. Eye color: Dark brown
9. Hair color: Black
10. Piercing: Ears
11. How much do you love your job? I'm still a student....and don't like it.
12. Best gift you've received: A computer
13. Hometown: Morristown, New Jersey
14. Been in love? Yes
15. Been to Africa? No
16. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
17. Been in a car accident? Nope, but saw a lot hahaha
18. Sprite or 7 UP? I forgot what 7Up tastes like
19. Favorite Movie: The Matrix
20. Favorite Holiday: Christmas
21. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: SHUT THE DAMN BABY! (lol saw it in The Sixth Sense)
23. Favorite Toothpaste: Aquafresh!
24. Favorite Restaurant: Anywhere that has good food
25. Favorite Flower(s): Roses
26. Favorite Drink: BEER!! (j/k it's Pepsi)
27. Favorite Sport to watch: Sports on Jackass....that's close enough
28. Preferred type of ice cream: CHOCOLATE WITH DOUBLE FUDGE BROWNIES AND FUDGE!!! ^_____^
29. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Sesame Street sucks
30. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Pizza Hut
31. When was your last hospital visit: A field trip sometime ago
32. What color is your bedroom carpet: Beige
33. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Not old enough yet you ass
34. Who was the last person you got email from before this? I forgot
35. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? Mastercard, so then I could get another one and max that one out and do it over and over and over then I'll be the master =p
36. What do you do most often when you're bored? Be bored
37. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away: Australia
38. Most annoying people: Everybody
39. Bedtime? 9:00 on sad
40. Who will respond the quickest? The person who reads this first
41. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? The person who doesn't read their mail
42. Favorite all time TV show: South Park
43. Last person you went out to dinner with? All of my dad's drunken friends
44. Last movie you saw? Ummmm.....I just watched The Waterboy for the tenth time a half hour ago
45. Favorite Music: Rock, some punk rock, some heavy metal, classic rock, emo rock (lol all rock)
46. What CD is in your player right this second? Burned cd with The Vines, Nirvana, and The Hives in it
47. What is your deepest fear? Going blind #_#
48. What time did you finish this? 4:49PM