Friday, March 7
I'm bored and hungry now so I'll do this survery I found on
Jeannie's Blog.
Name: Christina Nguyen
Birthday: 7/13/89
Sign: Cancer
Location: New Jersey
School: Copeland Middle School
Status: Single
Crush: Buzz off you ass
Natural hair color: Black
Current hair color: Black
Height: 5'7"
Birthplace: Morristown New Jersey
Random fact(s): I'll work on that
Numbers: 13, 7, 27
Song: Schools are Prisons by The Sex Pistols
Food: brownies!
Season: spring cuz that's when all the pretty flowers bloom and it's not too hot or too cold
Sport: hockey, archery
Class: history
Drink: don't know
TV Show: South Park
Radio Station: 92.3 K-ROCK
Animal: dragons
Word: fuck (lol)
Flower: white roses
-- which one?--
Me/You: you
Coke/water: water
Day/night: night
aol/aim: aim
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: car
tall/short: tall
Lunch/dinner: dinner
Silver/ Gold: silver
Alcohol/Weed: both.....hell yeah!
-- Fashion --
Name your fav. clothing stores: don't know
Name your fav. clothing brands: DC, unionbay, armani, calvin klein, adidas, tons more
Name your fav. Fashion magazines: none cuz they all suck
Type of clothing you wear: workin on my collection of band t shirts.......other than that whatever i want
Your fav. clothing accessory: this chain necklace and another white necklace thing
Do you write cursive or print?: cursive
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
Do you drive?: not old enough
Do you have glasses or braces?: my eyes are perfectly fine and used to have braces
--Have you ever--
Done anything illegal?: yeah
Cried your way out of things: no
Cried over someone you loved: yes
Betrayed a friend: yup
Lied to your parents: yup
Ran away from home: no cuz i'd be tracked down and get my ass kicked til i have no more ass
Got kicked out of a place: lol yeah quite a few times
Ran into a door in public: i think so lol but forgot when
Worst feeling in the world: heartbreak
Greatest feeling: love
Hardest thing: i don't know, everything's hard
How long are you in the shower: 10 - 45 minutes
How many times do you shower: once a day
What do you do in your spare time: be bored
What time is it: 9:28 PM
What's today's date: 3/7/03