Saturday, March 15
Hahahaha big fight! Well, not
that big. Lol it was between Antoinette and Jessica. GO JESS!! Damn Ann, FUCKING BITCH. You may have seen her name in past entries....but lately she has been the biggest pain the ass and goddamn bitch/whore/slut/skank/whatever the past few weeks. Haha...I know I sound like those preps who go like, "Oh my best friend Angie is such a BITCH!! That whore...sleepin with mah boy Jake and all that...teh!" And then Angie suddenly comes and then they go like, "Oh Angie!!", and gives her a big hug and grimaces behind Angie's back or whatever.I'm a thirteen year old, what do you expect? But seriously....the whole school despises Antoinette the whore. I'll describe the fight later when I feel like it =p
Pretty good day....Ann was probably suspended or something from the day before....hahaha freedom! No bitch followin me around....
Anywayz...did this fitness thing in gym where there were six stations and you gotta do jump roping, sit ups, jogging, etc. depending on which station and switchin every forty-five seconds. Damn was it exhausting! By the third round I swear I was gonna drop dead on the nasty once clean and smooth floor of the gym. And thanks to PAUL my group lost our first chance to get water #_# Lol my throat had never been so parched before it felt like it was gonna dissolve into sand or wait I don't really get oh well.
Lol there was a station that you had to jump up into the air and try to reach the tape on the wall....hahaha it was so gay! And during math class next Greg was tellin us about how he stuck his ass out in front of people before jumping lol.
I AM IN AGONY!! Not just cuz I've been sittin on this chair for two hours and my ass is numb but my muscles ache from gym yesterday....... #_# GOD HELP ME!!!!!!
Oh and my parents got this party that the guests should be comin dad's friend Peter is in college and has off for spring break and wants to party so we're givin him one! won't be so fun for one my age is comin! Damn kellog's.....she's got her fucking boyfriend HENRY comin.....sheesh -_-'
I WANNA GO TO ILONA'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =( Jeez she's havin an End of GEPA party today......just started 45 minutes ago......and I'm not allowed ta go cuz I gotta stay at my parents' party....they said they'll be all busy bein the hosts and won't have to worry about droppin and pickin me up at Ilona's.... =( I WANNA GO!!!!!
You're proabably wondering what GEPA is. It's one of those fucking stupid standardized tests for the state. GEPA stands for Grade Eight Proficiency Assessment. Oooooohhh sounds all fancy and important, doesn't it? Well, it is. Lol. I think if you don't pass it you don't get to go to high school or somethin......
Ok anywayz we had this goddam test for from Monday - Thursday. Lol and believe it or not, the science part was the hardest. And even more harder to believe, the MATH part was easiest. I'm like.....what the fuck??? Math is my worst subject and science tests are really damn easy...... @_@
Wow the food smells hella good Hella Good is a cool song by No Doubt.....but obviously I'm not really into them. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuungry #_#