Saturday, August 16
Why isn't my blog on the "Blogs of Note" list?!?! Yes,
this blog has never been on that list. Does it suck that bad? -_-' And another thing, I contacted Blogger like......5 months ago asking why my archives won't show up. They never replied. THANKS A LOT BLOGGER.
Thursday, August 14
Hmmm.....I sense some bad karma comin that my comp is going to turn off very soon due to my laughing at everyone else's downfall =p
Wednesday, August 13
Should there be an I Love the 90's? HELL NO. For the 90's was nothing but a bunch of bullshit. Bubblegum pop, gangstas (can't believe I used that word), and uhhh Nickelodeon. Seriously, the worst torture for me is to watch Nickelodeon for 24 hours. After that I guarantee you I'll be dead by then. If I were to be on let's say I Love 2000 in the near future or maybe I Love the 90's I'd be dissing practically every subject that is brought up. And roll my eyes like slot machines at the very sound of Britney Spears. Why, why did I have to be born on the last and final year of the 80's? What a shame, because I feel like I'm in a time warp.
Hahaha how pathetic am I, I thought Rick Astley was Rick
Ashley. So I went to to see what that song was and I saw those message boards on the bottom and dude there are so many about Hal Sparks. Damn and I thought
I was crazy. But I hate those people (and I say people cuz you know, there are some, *sigh*
queer ones out there) that go "OMG HAL SPARKS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Sheesh talk about N*SYNC fans and groupies. But yes, they are indeed right he is very hot #_#
You know what sucks? He is over TWICE my age. :( And only about 1 inch taller than me lol. But anyway WHY? Damn I wanna grow up during the 80's and NOT the goddamn 90's. -_-' If I was a teenager in the 80's I WOULD be the right age. SHEESH.
Hey that would be funny if there was a show about me that a girl hates growin up in the 90's and suddenly wakes up in the 80's one morning. Kinda like that cancelled show Do Over. Damn was that a cool show.
Teenage hormones, something I just can't stand. Yeah that's also why this post is like it is. Teenagers act like such moronic asswipes it's burning to the eye. And yes, I do used to talk like those N*SYNC groupies like mentioned above. USED to. And I'm what, 14 now. Anyway, teenagers are assholes. ALL OF THEM. Ok ok not ALL of them. But in general I see them as wannabes and self-absorbed low-lifes to whatever piece of shit they see on TV. And you know what's the worst about it? I can't help it.
Tuesday, August 12
You know how slow time goes by when you're extremely bored for weeks on end? As slow as it takes for a 400 pound constipated fat person to crap out a single piece of shit. One thing that helps is having something to look forward to instead of knowing that it'll just go on and on without anything good coming from waitingl. Jeez I've been waitin for like......over a month to see I Love the 70's and I still got ONE MORE WEEK to go. @_@ Dude I wanna see it so bad to laugh my ass off like I did for I Love the 80's and go mad for Hal Sparks again XD Damn just ONE MORE DAMN WEEK.
And what do I have planned for the rest of this week? Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. What a great time consuming schedule, isn't it? Hahahaha it's so funny watching a bunch of fags makeover a straight guy. Just as long as they don't make out I'll be just fine. Wow they were on Howard Stern last night lol and had to makeover Artie. They got him drunk and he was sayin a bunch of crap about fags and they were getting him a new wardrobe. Hahaha they couldn't get his freakin jeans on cuz of all his fat and the fact that he was drunk XD
Monday, August 11

You're Brian, a vindictive, self loving fag. You're
also what Melanie would call a lable queen. You
really need to learn how to love others, and
how to treat Michael, the only person who has
always been there for you, much better. Stop
f*cking everyone before you get HIV...
Which Queer As Folk boi are you??
brought to you by Quizilla
Hahahaha XD
You are a *Crazy* 80's freek.You are a live person
who like to dance.Everybody know you as the
person who loves the 80's.You are not like
everyone alse an you like to be different so
keep on LOVE THE 80's=D
Are you a 80's freek??
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Hell yeah =D

You could be in The Clangers!
An 80's TV quiz!
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You're Eddie Van Halen! You are a phenomonal
guitarist, and your band was really successful,
until sammy hagar ruined it. You were popular
earlier, in the 70's and early 80's.
* find out which 80's rockstar you are! (guys)*
brought to you by Quizilla
Awesome dude I wanna play air guitar and jump around wearing liatards XD
Yes, more quizzes due to boredom and stupidity.
you are a true 80's metal head
>>>///??Classic Rock or 80's Metal<<
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Didn't the other quiz say I was sorta metal?
Saturday, August 9

You are Johnny Knoxville!!!!
Which Jackass character are you? ((w/ pics))
brought to you by Quizilla
Hahaha what a freaky picture XD

Which Jackass Are You Most Likely to Date?
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See how bored I am, to take this useless quiz. Hey at least he's hot =D

You Are Chief Roberts...I'm not sure what you do, I
don't think you even know.
Which Chris Pontius (Jackass) Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Johnny Knoxville, the most famous and good-
looking out of the group. You're moving ahead
in life, but I suggest the next time you get
into one of those life-threatening injuries,
don't let your stupid friends move your neck.
Which 'Jackass' jackass are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Didn't I get Bam and Ryan before? Oh well this quiz had a picture so I guess it's more accurate. (how pathetic is that)
Mullet Head - Break out the Coors Light and Generic
What Sort of Jackass Are You?
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Hahaha mullet XD
Psycho Jackass - You are fucking crazy. They need
to lock you up shithead.
What Kind Of Jackass Are You?
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You're a real shy person, but being a jackass just
makes you feel alive! I'd say your a Ryan Dunn.
What kind of a jackass are u?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Bam, Hell Yeah, The Fine one! now do me a
favor and go catch your mom saying fuck on
What JackAss Dude Are You??????????
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U r a certified JACKASS! Yuo live for fun, no
matter what the danger and u love every minute
of it, ur friends think ur insane, and they're
right, but who gives a damn!!
r u a JACKASS?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes I am insane, for taking so many Jackass quizzes.
Jackass - You must be related to Stevo. Everyone
loves you but you do the stupidest things and
everyone tries to imitate you but we all end up
chickening out. Rock on you jackass, you make
the world more entertainin!
Dumbass, Jackass, or just Asshole
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You are offically, a JACKASS. Congrats, you spend
all your time just doing nothing with your
friends, and making asses out of yourself in
the process. Hey, how's your broken leg?
Are you worthy of Jackass?
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Wow, you're so bizarre you make Jackass look
normal. You also seem to like worms just a
little too much. Take it easy on the
unidentified powders ok?
Are you a Jackass?
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FIRST CLASS JACKASS!! Congrats! You have won..
Are you a jackass?
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lol XD

no you just give him a nice kick in the balls
are you a total jackass when it comes to the opposite sex?
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Yeah! Go You!!! You are the ultimate Jackass (MTV)
fan!! just cheated to get the answers.
Either way, GO YOU!!!
(MTV) Jackass. Are you a true fan?
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Whoa dude actually I just guessed for most of them @_@