Friday, February 28
I'm in school now and in Research Paper now. It's a stupid ass elective all eighth graders have to take and have to pass to go to high school. THIS CLASS IS SO FUCKING BORING!! #_# We're workin on our rough drafts and I can't believe some people have over TWO PAGES already......when I have a paragraph and a half. Lol but Kristine has only has one paragraph. I can't think now @_@ Too bored and uninspired to think or write or whatever. Sheesh and we have to print what we've done today and hand it in! HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT. (Lol thank God there's a glare cover over this computer so no one can see what I'm doing =p) music class we watched this awesome documentary on 60's rock artists ^_^ THE ROLLING STONES KICK ASS!!!! I wanna get a t-shirt with that funny mouth stickin out its tongue....(It's their logo for you dumbasses who don't know) Hahaha and someday when my damn mom actually lets me go shoppin I'll get the Forty Licks cd.
Monday, February 24
Why did these bands have to break up??
Rage Against the Machine
The Police
Van Halen
Guns n Roses
You know, it's such a shame that such talent could be wasted.....and these artists are probably the best examples of talent gone to waste:
Kurt Cobain
Jimi Hendrix
Bob Marley
Buddy Holly
I know there are more, but I just can't remember them right now.
Ok, artists that are posers and totally SUCK ASS:
Avril Lavigne
Good Charlotte
New Found Glory
Lol dinnertime, gotta go.
Saturday, February 22
Too much homework lately....jeez what the hell is wrong with Mr. Stiles?? Actually there's always been something wrong with him, but seriously,
what the hell is wrong with that fag???
Haha there's this new rule for the eight grade that if you get four missing homework assignments you get a saturday detention.....and lol I think I got two missing I wonder how my mom would react....probably violently. She'd probably scold me for like two hours or something....hahahaha. Hmm I kinda forgot which ones I'm missing already, lol. Ok one was that stupid GEPA practice that we had to write a short story about this picture.....only wrote a third of it and handed it And the other was oh yeah! Those questions for history. That's a damn cool class though. I did part of it then didn't feel like bringing my history book home again so oh well. =P
Eeeeewww it's all nasty outside now. It's rainin a lot and it's melting the snow and it looks all shitty and mushy eeeeeewwww. And plus it's really really cloudy (of course) and gray. YUCK.
Nothing really exciting happened this week =(
Tuesday, February 18
We got a whole shitload of snow yesterday! TWO FEET. They say it's the "Blizzard of '03". Sheesh the news makes a big deal out of everything....-_-'
Just finished homework and must go to bed now.......even though school is delayed for some stupid reason.
Sunday, February 16

You're A Bishounen (Attractive Young Male)!
You hunk, you. All the girls want your body! You
have a cool car, and a way with words. You
know exactly how to get what you want.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
What the hell???

Avril Lavigne, she's a disgrace to your kind.
What annoying Celebrity would you most likely wanna kill?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yup, that goddamn poser-ugly-ass-fucking bitch.
Reggae, Grunge band. You and your fellas, or
fellettes, can get a couple of guitars at the
pawn shop up the road, make up a few qucik
riffs, and you'll be ready to play a show. Sing
about local happenings, and you'll do JUST
What kind of band should you belong to?
brought to you by Quizilla
General Schmo
-- You are a normal, everyday shmo that most people
can recognise...congratulations....
>>What Type of High School Stereotype Are You?<<
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You'd shoot them
How would you kill someone
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
I don't feel like posting #_#
Tuesday, February 11

Hey dude, you are the typical stoner kid. Put down
the bong and pick up a book once in a while.
Try the Yellow Pages --look up Rehab.
What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
LOL! I love that movie that Sean Penn was in as that dumbass dude. Hahahaha DUDE!! Lol...
Sunday, February 9
The top 7 best new or break out bands right now in no particular order:
1. The Vines
2. Audioslave
3. The Hives
4. The Strokes
5. The Pattern
6. Trustcompany
7. The Streets
You're probably thinking, "Where's Good Charlotte?! Where's New Found Glory?! Where's Simple Plan?!". Well, THEY SUCK. They're nothing but posers that think they're punk but are actually POP. AKA shit. There's not enough guitar, angst, or rebellion in their music. Nooo, it's about wanting some girl they saw walk across the street and that crap. Trustcompany is pretty good, but you really get tired of them after listening to one of their songs for just TWO times. I'm still wondering if I should keep them on...
Hahaha anywayz, I watched High Fidelity today starrin John Cusack and he always listed stuff and plus he's a music junkie. So I just felt like listin too.
Snowday! Damn we got a hell of a lotta snow.....8 inches.....the stupid news said THREE and we get EIGHT. What kinda fucked up answer is that??? Oh I have an answer to their guess for tomorrow's expected snowfall for them: YOU SUCK. Hahahaha I bet the Daily Show with John Stewart would have a better guess. Or no no wait, Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live.
Slept late.....then when I woke up I was like.....why is it so bright??? For 6:30 in the morning??? Haha then I realized it was snowin and just assumed school was cancelled cuz it was snowing pretty hard. And I was right.
Thursday, February 6

You have been involved in a shameful online RPG,
and your soul will never be clean. You've
soiled the memory of a dead author and
neglected yourself and other human beings for
months at a time; there is no way to make up
for this. The Lord has turned His eyes from you
Keep back, you utter trash!
Why Will You Go To Hell?
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Jordan from NFG..He's cute, he's in a band. What's
not to love? Just watch out for the preteens.
Who are you most likely to fuck
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-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
That's confusing @_@
Monday, February 3

Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange
darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
I hope that doesn't mean I'm a goth. Goths SUCK.

Redneck Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

kiss on the lips - you're sweet and simple but
quite daring. you move for the kill confidently
knowing the other person wants the same thing.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I didn't really get that quiz.
Sunday, February 2
I gotta get a goddamn book on people's opinions and stuff on The Sopranos! #_# I don't feel like bein a pain in the ass and makin my mom drive me to Barnes and Noble and walk all over the damn place just to find the damn book for my damn research paper! Oh well I'll just tell the teacher I totally forgot and left it at home and buy it tomorrow after school. AND I gotta fix my stuipid thesis statement....."Don't Complain about The Sopranos". Hmmmm what should I change it to? "The Sopranos, an Offense to Italians or Pure Kick Ass Entertainment?" Hahahaha that's a good one! I should definitely use it....but gotta take the kick ass part out. -_-' Ok, so it's "The Sopranos, and Offense to Italians or Quality Entertainment?". Yup, that one.
Got home at 3:15 this morning and went to bed at 4:00. Jeez Kelly takes so fucking long just to BRUSH HER TEETH. I mean it's just brushing your teeth with a toothbrush with toothpaste on it, and rinsing. How could it take FIFTEEN MINUTES?!?! And the bitch is only 8 YEARS OLD. No eight year old is supposed to be a sissy and take that long just to brush their damn teeth.
Time Online: 5 hours and 18 minutes
Goin home now.

Clarissa Explains it All. Little brothers piss you
off and your best friend climbs up a ladder...
But of course that's not weird to you because
you're Clarissa Darling
What's Your 90's Nickelodeon Show?
brought to you by Quizilla
Time Online: 5 hours and 8 minutes
WOO HOO!!!! RECORD IS BEATEN!!!! ^_______^'s almost 2:30 in the MORNING too.....damn and my parents are still singing karaoke and gettin drunk downstairs...... @_@

I'm Hello Kitty Flower Fairy!
What's your Chocolate flavor?
Quiz made by Chesa

Click here to find out what element YOU are!
Time Online: 4 hours and 37 minutes
At a Chinese New Year party now....actually the second one today....
Time Online: 3 hours and 19 minutes
Yet again I'm tryin to beat the record of 4 hours and something minutes #_#