Friday, February 28
I'm in school now and in Research Paper now. It's a stupid ass elective all eighth graders have to take and have to pass to go to high school. THIS CLASS IS SO FUCKING BORING!! #_# We're workin on our rough drafts and I can't believe some people have over TWO PAGES already......when I have a paragraph and a half. Lol but Kristine has only has one paragraph. I can't think now @_@ Too bored and uninspired to think or write or whatever. Sheesh and we have to print what we've done today and hand it in! HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT. (Lol thank God there's a glare cover over this computer so no one can see what I'm doing =p) music class we watched this awesome documentary on 60's rock artists ^_^ THE ROLLING STONES KICK ASS!!!! I wanna get a t-shirt with that funny mouth stickin out its tongue....(It's their logo for you dumbasses who don't know) Hahaha and someday when my damn mom actually lets me go shoppin I'll get the Forty Licks cd.

Christina N. @ 1:58 PM