Wednesday, April 23
Ok where the fuck are my archives???? Maybe I should go to the help or some shit like that.
Tuesday, April 22
madonna day.
Why does everyone have a blog on XANGA??? I think it SUCKS. They all have to have the same format/layout and you can't customize it as much as you can on Blogger! I even heard it was harder to fix
anything on Xanga too. Blogger has awesome layouts you get to pick or you can start from scratch or change one of the ones they let you pick. You can do ANYTHING to it. So why the fuck does everyone still use Xanga?? You see, this is another example of the stupidity or society.
See on my list of other blogs of my friends? Only ONE isn't using Xanga and is using good ol' Blogger instead. Seriously....I'm sick of Xanga. Even in school people don't use the proper online journal word as blog and instead call it a xanga. What the fuck? What shame...they prefer to use the bossy Xanga over the free-do-anything-you-want Blogger.
Lol yes it is indeed Madonna Day. Well on MTV it is. It sounds cool, doesn't it? Hey maybe it should really be a national holiday. Hahahaha people celebrating MADONNA. The SEX QUEEN. LOL what a holiday that would be.
Pretty much didn't do anything today. As usual. That's all you'd expect from me: NOTHING. I have the most boring life for a 13 year old. Everyone has their dates, goin over other people's houses, family outtings, church stuff, and even their JOBS. Jeez they're only 14 and have a job already. Well maybe I'm being the moron and I should be having a job instead of saying they shouldn't have jobs. Oh well I'm not allowed to get one til I'm done with school anywayz.....which is after COLLEGE. Sheesh my parents suck. They say I should concentrate on school. Haha I never even concentrate when I'm IN school. Well sometimes. Wouldn't wanna fail and get my ass kicked. And I mean literally.
Saturday, April 19
At one of those freakin' parties again.......and Spring Break just started yesterday. Yes, on Good Friday. It was more of an Okay Friday for me lol. It was Jeannie's birthday and we went to her house with damn good ice cream cake, rented movies, and ate pizza for dinner. It was pretty decent I guess.
The Ring was ok. But overall pretty stupid. It only surprises you like twice in the whole movie (and only in the beginning) cuz it's just quiet and normal and crap and then AH! A ZOMBIE THING! See what I mean? That's nothing scary. It still wanna see JACKASS!!!! Damn why won't anyone let me rent that?!?! It's really funny shit and I really need a good laugh. horror movie I definitely wanna see is Hellraiser. Quoc says it's scary even for a guy like him. Hahahaha he says Pinhead is worse than Hannibal....well of course he's got a bunch of pins in his head think of the headaches and anger inside lol. He said Pinhead's way of killing people is naaaasty. Well I'd like to see it anyway....horror movies kick ASS. Can't believe when I was a stupid kid I used to be TERRIFIED, and I mean terrified of them. What a shame, since they showed more on tv back then -_-'
this week.
Was pretty good I'd have to say. Sheesh damn Ann took advantage of the time I was gone from health class cuz my team had to go on the field trip and asked this guy stuff that pissed me off! Lol well it pissed him off too she's so fucking annoying well I don't feel like gettin into details cuz it would take me forever, the crappy writer I am.
Mr. Stiles thought that to start the last day of class before Spring Break we'd have some fun, so he made some students go on the board and write what they'd rather be doing than sitting there in class. They wrote they'd rather be: staring at a wall, sleeping, anywhere, shopping for their 8th grade dance dress, and outside. Then he said we had to write a story about all those topics together for 10 minutes then people would get to read them and laugh and blah blah you know. So I wrote mine about a homosexual that was stupid enough to shop outside for his 8th grade dance dress. And when Mr. Stiles was walkin around lookin at people's stories to see which ones were funny enough to be read aloud and got to mine he tore the paper outta my binder and said, "Write something appropriate." LOL!!! The class was so freakin quiet so everyone heard him loud and clear. Hahahahaha I was tryin real hard to not crack up. Hahahaha well the story had to be funny, right? What's more funny than a fag shoppin at some fake crappy store outside? No one understands my writing, lol.
Friday, April 11
Haven't been posting....or going on the computer. =p
Saturday, April 5
what a freaky picture

You are "Paint it Black." One part
suffering, one part anger, one part creepy, you
are the perfect amalgamation of rock and a
spirit that just can't take it anymore. Then,
of course, there are those people who think
you're all about an acid trip. Whatever; use
your imagination. You're clearly good at it.
Which Rolling Stones Song Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe that song kicks ass
Hehe we did this awesome lab in science class - looking at planarians and hyrdas under the microscope. LoL Steve and I were pokin them with toothpicks and killing them. Haha I got the planarian stuck in the sucker tube thing to pick them up and he chopped the hydra's tentacle off XD And when I was carrying the dish back to the table the specimens collided and the hyrda stung the planarian so they started fighting! LOL XD What a kick ass lab that was.
Watched Rebel Without a Cause in history. Damn good movie and James Dean is hot #_# But Judy was a goddamn bitch whore lol how could his kick ass cool character like her...? Anyway the movie was good for a 50's non-science fiction one and wasn't boring with nothing but non stop talking and boring shit, and James Dean is indeed a great actor. What a shame for him to die at 23 from a car crash. Sheesh too much talent is wasted. The ending was crappy though....
that was the only boring part. What the hell's with that....the ending is the only boring part? Lol.
Last day of the quarter which means it was the last day of music class....damn that was a cool class. Instead of learning shit like "What is rhythm? What is melody?" we learned about artists. And Mr. Bishop never really cared about our work or that's a cool teacher. Next I have art....jeez I already have the art studio elective or whatever....and with the same teacher. Hey at least Amy's gonna be in it too we could make fun of stuff and laugh at morons who can't draw a tree =p
BORING AS HELL. All I did was clean, eat, watch tv, and sit here posting this boring ass entry.
Wednesday, April 2
The world needs some good rock music to come.
Tuesday, April 1
april fools' day.
Damn the school is GAY. They're starting construction on some of the science labs this week and the classes and homerooms have to move to the library and the crappy old gym. Well we get the crappy old gym. The lights are dimmer, there's a wobbly fabric/felt wall separating the two classes, Mr. Mack's fake skeleton is missin a leg, and I gotta sit under the basketball hoop. Lol actually it's pretty cool. I hate fluorescent lighting. It's too fucking bright like those mysterious medical facilities you see on tv with those stoned out doctors lookin at freaky demented specimens and mutilated thing humans which they did who-knows-what to them.
Hahahaha we dissected worms on Monday. It was pretty decent. But mine and Jess's worm was all dry and nasty it looked like a dried up leaf with shit in it. LoL! I wanna get to the frog and fetal pig. Yes, we gotta dissect a fetal pig later in the year. I wonder how big it is. My fist? Bigger? Hahaha sounds sweeet.
Today was ok. Not too good not too bad. Well, more good than bad but not that much. Wait I'm soundin like a retarded undecisive freak.