Monday, January 27
Wow.....long time since I posted! I'll get to why later.
New layout.....don't know how to put the damn right bar gotta put the measurements and colors and tables and shit. So confusing @_@. Should I change the font color to everything silver? Cuz when it's all silver you can't really read it. And when it's red it seems like I'm all angry and gothic and crap. But I hate goths! They're all scary and pale and hate depressing....just like them. What if they used drugs and got all high and gay and happy? Hahahaha that'd be funny.
Lol so many people were absent from school today......I heard there's a virus goin around......I think I spread it....cuz I got flu like two weeks ago and am still recovering. I was coughin and blowin my nose all the time hahaha.....the cafeteria was so empty! I was like....where the hell is everyone????
Ok.....why haven't I been online lately? Well I GOT IN TROUBLE. My mom forced me to get a fuckin haircut about two or three weeks ago (some Friday, I forgot). She said she would cut ONE inch and instead cuts THREE. I was so fuckin pissed.....all my beautiful shining hair GONE. It was a bit over my shoulders but still she cut A LOT. I was too ashamed to go to school and lose my title as "straightest hair". Hahaha Ann called me "straight hair lady". And I had to put my hair in a ponytail for a week cuz if I put it down I looked like a tomboy. I hate tomboys.....they got freakin bad attitudes and have no sense of respect for anyone. Well except for Katie she's cool ^_-'s dinnertime :p
Friday, January 3

Which Hayden Christensen Character are you?
Who the hell's that??? Never seen whatever movie that was....
Thursday, January 2
New Year's resolutions are stupid. People act all stupid and say, "This year, I am going to be a good person!". Hahahaha YEAH RIGHT. Instead they cheat on their spouses and go fuck some crackwhore. Well, not everyone does that (thank God) but just imagine a different scenario. Every single year when I make a resolution, I shoo it off the next day and say, "Ah who gives a damn.". See what I mean? And those people with multiple resolutions......all I have to say is, "GOOD LUCK YOU SUCKER! CUZ YOU CAN'T ACCOMPLISH THOSE FOR A WHOLE YEAR!". Hahahahaha I wish I could actually say that to someone.....that'd really piss them off :p
I heard on TV that people never accomplish their New Year's resolutions cuz they don't have a good plan for it. Hahahaha I guess that's true....and the fact that they'll soon not give a shit about it anymore.
First day of school from holiday vacation......actually I'm glad to be back......HOME IS SO GODDAM BORING AND ALL PEOPLE DO IS YELL AT YOU. And at school you could vandalize property, piss people off, and hang out with friends. The work is easy so there's no worry about that.
Wednesday, January 1
New Year's Day
Ok day I guess....woke up at 1:30....ate leftover barbecue and rice from gingerbread cookies and candycane from neighbors....DAMN good!.....ate that with sushi shrimp.....damn good seriously it is.....hmmmmm......finished homework with ease.......watched I Love the 80's on VH1.....the 80's rock......damn cool music back then.......hahahaha pastel suits look funny.....fagets with big mustaches and sky blue suits and mullet hair doo's......hahahaha so gay! Reminds me of Scarface.....sweeeeeet ass movie! I wanna see it again so bad....maybe I should download if off Kazaa....but that would take months I think.....cuz when I downloaded the Cowboy Bebop movie it took about 4 or 5 months.....hahahaha @_@
School starts again tomorrow...... -_-