Thursday, January 2
New Year's resolutions are stupid. People act all stupid and say, "This year, I am going to be a good person!". Hahahaha YEAH RIGHT. Instead they cheat on their spouses and go fuck some crackwhore. Well, not everyone does that (thank God) but just imagine a different scenario. Every single year when I make a resolution, I shoo it off the next day and say, "Ah who gives a damn.". See what I mean? And those people with multiple resolutions......all I have to say is, "GOOD LUCK YOU SUCKER! CUZ YOU CAN'T ACCOMPLISH THOSE FOR A WHOLE YEAR!". Hahahahaha I wish I could actually say that to someone.....that'd really piss them off :p

I heard on TV that people never accomplish their New Year's resolutions cuz they don't have a good plan for it. Hahahaha I guess that's true....and the fact that they'll soon not give a shit about it anymore.

First day of school from holiday vacation......actually I'm glad to be back......HOME IS SO GODDAM BORING AND ALL PEOPLE DO IS YELL AT YOU. And at school you could vandalize property, piss people off, and hang out with friends. The work is easy so there's no worry about that.

Christina N. @ 5:53 PM