Saturday, July 26
Friday, July 25
Here it is, the last of the quizzes and what I am most of out of all the categories:
I am 58% Grunge

I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.
Take the Grunge Test at
Hell yeah grunge kicks ass
Thursday, July 24
I am 53% Raver

I may not be freaky like those Candy Kids, but I do know how to party. I am well connected in the scene, but may be getting a little tired of it.
Take the Raver Test at
Here's #'s 8 and 9 of the 11 quizzes which were even:
I am 51% Emo

Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.
Take the Emo Test at
I am 51% Evil Genius

Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.
Take the Evil Genius Test at
I am 49% Metal Head

Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.
Take the Metal Head Test at
Damn I wanted to be the ultimate metal head #_#
I am 48% Punk Rock

Well, I may know what punk is, but... Okay maybe some people think I am punk, but is that enough? Nope.
Take the Punk Rock Test at '
Punk is ok. But some is gay.
I am 39% Tortured Artist

I have some artistic ability, but it is probably a hobby and doesn't drive my life into a dark abysmal hole were I am alone and against the world.
Take the Tortured Artist Test at
Wednesday, July 16
Here's #4 of the quizzes:
I am 32% Goth

Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.
Take the Goth Test at
Good I don't like freaky goths who have no life and just wanna kill themselves and who should kill themselves to save me their constant complaints about everything and anything.
Gay men are taking over television. Is it just me, or have a lotta new gay shows coming up? Like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Boy Meets Boy, and Queer as Folk. I mean, is like a new fad or something? Hey at least I never join in any trends or fads so I'll just watch the rest of America become fags and getting pissed cuz they can't marry the same gender. LOL.
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is pretty funny actually. Although I don't think it's really meant to be that funny. Five gay guys gotta makeover a straight guy. XD Well there's gonna be some kinkiness goin on right?? Lol they're sayin all these guys are hot and stuff. And when the straight guy man-hugged his friend the fag goes about the straight guy's friend, "Oh I just think he touched his ass!" LMAO, after sayin that the friend was hot LOL. Well that's just me. I you think this show is sick and don't have a goddamn sense of humor, SUCKS FOR YOU.
You know what show I really wanna see? Queer as Folk. Haha Hal Sparks is so cute =D
Tuesday, July 15
Here's another one......still bored #_#
I am 28% Internet Addict

I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!
Take the Internet Addict Test at
That quiz was dumb =p
Said I'd put one up every day, but I'm bored now and more space needs to be filled. Unless you wanna stare at pictures of Mick Jagger the whole time rather than read my crap.
I am 26% Ska

I know the scene, I've heard the bands, and I am burned out. Well, these things happen. I will now go ahead and go through the same thing with Punk and Emo.
Take the Ska Test at
Good, I don't even really like ska anyway.

find your queer
as folk personality!
Awww I wanted Michael Novotny #_# Hahaha oh well at least this guy is sexy =D
Yes, my birthday has come and gone, but it was a pretty cool one actually. Writing about all that crap will just bore you people so I'll keep my mouth shut.
percent quizzes.
I don't know what to call them, but they're these spiffy quizzes I took on I took all of them and putting them all together takes up too much space for one post. So they'll be posted one a day from the least of something to the most of something.
Starting today, I am the least:
I am 23% Geek

I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writting an online test application at 1 am in my underwear
Take the Geek Test at
Saturday, July 12
New layout! Or at least new background and link colors. Maybe I'll get a new counter and get a different background with all the Stones' members. But this one looks cool so oh well. HELL YEAH! MICK JAGGER =D
Friday, July 11
Another tediously pathetic day. Same routine as before, and still not a single thing new and fresh and interesting to watch on daytime television. Well except for Jerry Springer, but you know, the mother is around. You know what?
Daytime television is full of shit. Why do they put all the crappy soaps and more "family oriented" talk shows ALLLL day??!?! Seriously, they play such crap I usually can't take it. And I mean rerun crap. Isn't there ANYTHING new during the day? NO. It's such boring shit that I have to watch over and over and over and over and over and over and over ALL DAY LONG to pass the boredom, but actually makes me even MORE bored. I just don't realize it cuz I'm watching such boring shit all day long.
I'll say more when I feel like it.
Thursday, July 10
Wow....I haven't really posted an entry in a long time. Now let's see.....there's a hell of a lot goin on and that went on. Oh! Goin to California to see grandparents on the 29th, pretty cool. Cousins might come from San Jose too =D They BETTER come and be 100% SURE. #_#
blood tests are cool.
Hahaha had to go get one yesterday. I never knew it could be so fascinating looking at a needle stuck into your arm and watching it go through the tube and filling up the vile.
Did absolutely NOTHING productive. Woke up at 12:30, watched tv and ate til 3:00, washed dishes, vaccuumed, and have been sitting here ever since. How depressing.
Hmmmm what else to say? I have no idea. My summer vacation is DEAD boring.
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
Monday, July 7
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 6 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
Hmmmm.....maybe I should change the layout to a Rolling Stones theme, since one of their albums was called The Voodoo Lounge; hence the name of this blog.

PUNK ROCK : Like a revived species of nearly extinct salamander, Punk Rock Asian Girls are a rare type, but slowly climbing up to existence again. Your passions are mainly music and anime and you've probably dyed your hair some odd color of the rainbrow. And if you haven't, you probably will. You often feel like you are misunderstood, but don't worry. Just think about thongs. Very funny.
What Asian Girl Are You?
What the fuck that is gay. Oh well I got it from Leslie's blog so no wonder =p