Wednesday, September 18

What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!
Tuesday, September 17
Take the "Which Flower are you?"quiz by Hazel

you are not a bitch!
The Bitch Test by umi
Ok.....what was the point of taking this quiz anyway.....?

Take the ARTHUR quiz!
Binky.......I guess he's pretty cool.....
Monday, September 16
Today was ok....went to Jeannie's house.....we talked a lot.....Branda wasn't home, she has to go to school on Yom Kippur hahahahahaha and she's only uhh five too.
I don't feel like doin' all my homework, although I have to write a letter to the Daily Record for tomorrow. The question is: "How has 9/11 affected you in a positive way?" To tell you the truth, 9/11 hasn't affected me in ANY offense.....seriously, I can't think of anything for the letter, so I might as well get a 0 for it. I deserve it anyway....oh well hahahaha
I wanna play Halo!!! It's soooooo fun I can never stop playing it once I start. Yesterday I played for TWO straight hours.....see what I mean?
Man I had THE STRANGEST DREAM last night! Maybe I'll tell youz someday, it's quite uh.....weird. No wait EXTREMELY weird. One of the strangest I ever had, and 99.9% of all my dreams are weird or either scary. I think only once I had a good dream, but can't really remember. -_-'

Take the Rurouni Kenshin Quiz by xceres.
I haven't watched Ruruoni Kenshin yet, (although I REALLY want to) so I don't know this guy.

I am ... to others... by Umi
To others, you are unapproachable and cold, in actual fact they neglected the fact you are one strong spirit.
Heh heh....I guess that's pretty cool ^_^
You're an...
Very very evil you are--you like chaos and destruction. Go you. |
What kind of Dark Lord are you? quiz by Maikamariel
Hahahahahahaha fuck you Nazis.....Shitler, I'm gonna flick your eyes out with a spoon and feed them to your dog!! Hahahahaha :p
you are ringwraith #
the sexy one
which Ringwraith are You? quiz by maikamariel
What?!?! *algh algh* eewwwies!!
you swear wayy too much to be a great example for them young'uns. hell, you scare the adults as well.
Do you Swear a Lot? Quiz by maikamariel
What'd you get? <<--please vote!
Heheheheheheh sweeeeet!
People worry abo you sometimes. Because you either don't seem to have much intelligence or you are just ignorant. Not a very good way to be either way.
Which adjective are you? Quiz by maikamariel
Morning, day, or night? Quiz by maikamariel
you live somewhere in
you are stuck in between. you don't really like fantasy stories and you don't really like those boring non-fiction books either. you have a broad area of interest and is probably somewhat superstitious.
take the where do you live? quiz by maikamariel

Which Spongebob Character are You?
YAY!!! I'M PATRICK!!! ^______________^
Sunday, September 15
Hahahahaha I was playing Halo for TWO straight hours today! Well except for a few short minute eyeball breaks. You know, to blink and stuff. Man is it FUN! Kinda difficult at times but you can absolutely NEVER put your controller down. And when you're shooting the controller rumbles so it feels like you're actually holding a real gun hehehehehe and you get to drive tanks and blow up alien ships to bits with giant explosions! HAHAHAHAH DAMN YOU ORANGE AND PINK AND BLUE ALIENS!!!!
Lol I typed aliens as aloe...hahahahha
We went to Kim's birthday party yesterday. Oh I forgot to say....sheesh how dumb of me....
Lol this is a Jet face!: *
Cuz his head is so shiny that all you could see is the glare! Hahahahahaha
Here's a Spike face: *^_^*
Hehehe see his puffy hair? Well actually it looks like he's got flowers in his hair.....hahahaha Hawaiian Spike! Aloha oy...aloha oy....hahahaha
Oh and here's an Ed face: -^_^-
No Faye cuz she doesn't have any real distinct feature...
Monday, September 9
Ok......actually she kinda scares me....
Wow I started reading The Godfather in JULY and am still reading it and it's SEPTEMBER! It's REALLY good but I have no time or am just too lazy to read it, just about a hundred pages to go....
I can't believe it came THREE days earlier than expected! ^________________^ It smells so.....clean! And kinda like rubber too but you should get the point. Hehehehehehe HALO is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! When you shoot those little alien dudes they scream like babies high on white out! Hahahahaha and all the aliens are pink and blue and yellow and orange! And some even hot pink! Hahahaha and their bullets/flare lookin' things are hot pink and lime green! Hahahaha what fags for such a greedy species of idiots....
Hehehehe Scarface was AWESOME! Al Pacino totally KICKED ASS! Well of course he always does. I mean who doesn't kick ass when they blow like 40-something Cubans to bits with a machine gun?!?! Hahahaha that'd be fun to blow a million Nazis to death and then smash the remains with 50 pound sledge hammers! HAHAHAHAHAAHA NAZIS SUCK AND WE ALL KNOW THAT!!!! :p
I don't wanna do homework......
Sunday, September 8
Hehehe sorry I haven't posted in a while, too busy from school and crap.....homework, organizing sctuff, and well you know. Man is it a PAIN IN THE ASS!! Sheesh I took a quiz on the FIRST day of school! In math class....obviously. I HATE MATH! It was just a reminder quiz thingy and it was hard already! See what I mean?
The first day of school was better than I expected it to be! ^_^ Never knew so many preppies respected me.....only some are mean and are full of shit and the others are ok.
Gotta go now beddy time......I'm not even sleepy! :(
Monday, September 2
So today's Labor Day! We planned to go to New York, but I didn't go....all we we're gonna do is buy camera equipment for my dad, buy medicine, food, and my parent's precious Vietnamese KARAOKE. Some songs are pretty good, but I'm not really into that schtuff...
I decided to stay home to sleep later, make meself a crappy sandwich, and read The Godfather. Damn it's one hell of a good book! I mean REALLY. Wish there were more mob books like that....maybe there are more but I don't feel like looking for them now. I think I saw all the Godfather movies when I was little.....can't remember....oh well, someday I'll buy my own Godfather dvd set! Hahahaha all I'll buy are mafia movies! Hahahahahahaha they're sweeeeeeeet! Especially Scarface! Well DUH! That's like THE crime movie of ALL crime movies! They're gonna show it on USA Network on Saturday at 7:00 pm eastern! YIPPEE!!!!! ^_____________________^
No surprise, my folks are checkin' out their new karaoke disc right now......very loud......I can feel the floor rumbling....... #_#
Holy shit a camera rain slicker/protector/slip thingy costs 200 DOLLARS! Just for a freaking CAMERA RAINCOAT! You see, my poppy's a professional cameraman, not those that film tv shows and movies but weddings and special occasions and stuff like that, and he needs to sometimes film in the rain and today in New York he and my mom and kellog's cornflakes went to dat special B&H professional stuff store and bought a freakin' camera DIAPER that costs 200 DOLLARS. 200 DOLLARS FOR A DIAPER?? WHAT THE HELL??? And one of those little video tapes that goes in the camera costs 40 DOLLARS, 40 DOLLARS for a tape half the size of a regular one! My mom said you could record over them 10 times without getting a crappy picture each time......jeez and a bottle of dusting spray costs 15 DOLLARS, for a tiny can of AIR. #_# All that for a single camera....... @_@
Nevermind that last post, I don't feel like typing it.....takes too long.
Sunday, September 1 shoulder hurts! Why why why??
I'll say why I'm so fucking pissed tomorrow....... :(