Tuesday, July 16
Uh oh.....something wrong........testing, testing....1 2 3........
Sunday, July 14
I had one the most WEIRDO dreams a few days ago!!! I think it was Monday or Tuesday.....oh wellz I forgot. It was SO weird that it was actually GOOD, I think. Anywayz the dream was about me dating EMINEM!!!!! Well an older me that was. He was real real sweet and funny ^_^
Saturday, July 13
I'M SO HUNGRY!!!!!! All I had eaten today was some left over lobster from yesterday. *stomach rumbles* Uh oh.....argghh dammit shut up stupid stomach!! Hey why da hell am I talking to my stomach?? @_@
*does best Professor Utonium impression* See kids, don't make yourself hungry or else you'd go mad and start talking to your stomach like a hobo!
Anywayz that was a hell of a lot of quizzes ^_^;;
Hey! I'm no depressing freak......!!!!!
a href="http://mai.deep-ice.com/quiz.html" target="_blank">
What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by

Which House Should YOU Be In? By:Anndrea
Cool!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!! *takes M-16 out*
![What Seven Deadly Sin Are YOU? [?]](http://www.sakuracardz.com/questionmark/sevensinspride.gif) |
You're PRIDE! You like yourself, and you aren't afraid to show it. You don't like to admit when you're wrong, and you think you're better than most. You're represented by the color violet. |
Hey I'm no bitchy show-off!

You are 80% evil! [?]
Well, evil is your one and only name! You're 80%! That's pretty darn bad! You've just got a bit of good in you, but that's alright. A little good never hurt anyone, right?
Hmmmm...........I never noticed that #_#

Find your emotion!
What the.......? Anger not good! How could I be angry???

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Find out what bishonen you are.
Whoever that is!
What a horrible day!! My mom was all grouchy as usual and made me do chores :( And she said next week I gotta study fucking ALGEBRA #_#
"I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from."
IT'S ME BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get many presents.......not like anyone cared anyway.........only a few people did: Monica, Stella, Leslie, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Eydler, Mr. Eydler, Brooke........I think that's all. No wait my parents! Well I'm not sure cuz when my mom gave me 50 bucks she just gave it to me and didn't say happy birthday or anything. I bet my grandparents forgot too!! Cuz my stupid sister got a card from them all da way from California with 20 bucks in it sayin' happy birthday. 20 BUCKS! And guess what, HER BIRTHDAY IS TWO DAYS AFTER MINE AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET ANYTHING FROM MY GRANDPARENTS YET :(
Anywayz I'm 13 now; a dumb teenager who has to find themself in such a vast world of insanity @_@
Friday, July 12

The cat in the background of Trigun.
Find out what secondary animated character you are.
Cool.......I guess so....

What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
Cool! ^_^

Kickin' Ass
Find out what anime character cliche you are.
Coincidence or WHAT?

What fuzzy creature are you?

The crazy girl in the shadows.
Find out what anime girl you are.
Whoever that is..........

Super Teen Extrodinaire
Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.
Freakazoid's awesome!! ^_^

I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.
WHOA!!!!!!! FREEAAAAKY!!!!! #_# He's damn hot though *_*
Tuesday, July 9
Hmmm........the vacation to Virginia was ok...Everything went good and on schedule and all, just peachy! Except for one thing.....you know, the once a month thing :(
Sunday was BORING!! All I did was mope around doing practically nothing!! All my parents did was fix things up around da house and watch all their new vietnamese dvds and videos they got from Virginia. They were ok to watch for a while, but then got drop dead boring, nothing but the returns of old singers with their sad slow love songs that I don't even understand -_-'
Yesterday we went to NYC. It was ok.....for some reason I was feelin' depressed. In New York?? I have no idea what was freakin' wrong with me that day! Tsk tsk.......depressions always come at the wrong times. Hey at least we got to eat at a nice resturant, yummy food ^_^
Jeannie's computer came today. Can't wait til she gets aim or something so she could chat ^_^
AAHHHHHHHH SO ITCHY NOW!!! I GOT 24 AND I MEAN 24 MOSQUITO BITES!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH ITCHY!!! I been scratchin' meself all day, no wait the last few days!! ARGH FUCKING MOSQUITOES GO TO FREAKIN' HELL!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 5
Me soo hungry!!!! Yesterday I went to a 4th of July party and had fast food for dinner.........I want it again!!! :(
We're goin' to Virginia tomorrow for vacation!!!
WOOHOO!!!!!! ^________^
Thursday, July 4
WOOHOOO!!!! It's Independence Day!!! LOBSTER FOR DINNER!!!!! Yummmmmmm.....
Fireworks started at 10:00 last night!!! Every year before they started them at 11:00. I was takin' a shower til I heard all the noise and I was like "WHAT THE FUCK???". Fucked up town people, they started it too goddamn early AND it was only 15 minutes long!! EVERY year before it was 30 MINUTES!!
Wednesday, July 3
^_______________^ Monica gave me
The Godfather for me birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT!! :)
TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Doesn't the fucking town council know how to use a CALENDAR???? I don't feel like goin' to da fucking field!!! ARGGHHH I TOO BUSY TO GO GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!
But I've got to admit, fireworks are reeeeaallll puuuurdy though!
Tuesday, July 2
And I got freakin' water in my ear from washin' my hair......can't hear anything! #_#

quiz created by Tsukitty
But my favorite ham ham will always be Stan though! (he came second on my quiz results!)
I'M SO BORED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And hungry..........I want some yummy seafood........like crab! Or shrimp! No wait, crab is better.....#_#
I bet the weather here is SOOO muggy and humid that you'd sweat so much you'll get dehydrated!!!! AHHH IT SMELLS LIKE........no wait you can't really smell cuz it's so hot and NOTHING can come up in that nasty boogery nose of yours hahahaha
*Update: YAY now the whole thing's completed!! :)
OOOHHHH I just created my first blog! I wonder how to work all this stuff........and how da hell do I type in those side boxes????