Saturday, July 13
IT'S ME BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get many presents.......not like anyone cared anyway.........only a few people did: Monica, Stella, Leslie, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Eydler, Mr. Eydler, Brooke........I think that's all. No wait my parents! Well I'm not sure cuz when my mom gave me 50 bucks she just gave it to me and didn't say happy birthday or anything. I bet my grandparents forgot too!! Cuz my stupid sister got a card from them all da way from California with 20 bucks in it sayin' happy birthday. 20 BUCKS! And guess what, HER BIRTHDAY IS TWO DAYS AFTER MINE AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET ANYTHING FROM MY GRANDPARENTS YET :(
Anywayz I'm 13 now; a dumb teenager who has to find themself in such a vast world of insanity @_@