Tuesday, January 27
A "first reaction"-type thing. Can you blame a chica for being bored?

Beer: Can never finish one, surprisingly. Tastes terrible with cigarettes.
Relationships: that word makes me think of algebra, because the definition for algebra is the relationship between two parts of an equation
Purple: prince

Power Rangers: my childhood
Weed: fucking love the ganja
Steroids: The Rock and small cocks
Cartoons: mickey mouse and woody woodpecker

The President: monkey
Tupperware: food that smells bad and looks like sewage run-offs in Bulgaria
Best vacation: Italy
Santa Claus: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Halloween: stupid fucking movie where the killer's mask is made from a mold of William Shatner's face
Bon Jovi: I'd rather have cancer instead
Grammar: Kelsey Grammar and Frasier is goddamn terrible.
Facebook: pointless, yet oh-so addicting

Worst fear: dirty bathrooms and Groucho Marx
Marriage: far, far away
Paris Hilton: I couldn't give two shits? let alone one
Jew: the rabbi from Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Blonde: Marilyn Monroe, although she's a fucking fake blonde
Pass the time: nothing
One night stands: for skanks
Donald Trump: sometimes it looks as though he's got nests of blue-jays in his hair

Neverland: M.J. needs to get a fucking clue
Pixie Sticks: overrated and taste terrible going up the nose
Vanilla ice cream: plain and boring crap
High School: racist fucking skanks

Work: Banana Republic - 'tis alright
Pajamas: who gives a fuck?
Woods: Kevin Bacon in that movie where he's an ex-pedophile, The Woodsman
Wet Sock: gross, especially if you just stepped in dog piss

Alcohol: deee-lish
Love: sure, I'd go for that. and Camel cigarettes
Yankees: Derek Jeter is fucking ugly. End of story.

Christina N. @ 10:34 PM