Tuesday, January 27
Work was lame. I worked for six hours and did not sell anything at all. But, that's the way to do it!
Since the store was really slow today, our manager made all of the employees do our "try-on" sessions, which is where we have to try on promotional clothing so that we supposedly know our merchandise better to improve our selling skills and whatnot. Improve selling skills my ass - I just had a good time trying shit on. But the bad part was - it made me want to buy shit; one of which included this cross-back dress:

$118 and with my 50% discount, comes to approximately $59. Now being that I am a poor college student nowadays, 60 fucking dollars is way out of my budget. But I couldn't resist - how hot is that shit, motherfucker? And to believe that I, of all people, does not already own a "little black dress." I have every other goddamn possible thing in a chick's wardrobe times five that's in black. It's pretty much all that I wear, because I am normally to lazy to exert too much cerebral energy into trying to match colors every morning.
You know what else I love?

Fuck yeah.