Wednesday, October 10
I would hate to say that my time working for Banana Republic may be coming to a close. There is still a big chance that it isn't, but there's a strange musky smell in the air that working there from now on is slowly losing its integrity. There was a recent situation in which me and a friend almost got fired for "internal theft" (I just rung her up for something about eight dollars cheaper than it's really supposed to be. Shit like that apparently is taken very seriously). I got over the whole situation, but my friend seems to be taking things a bit harsher. She'd been considering quitting the job altogether, but I have since gotten her to stay for two more weeks thus far by trying to change her mind. I don't know how long my reasoning with her is going to work, but at least she is now saying that she is only going to work less days than just flat-out quitting altogether. Hey, that's something, right?
Another issue that greatly perturbs me is all of the new hires. About 70% of our employees at the store quit recently due to college; we also have a fair amount of teachers who work part-time at Banana Republic. An even smaller number of employees left the store to work at competitor's stores, such as J. Crew and whatnot (wtf?). The thing is, all of these people who had left were competent and tolerable. The new hires that have been recruiting recently have all been high school students. Odd, no? From my perspective, and probably anyone who values professionalism's perspective, would agree that the vast amount of new high school employees are greatly decreasing the effectiveness of our store.
I'm sorry for being a tool for once, but I value my job - even if it is just retail. The management team is stellar and I couldn't ask for a better one, I get paid well, and I get good hours that conveniently accommodate my lack of a social life. And now onto my usual anger-ridden tangent:
These new fucktards don't do jack shit. All they do is come into work to converse with one another, having no idea whatsoever how to maintain the store or effectively sell merchandise. I worry about the store manager because she is genuinely, one of the the sweetest and more sincere people that I have ever met, and gets into serious trouble that she does not deserve (nor is even necessary to begin with) when she and her store don't meet up to company standards and quotas. Hiring incompetents at such a quick rate because of losing such a large number of employees is great affecting the store, my dear manager, and then me - because high schoolers pisses me off.
I know I still hold a grudge against high school, but I do know for a fact that most high school students need a tap in the face with one of these things:

I guess it costs $400.
But anyway, I overheard one of my co-workers who happens to be attending the high school that I painstakingly went to, saying that she's trying to get everyone from her school to come work at Banana Republic. Are you fucking stupid? First of all, this isn't a place to "look and be cool." A lot of us actually need to make a living and therefore take our jobs seriously, and that is one of the things that high schoolers don't understand. Mommy and daddy won't always be feeding you and petting you up the ass. Grow the fuck up; or at least act like it. All of this girl's friends are pathetic; and may I add that it is hard to find anyone left at my job of whom I could actually have an intelligent conversation with (which is why I will greatly miss my aforementioned co-worker who's been considering quitting). So a lot of the time I just keep my mouth shut because I don't give a flying fuck about some 17-year-old taking her new boyfriend's "V-card." These kids actually take high school seriously, as though it is going to affect the rest of their lives. High school for me was just education that I had to go through in order to get my diploma and go to college, and college actually matters because I need to get a career and make a living for myself - that's the shit. Making friends and having fun in such a petty and close-minded age range as high schoolers are in is not what's important to me. Your life
really starts when you are actually out on your own - until then you could actually live life and accomplish
everything that you set out to. Being in school and living with your parents extremely prohibits one from accomplishing much with their life, especially in my (asian) case. I despise being locked in a little box that only consists of homework, cheap friends and soccer games. It may be great for somebody who knows nothing about life beyond that, but for someone who is actually intelligent, it is extreme torture for their mind to be so repressed to such a small world.
I would also like to emphasize the fact of why The Gap only hires people ages 18 and up, but at the more refined Banana Republic, they hire from age 16 and up? That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. I think from now on, if this draft of idiots into the workforce continues, I am going to have to start being an asshole in public. I feel as though I am one of the only ones who have remained at the store who still work with integrity. I take my financial situation seriously and don't fuck around. That's the thing with many high schoolers - they don't take anything in perspective until they get into college, and then it just suddenly hits them like a goddamn bullet and they freak out like the world is ending. Well honey, I would have to say that you're a fucking idiot.
I never liked high school. I just went because I had to. It's not important. Sure much of your personality and brain is experiencing a tremendous growth spurt during this time in one's life, but that is no reason to go absolutely apeshit and make irrational decisions in addition to irrationally thinking on a regular basis to begin with like a fucking dolt. The integrity of the human race has seriously declined in the past twenty or so years, and it really sucks fucking ass balls that I can't do much about it.
Just bought a pack of these recently:

Fuck yeah!
Monday, October 1
I have to say, that the only three loves in my life are:
my car
I know that Starbucks is probably the biggest money-hungry food franchise in the country, but I do love their shit. Drinks are good. Food is decent. And you can always count on finding one at every corner - that's what I love best. This is probably the only repetitive annoyance of America that I actually like.
Cigarettes. Oh man do I love Joe Camel. This fucker is pure genius. Smoking Camel cigarettes is like sucking euphoria through a straw. One of my favorite pastimes? Coffee and cigarettes. Ya' daaaamn right.
My car. My car fucking rules. I own a black 2003 Nissan Maxima. It has a Bose stereo system and 6-cylinder engine. My favorite pastime: driving my car while sipping coffee and smoking Camels.
These three things are all that I have right now. School? Fuck school. I just need my degree. Job? Use the money to buy the shit that I just talked about. Friends? Fuck friends; I have Joe Camel.
Can't believe that I used to be quite the anti-coffee drinker. I hated black coffee, and I still do. But it's just the sugary, cocoa-ey awesomeness that I can't get enough of nowadays that drives me fucking nuts. I really can't remember what it was like not loving coffee. Maybe I just love caramel macchiatos. Especially those.