Wednesday, September 5
So today before class my mom and I went to the bank to settle this problem of why my debit card has never arrived in the mail yet, when I started an account in early August. As the bank teller looked up my records, turns out that my card had supposedly arrived on August 20th and was activated by somebody. Fucking great, man. Some fucking asshole who can't even make an honest buck takes some poor asian girl's ATM card to try to buy free burritos or some shit. I'm asian, do you think I would have much money in the first place? Can whoever it is that stole my card fucking read? Asians are poor, motherfucker!

Well, then there's the number of asians who make a lot of money and do nothing with it except put it in the bank to rack up interest, and wear mismatched clothing and whatnot. But that's not me.

Great. At first my parents weren't letting me get any type of check card to begin with, and then some dipshit asslicker had to steal it once I did get it. The thing is, in this oh-so-wonderful town of Rockaway, there are about two or three other streets with the same exact name as mine - with the same exact house numbers and everything. So I always get mail from either a latino house or a russian house, judging by their names on the envelopes. They are very obscene and lengthy foreign names, without even an english first name; I always laugh at that shit. Being the good citizen that I am, I always send the wrongly-delivered letters back so that they would get to their designated human being. So what most likely happened to my ATM card was that it was mailed to the wrong house and the motherfucker kept it and activated it, thinking that they could get money from me. But idiot didn't know that my pin number is needed to withdraw money. Yeah, like they're smart. Stealing my shit turned out to be pointless anyway. Should've just sent it back. Fucking immigrants, thinking they could extort us tax-paying citizens' shit. Shame, shame, shame. If I were Ted Nugent ,that sucker would've been hunted down by a 5-foot-tall wolfhound and have a 30-pound cap popped in their ass.

Fucking wasting my time. It's the reason why I haven't been able to withdraw any money from my bank account because I only keep so much paper money on hand from my checks. Sounds lame, but I often ask for free food or change from my co-workers at Banana Republic (pretty ironic, because if you work at such a prestigious store, wouldn't you have a hefty sum of money?) because I don't have any type of ATM or credit card to buy my own.

So the bank lady voided the card that never got to me and made me a new one with a new number and everything that I would be able to pick up on Saturday as opposed to having it being mailed to my house and risk being stolen by a non-english speaking cretin. Advice: Wachovia sucks balls. The only way to activate any type of card is to call the number that is on it with your home phone only, so that the company could verify that it really is you calling and not some douchefuck on the street who happens to pick up your card. Somehow, the motherfucker who stole my card activated it anyway with some other phone number that obviously isn't under my name, so it went through.

Classes today were lamesauce. English Composition, and Elements of Algebra. I suck at math so much that I'm not even on the level of College Algebra yet and probably have to take it in the future to fulfill my mathematics requirement. Yes, contrary to asian stereotypes, I have a very difficult time counting my own money and especially money on the register at work, and suck at math harder than dirt-poor whores sucking Castro's dick for some Kraft Mac & Cheese. Classes were goddamn boring and all I did during class was try to suppress my dying hunger and try to get my growing bangs in front of my face so that the professor couldn't see me sleeping.

Christina N. @ 8:39 PM