Sunday, September 9
Today was a long fucking day. I mean like Peter Steele long. So I wake up at 7:40 to get ready for work at 9:00. It was one hell of an agonizing meeting to 11:00, man. Like I mentioned yesterday, there's new benefits regarding the store credit card and the company gave our store teaching products. I swear, I felt like I was back in fucking high school. So my natural reaction was to unknowingly rest my head on my arms on the table and stretch and yawn like a gorilla. That, my friends - is one of the reasons how high school fucked with me. They fucked up my manners with their horrible ways.

After the meeting, I would be working straight until 7:00PM. Damn.

On a lighter note - during my hour break, I went baby shopping for my friend's baby shower on Saturday. And I have to tell you, I had the greatest goddamn time picking out stuff for that baby. Can't mention where I got the gift from due to lingering eyes, but it's from an upscale store where they wrapped it in the most adorable light green/white polka-dotted, scallop-trimmed tissue paper (HARDXCORE), checkered green box with blue paisley lid, and light green ribbon. I felt kind of old going out and buying that type of stuff for the first time in my life, but I loved picking out cute little baby things with bows and pastel colors and shit - basically this is a step up from dressing stupid fucking dolls, and myself. It's a rare occasion where I am actually invited to such shindigs and therefore get to go shopping that isn't for greedy reasons (me). And my philosophy on buying things for others is - If you really cared for the person whom you're getting a gift for, don't they deserve something nice? If not, then you obviously don't give a flying fuck about them and need to go lick a mole turd. I seriously hate buying cheap shit for people - it just doesn't feel right. I mean, you're inclined or obligated to get someone something - so why not get them something that actually matters? Instead of wasting your goddamn money. I don't know man, but that's my take on philanthropy. Too bad I don't have that many friends, because you're missing out on a lot of love.


Christina N. @ 10:37 PM