Friday, August 24
1. What Time Is It: 12:24PM
2. What is your name? Christina
3. What is your birthday? July 13
4. Do you have a job? if i didn't i'd be fucking dead by now, considering the current state of the economy
5. If yes, where? Rebublic of Bananas
6. If no to #5, Where do you want to work? my dream job was to be on Mystery Science Theater 3000, no joke
7. Do you have a car? yes
8. What kind of car do you have/want? 2002 black nissan maxima, but owning a 1969 dodge charger wouldn't hurt
9. Movie: grindhouse
10. Song: mr. bungle - "the air-conditioned nightmare"
11. Band: faith no more
12. Group: isn't that the same motherfucking thing as band? fucking survey makers, man
13. Singer: patton!
14. TV Show: jackass
15. TV Channel: the one that i am going to create in five years that only airs mystery science theater 3000, b-movies, and shit that makes you hurl. battlefield earth will be aired every night at 6pm.
16. Actor: paul newman or al pacino, can't decide
17. Actress: juliette lewis, i guess
18. Comic: tales from the crypt cracks me up
19. Magazine: Alarm
20. Food: ranch/bacon fries
21. Snack: everything
22. Drink: everything, man
23. CD-ROM Game: fuck you i play the console, fucker
24. Board Game: i can tell you that i kick ass in Sequence
25. Card Game: shit makes me lose money faster than when i go food shopping
26. Number: fuck math
27. Cartoon: very cliche to say that it may very well be family guy because i crack up every goddamn time that i watch it
28. Character: jules from pulp fiction
29. Disney Character: donald because not only is he awesome, but duck tastes awesome as well
30. Colour: green
31. Hair Color: don't really care, come on
32. Time of the day: when i'm in a deep sleep and don't think at all about horrible things such as the movie Showgirls
33. Day of the week: saturday, of course
34. Week of the month: what the fuck? one that i'm not on my period or fucking bloated like john goodman
35. Month of the Year: i don't pay attention to stupid fucking things. i don't sit down for a couple minutes a day and ask myself such questions
36. Do you plan on having children? probably not. don't want my already lack of tits to be sagging
37. Do you want to get married? surely
38. How old do you want to be when you have your first child? when i am way past dead, become a deity and shit out mike patton-like demons from my nostrils
39. How old do you want to be when you’re married? perhaps around 30 or so
40. Would you have kids before marriage? haha fuck no
41. What would you name the boy? kevin bacon nguyen
42. What would you name the girl? carol channing nguyen
43. Are you a virgin? such petty things to reveal on the worldwide web. shame on you
44. Do you have a crush? crushes are for the immature and pre-pubescent
45. Music/TV: music, motherfucker!
46. Guys/Girls: i eat cock, man. no pussy
47. Green/Blue: green
48. Pink/Purple: told you i don't like pussy
49. Sleep/Stay Up: insomniac
50. Summer/Winter: sorry but i kind of like to feel whether i have toes or not
51. Spring/Fall: flowers over soggy leaves any day
52. Night/Day: both suck
53. Hanging Out/Chilin: aren't they the same fucking thing? fuck you, man. you can't even make a fucking survey
54. Friends/Lovers: they should be associated separately. fucking dolt
55. Cold/Warm: warm? who the hell
56. Fast/Slow: haha
57. New/Old: lame
58. Dark/Light: super lame
59. Sparkle/Shine: mr. clean?
60. Peach/Plum: plum
61. Apple/Orange: orange
62. Laundry/Dishes: dishies
63. Christina/Britney: i would love britney has a bodyguard
64. Limp Bizkit/KoRn: i like how you capitalized the "R" like a true korn fan
65. Rock/Rap: this looks like a genre that mike patton is always accused of creating.
LAME!66. Pop/R&B: you're fucking stupid
67. Glass: heineken
68. Shake: milkshake
69. Club: studio 54 and cocaine
70. Sing: celine dion
71. Loud: metallica LOLOLOLZ
72. Garcia: jerry
73. Hair: pompadour
74. Ching: chingy and his stupid "right thur, right thur!" song
75. Money: oops read that as "monkey" for a second
76. Work: cubicle
78. Play: blocks
79. 4002: a horrible spin-off of mystery science theater 3000
80. Betty: page
81. Sara: pastries
82. Dog: catdog
83. Brain: looks like chewed gum
84. Nick: nickelodeon sucks balls
85. Frank: sinatra
86. AM: PM
87. FM: stereo
88. PM: time to partaaay
89. Morning: "WHY did i wake up?"
90. Ball: baseball sucks
91. Eminem: he takes himself too seriously. what the hell happened to him, anyway?
92. Rap: is there such a thing anymore?
93. Teenagers: crackheads
94. Smoking: don't dig the taste, but hey it makes guys look sexy so what can i say
95. Death: death from family guy is the fucking man
96. Life: isn't that a cereal AND an eddie murphy movie?
97. Drinking: i have a huge problem
98. Bomb Threats: in high school we never took that term as seriously as it really is, because all we wanted to do was get out of class.
99. Murder: fucking stupid. nerds gotta get a life
100. Suicide: doesn't solve yours or anybody's problems
101. where's the question?
102. Who is your best friend: these
103? Who is the best person to hang with? questions
104. Who is the sweetest person? are
106. Who's the nicest? completely
107. Who’s the best to talk online with? biased
108. Who's the most blonde? and
109. Who's the weirdest? are
110. Who's the craziest? designed
111. Loudest: for
112. Quietest: catty
113. Smartest: losers
114. Quickest: who
115. Most Trustworthy: rudely
126. Most Honest: judge
127. Most Cheerful: others