Wednesday, August 15
I think I need a hobby. No, seriously. Or maybe a desire in life that is something beyond gastronomy. For most of the week I work, but on days that I don't (this week they're really cutting hours so I have a lot of un-needed free time), I have just gotten way too fucking lazy lately to even talk to anybody. "Eh, if they really cared, they would contact me with something to say other than 'What's up?'" Because clearly, if you, or anybody else asks me "What's up," I really have nothing to say. I have so much of nothing to say that I don't even care about what I have to say, because there is nothing to say. Normally, Shaina would always be the one to talk about pointless shit with that is entertaining and therefore is the cure to all of my boredom spells, but happens to be very busy as of late. I, on the other hand, couldn't give less of a shit about college that I don't even care to take care of my term payment plans.
I called Banana Republic this morning after just two seconds of having been awaken by my alarm, and in a very unprofessional and sleepy manner asked one of my managers if they were going to use my on-call shift today. They didn't, so I went back to sleep for another three hours. Then I baked a pre-made Pepperidge Farm loaf of garlic bread and ate that and a peanut butter-flavored Drumstick ice cream cone for lunch, meanwhile starting my five hours of Arrested Development for the day. I borrowed part of the series from the library a few days ago and have been addicted to it since.
Oh, and I also cleaned both toilets in the house. That was my great accomplishment of the day. As a matter of fact, probably for the next two days because one of my managers told me yesterday that they probably aren't going to need me on Friday, either.
Actually, I think the reason why I've been so restless lately is because after practicing abstinence from eBay for the past three months; after just an innocent intention to browse, searched "Paul Newman," found The Paul Newman Box Set for $20, and bought it right away after being the damned website for only a mere five minutes. This was last week. I expect this box of sexy to come to my fucking doorstep