Sunday, July 29
Of all things that people have chosen not to include me due to extreme criticism and ridicule, my parents made me go to temple with them today. A buddhist temple, that is. I know we're weird but we wouldn't go jewish that quickly. Yes, buddhism is great in the aspect that you are not forced to give into such bullshit like confession booths, only to be a goddamn hypocrite and sin again afterwards; all you have to do is respect others and think positive. It's pretty much just a religion where you have peace of mind.

But I am still the most staunch motherfucking atheist that has ever crawled out of a vagina. The reason my parents bought me and my sister along today was to pray for my dad's family, all four of whom were lost after the war. They disappeared in terms of us not knowing what the in the fucking hell happened them - they were on their way to the U.S. via raft/boat/shackriddle across the Pacific and were never heard from again. Okay, now walking around an altar to the sound of a bell and putting your hands together ain't physically going to bring anybody back before your eyes, kapeesh? But the only thing I found worthy of showing my face there is that my mindset had to be wishful for my missing relatives.

Another thing that wasn't right was that I physically am not one that is able to sit on their knees. Asshole, have you ever experienced the worst goddamn pain in your life when 120+ pounds of human weight are set on top of your ankles? How the fuck do asians sit like that all the time in prayer? How the fuck do japanese people eat like that? Axl Rose, I know how you feel, asshole. You and your fucking weak ankles and shit. But anyway, I was concentrating more on subtle ways on how to make it that my ankles don't crack into pieces beneath me while in front of a lot of people. Dude, that pain sucked balls. I was in such agony that it took me a couple seconds to stand up. Fuck that shit, man. And I don't know how I could possibly be sitting the incorrect way because how could you not know how to sit on your fucking knees?

Christina N. @ 5:21 PM