Monday, May 28
FUCKIN A! Too many pina coladas, man. Why teh fuck? My hands still smell like cheese because II had to grate cheese for dinner. I made like croque monsieur or something french or shit as an appetizer because I had to cookan entire meal for as a final project in m yfood & Nutrition class. Cooking sucks. Eating is fun. I would not want to be a cook. It sucks balls, satanding on front of a stove like that for so fucking long and sweating fucking sweat waterfalls down your back like a million sweat snakes wanted to climb into your asscrack or something. Idon't know. bad thinking sklls as of late.
I had t o grate 9-dollar swiss guryeere cheese. It's fucking nasty. Cheese, sure, cheese tastes good when cookd but it smells like fucking white people when they don't shower. That curdled milk cum smell. Asian people smell like um . just turds or something when they don't shorwer.
I kdin of feel bad because Lauren called me like twice within five minutes (wtf? normally one would call them back within five minutes of you missed ther call. geta fucking life)_ and then called my house. What erthe fucking hell? GET A LIFE. And she didn't have anything important to say. come on. Stop killing me softly here. I hate Lauren Hill her songs sucks. Seriously I don't think she cares about me too? much? It's just that she doesn't have anyone to talk to. I didn't callai mean answere the first two times that shce called but then my fsister had to fucking answer the phone when she claled the house. I answeree d in a very angry tone and said that I was busy watching tv and that would call later..inlike an hour. I never did. Because I fell asleep. Thank you captaon morgan!!!!
And just to let you kow, 9COW) fUCKING SHITHOLE i have two projects to do fopr tomorrow and it is 10:30 at night and I am fucking tNKAED, MAN. If anyone wants to help me with fuckin homework. BE MY GUEST. fuck homework. Well actually, yeah. Waitn, not really. Dont want to fuck paper