Wednesday, May 2
Oh my god, fucking skin me alive right now. I have become an eBay addict. My life is beginning to reach its dreadful end as of this moment (financially, which eventually leads to physically, which then leads to literally). I now owe over $300 to my mom because of the mp3 player, pointless Faith No More memorabilia that only me and a portion of this world care about, and yes, an old school Nintendo NES that cost $60 for twelve games, cleaning kit, a gun and two controllers that come with it. My friend just had an impulse within a matter of ten minutes ago and bought a fucking limited release (seriously, this one is hard to find as opposed to all of those falsely advertised shitty DVDs of Rob Schneider movies) autographed Mike Patton/Ikue Mori/John Zorn CD. Shit man, I probably would have bought that before she did, had I owned a credit card under my own name. My mother would fucking beat my ass if she ever found out that I would spend $125 on a piece of plastic that had some old bastard's Sharpie marks on it in the shame of his name; with her money. My chum and I are also teaming up on winning an auction that has 60+ Faith No More magazine clippings. Fucking insane, I tell ya. It's incredibly sad, really.

But you have to admit; that is a hot picture of General P. for ya.I am always tempted to go up to a cop at school and ask him, "Why do you have a gun?" just to see how he would react.
Shit man, I want to go see Trevor Dunn play at The Stone in New York but I'm grounded. FUCK!