Monday, May 21
It always seems as though when I have a plentiful day, I can't really write about it (except for Peeping Tom). Let's see...

Cut part of school to go to Burger King with Kerry and Rina for lunch. And I have to say, when you refer to Burger King as quality food, you know the school's food is nothing other than the equivalent of the charity donation vitamin-porridge that Ethiopians are spoon fed by fleshy celebrity American humanitarians in Africa. Or in other words, that gurgly-looking shit that they often ate in The Matrix. That was a good movie, shut the fuck up.

Music class was alright, much better than usual. Lita, Kerry and I just sat at a table not working on our final project and just talked about how funny fat people are. Everybody does that at least five or ten times a year, seriously. I couldn't stop lean-back laughing at Lita's story about her fatass aunt who whenever drops a nuclear dook in the bathroom of Lita's house of which she could fit in (since there are two), it would leave such a nuclear vapor so lethal that her dad had to caution tape the entire first floor of the house.

Then after school I think Kerry went home with me so that I could buy cigarettes for her or something. But anyway, by the time we got to my house we forgot why she had to come over anyway, so we decided to take a walk to the Salvation Army.

On the way there a kid who stalked me last year MYSTERIOUSLY crosses the street out of NOWHERE and attempts to meet us on the sidewalk. What are the fucking chances of that? Shit, I might as well run into Mike Patton at the DMV. All in all, I barely muttered a word to him after all of his frantic attempts at talking to me and kept on walking, without making any eye contact with him. He looks like Howdy Doody, and Kerry really thinks that that guy is literally somewhat mentally retarded. Just so that you get an idea of how horrendous he is.

We get to the Salvation Army and the place was motherfucking closed. It closed at 2-fucking-o'clock in the afternoon and we got there at around 4:30. Big bummer. Some army we have.

On the way back, we passed the "WALGREENS - COMING SOON" banner again that was hung across a fence surrounding a construction site. We were very aggravated by the fact that there was already one being built just a mile down the road and that we desperately needed a Taco Bell. Soooo we took my Sharpie marker, crossed out "WALGREENS," wrote "TACO BELL," and drew a velvet revolver peeing onto the crossed-out "WALGREENS."

At a traffic lightpost, we adorned it with "THANKS FOR LETTING ME FUCK UR DAD!" At another one down the road, it was beautifully decorated with the epigram, "I <3 CUNT."

Then we finally reached the Dover Dairy Maid. I got a hot fudge sundae and Kerry got orange Italian ice. We sat on the bench outside and couldn't leave without giving it a "UR MOM LIKES PUSSY."

We took the back road back to my house because we'd had enough of guys almost climbing out of their cars to gawk at us. At the Dover High School, there's signs on the barbed wire fence that have the Spanish translation above the English signs, so in reaction to that rudeness and insult to Americans, I had to take out my Sharpie and write, "Go back to your country!" as some scary Hispanic in a pick-up truck yelled something that we couldn't figure out as he passed by.

Close to my street was an abandoned Porsche. We plan to hijack it on Wednesday.

How childish was this entry?

The End.

Christina N. @ 10:21 PM