Monday, April 16
I think I have watched Pulp Fiction so many times that I am starting to laugh about every five seconds as I'm watching it. That shit is just too goddamn funny. And what's with this sudden surge of Tarantino haters? Fucking wussies. I've heard complaints about his acting and well, dumbfuck, he's not supposed to be taken seriously. Jimmy was fucking hilarious in Pulp Fiction and I laugh like a goddamn motherfucker every time he makes his coffee and dead nigger storage speech. Like I said, that shit is just too goddamn funny to pass up. Grindhouse still rules. I'm getting that bitch on special edition deluxe widescreen DVD with 52 hours of extras and featurettes in a gold-encrusted zombie box right when it hits stores.

This summer we're going to California for vacation for two weeks. Cool beans, but it really disappoints me just a tad bit(!!!!) that we are not going to San Francisco. Dude, Mike Patton lives there. I am going to stalk that motherfucker and taunt him when he's at Tower Records or is eating chicken and waffles at Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles. Not really, but a girl can try.

Just for the record, I'm not a stalker. Just thought I'd make that clear for you.

What if I ever see that man again and start yelling "SEXY! SEXY!" at him? Dude that would be the creepiest yet funniest fucking thing to do. Shit, that's like a dead-on sin right there, literally. Considering it totally confused him in New York, it would totally scare the shit out of him then. I really need to shut the fuck up.

I even dreamed about being at a Lakers game last night and Mike Patton was in it [at the game]. What the fuck? I don't even like sports. Or yellow. Or purple. Yeah yeah I don't like asians either. Although, I always crack up when I think of Kareem Abdul Jabaar having fainted in the movie Airplane! and as Leslie Nielson is pulling him out of his co-pilots' chair, you could see that he's wearing his Lakers shorts with his airplane pilot uniform.

But anyway, school was cancelled today due to "flooding." What flooding? The school's on a motherfucking hill for god's sake. So is White Meadow Lake and most of Rockaway. Lame excuses, but overall a good outcome. I woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon and ate dumplings and granola for lunch. So normal, right?

I still have to eat at Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles. It looks tasty.

Christina N. @ 4:50 PM