Wednesday, March 7
I am really confused, my friend. A lot of people have really been up my grill lately. Many of which I don't feel like talking to anymore because of it. What is this? Full Moon Syndrome? Why the fuck are you folks being such fucktards this week? And all these ugly guys wanting to get in my pants? Or maybe it's just me not liking people more than I already do, and that I'm the one who's having mood swings. Who knows. But I can assure you about the abnormalities in people as of late.
It makes me want to believe that I suck at life, because of attracting such odd figures and scaring (or something) away the worthy ones. Ulgh. Gag me with a spoon. Seriously, not to get all high on myself here, but I think I deserve much better than my current social situation. But I always tell myself that if I wait and wing it out, my ideals will eventually come to me. Because I don't really think that I'm doing or being anything wrong for the most part. Whatever, man.
So Lauren picked me up this morning and I trudged out of my house in the snow wearing foamy loafers, a scarf and a wool coat that sort of resembles a bathrob. Bad idea. Snow = slush = mucky yucky shit = a pissed off, obsessive-compulsive Christina. (I normally refuse to use the word "anal," because of the other term that is so overdominating) Traffic was bad and the roads weren't cleaned yet, and Lauren tends to think ass backwards sometimes, so as the driver and person in command, she made us go back to her house. Even if getting to Panera or any other major place to eat could've easily been reached by:
1. Another back road past my house (that is normally cleaned quickly after snowfall) as opposed to the road to her house
2. Making a shortcut to another major road that doesn't have as much traffic
3. Wouldn't have wasted a lot more time had we done the above two things
Whatever, I was happy being out of the house and getting some junk food to eat. This whole thing makes me even more excited about getting my license and being able to do what the fuck
I want with my car and means of transportation. I'd be everywhere, dude. Not playing any pussyass music. No fucking stupid ideas and lame excuses. Need me to pick you up? I'll be there promptly, I fucking swear. I am a time and organization freak and
know what it feels like to wait forever because someone else is a fucking retard and only cares about themself. I tend to plan days and days ahead of everyone.
Hopefully tomorrow the weather is peachy-ass-keen, so as to we are guaranteed, according to her subtle times of lameness, to be at Panera Bread. Oh, how I fucking adore that food chain. It's cheap, fresh and better for you - as opposed to expensive, frozen, nastyass fast food shit like Booger King. Although, I don't mind fast food every once in a while. But if I have to choose between fast food and Panera Bread, what the fuck do you think would I pick?
Lita was even more of a fucking pain in the ass today. Why? Is she on her period? I don't know! Everything that me and Stephanie have to do during lunch is according to Lita's schedule. Lita, Lita, Lita. She always rushes me to hurry up and finish my food at the table, makes me follow her everywhere she wants, and makes me get up just to assist her in buying food. I'm not your bitch! Jesus fucking Christ. The world never revolves around one single person. That is, if you refer to the earth's axis as a human being.
Last night I dreamt that somebody had the same Faith No More t-shirt as me. I forgot who it was.
That was single-handedly one of the most pointless, stupid things that I have ever said, because that is seriously all that I remember or have to say about it.
/End boring entry