Thursday, March 29
Holy shit! Ten days left until Peeping Tom. Ten days left until Mike Patton. Ten fucking days. You have no idea of how monumental it is to see Mike Patton in concert. No fucking idea. I'm serious, take my word for it. Do you honestly think that Incubus is a nirvana-like experience of sensational moments in time since the Creation? I think not, even though Incubus is good.
So I've had a shitty past two days, to make up for my awesome Tuesday. Bad news first; as always, right?
I almost called the cops on my mom yesterday because she threatened to stab me and told me to eat shit. It started when I got frustrated by her asking me the same question twice, because that's something that fucking dolts do. For example:
Me: I got accepted to Drew University.
A Fucking Dolt: Did you get accepted to Drew?
My mom caused a whole fiasco about that and then proceeded to go on about how I'm an asshole and am too elaborate when I argue. She says I'm an asshole and would be dead, or crippled by now if we were back in 'Nam, and that we're not americans. Basically, I make good points that conflict with her old-school, old-country conservatism and wants me to shut the fuck up. Since when was it about ethnicity? It's supposed to be about morals.
And yes, I did get accepted to Drew. Probably not going there though.
Today I went to lunch and sat at the table as usual. I ended up waiting 20 minutes for Raxa and Zara to show up. I waited and waited like a fucking idiot, only to realize that my hunch from earlier before that they were going to ditch me again was correct. This isn't the first time that they've done this. So then I got up in a constricted rage to go find Lita. Coincidentally, her boyfriend ditched her also.
Later on I find out that Zara and Raxa tried to cut school to go out for lunch at Mcdonald's. That doesn't make any fucking sense, because I am the one who eats the most - therefore solely committing the purpose of "going out to eat"; but yet I am never invited to go eat. Very deservedly enough, they got caught by several faculty members and the principal, and got in-school suspension for two days as a result.
To be honest, I would not have gone to Mcdonald's with them. All I want is for them to
tell me that they are not going to be around and I would be just fine, so that I could go find something else to do or other people to talk to. Don't just think only about your pansy-ass fucking self and leave me hanging like that - and waste my fucking time because you're too fucking lazy or just don't care about or respect anybody else in the world except yourself. I don't care about eating at this point; it's the fact that I am always left out when it comes to knowing things. That's like the equivalent of being literally stupid - knowledge is really power, because you know what's going on in order to base what actions you are going to take forth. But when you don't know anything, you can't do jack shit.
And then I get yelled at twice by two faculty members. I don't mind being told that I'm doing something wrong, because there's no excuse for doing something wrong when you know it's wrong. But these two fucktards, at different times, fucking scolded me like I was fucking four years old. And the thing is, my mind spontaneously works like Hammurabi's Code: you get an eye for an eye. So, if you talk to me as though I was raised by wolves for 13 years and am scratching my ass with your toothbrush, then I'll fucking disrespect you just as much. Fucking idiots; no wonder nobody pays attention to anyone in that goddamn school - because the faculty is fucking full of shit.
Now to the cool beans. I had a field trip on Tuesday to the Museum of Natural History in New York City. Thank goodness Zara chose not to come, for Lauren and I
would not have had remotely as much fun as we did have.

Some kid that looked really funny as he slept on the floor.


More turds!

That was the only thing that scared me throughout the entire museum. Seriously, not only are whales fucking ugly, but that squid is ten times more ugly, ten times bigger than the average squid, and is attacking a giant piece of ugly.

Bison fucking crack me up. Any big, hairy, stupid animal that doesn't serve any purpose on this planet besides food cracks me up. I am very sad that I couldn't find any yaks though.

I think that bear is going to need a bra in the next two years.

I can't remember what I was laughing at, but I'm pretty sure that from another angle it looked as though that bear cub was trying to mount that dead tree.

Fucking moose, what can I say?

Now this is a true story: Lauren and I stood in front of the ostrich display for five minutes, arguing whether those were ostriches or llamas. She honestly wouldn't believe me that they were ostriches because she believed that the two dudes in Dude, Where's My Car? were right when they thought that the emu that was attacking them was a llama.

Apparently, in a fit of laughter, I thought that ostriches did the "egyptian dance" for a second there.

This monkey just looked so fucking weird. Horrible picture though, otherwise you'd get the idea.

Bitch, please! Ray Liotta was awesome in Goodfellas.

Just think: Humans ate like this before they discovered illnesses, fire, and utensils.

That is the most awkward, stiff, and unemotional sex I have ever seen.

DOLT: (dohlt) n. A stupid person

Bats! Remember? Only a selected few know about this.

SO thrilled about how this tasty hunk of meat was barbecued without me being there.

The Retard Fish

Flying fish. Actual species, you know.

My ancestors were a prime example. So prime, that a museum made models after us.

Gwar? Both are just as stupid as the other.

That lobster was the fucking size of two buckets. Could feed me with an awesome dinner for a week. The label looks it says "catfish poop."

Purchased at the gift shop. Daddy wouldn't eat it though.

I started a whole freak show when arriving to class upon coming back from the field trip, and a couple classmates ate some just for shits and giggles. They also had sour cream and onion on sale too.

Bought this incense holder for mommy. Didn't pay off though, as you could tell.Oh yeah, and Lita got tickets to go see the
I Love New York reunion at MTV/VH1 Studios.