Wednesday, March 14
Warning: Soft Moment
I was just surfing through some craft blogs, and found the most adorable things in the world.

Awwwww!! Look at the little birdies!!

Sooo cuuuuuute!!!And just to make things clear, I don't really want kids. I just think that that shit is absolutely fucking adorable. Also, so that none of you copyright motherfuckers bust my ass for exploitation:
Pictures courtesy of Wee Wonderfuls./End Monkey SapSo the same caveman-like smelly kid in my computer art class stunk even more than usual today. It was over 70 degrees out, so I guess added on top of his stinkass B.O., he sweat even more. I was sitting in front of my computer across from him about five feet away, and literally started coughing. I could even
see the nasty puke-green transparent particles of his nasty stench wafting towards my nose. It was that bad.

This is the greatest Faith No More picture ever taken.I'm done! That was boring, wasn't it?