Monday, March 26
As much as I love history, I don't care about the rest of humanity. One of the major reasons that people learn about history is to improve what's ahead of us and not let history repeat itself; well, I don't give a fuck about you. Which means that I shouldn't have to write this paper. I'm only good at doing things on the spot, when someone is breathing over my shoulder - otherwise I wouldn't do it at all. Because I don't give a shit. Don't you think I'm brainy enough already? Look at the color of my hair, my yellow skin, and my squinty eyes - my IQ is at least above a 200.
Sometimes I feel like I'm growing old too fast - if not physically, then mentally. Jesus fucking Christ, am I turning into a fucking pregnant sap? I just watched
Jersey Girl the other day, yeah, that fucking "Bennifer" movie that isn't
Gigli, and got teary-eyed at the end when he was dancing with his daughter in his arms. And then I got teary again today when Al Pacino makes his 8-minute speech at the end of
Scent of a Woman. Why did I get emotional about Al Pacino's speech in a movie with a happy ending? (Do you really think I care that I ruined the movie for you?) Because it was
so fucking good. Al Pacino's acting was so sensational that it made me cry.
God, I need a fucking life - NOW.
Scent of a Woman is such a good movie that I must get it on DVD special edition 2-disc set, loaded with five hours of extras, plus widescreen and fullscreen options. I don't know if that even exists, but I want that shit in my possession, pronto. Not
Jersey Girl though. However, I do have to say that
Jersey Girl is a good movie. Come on, George Carlin was in it.
Look at the top of the poster.

I like how Al Pacino is looking almost straight ahead in this picture as though he weren't blind.
But anyway, I've had a long hard day at work. Store was fucking loaded with customers, and as opposed to my usual of not getting anybody to sign up for a Banana Card, I got fucking three customers to sign up today. That means something, it really does. We've gone for days since the end of the holiday season without getting any cards. But today was so crazy that I got fucking three, dude.
This little asian girl who wore so much Pepto Bismal-pink in her outfit kept harassing me by staring up at me like I'm a fucking alien who crawled out of her father's asshole. Whenever I talked and helped a customer, she would be standing there in the edge of my eye looking straight at me as if she wanted to send a poltergeist named Damien after my ass. She even taunted me as I fixed the denim wall by trying to hide behind the doorway to the fitting rooms, only to look at me as if to ponder if I really had a nose or not. Aren't asian kids supposed to be obedient? What the fuck happened? If I did that when I was a kid, my head would've gotten molded into the shape of a penny souvenir that you squash in one of those cranking machines in a Niagara Falls travel shop or something.
She bothered me for about an hour or so, until her scummyass family finally paid for their shit and left. Her brother, an ugly fucktard around my age, was also a douchebag. I asked him if he needed help because he was holding a mountain of clothes - and he said in a grumbly tone, as if he were better than me: "NO." Bitch, you pay full price for Banana Republic clothing - I don't. So shut the fuck up and shove your sister and her obnoxiousness up your ass.
I have always wanted to try the Pizza Hut "Cheesy Bites pizza." Hot damn.
My phone hasn't rung for almost an entire week. I guess I really do suck that much? Oh well, I have my ambitions of owning
Scent of a Woman on DVD; So I'm okay.
I called Shaina for the first time in two weeks and she shooed me off within the blink of an eye, just like for about the past two months or so. I wasn't too happy about it, but I guess she's having a good time that she definitely deserves, so I shouldn't be complaining. Although I am kind of disappointed.
Then I tried calling Raxa, who probably was working and couldn't answer her phone. She eventually called me back, but I was working so I missed her call. Smart girl and all, but it seems as though she and her best friend only care about one another and themselves - and only each other and themselves. Which means they shoo everybody else off like they're absolute shit. Come on, I know they're best friends and are always together and do everything together, but you have to respect everyone else around you at the same time. The world doesn't revolve around you. I mean, they've ditched me on several occasions without telling me at all whatsoever.
And not to mention that they always talk about sex - and not in the funny way either. If there is one thing that I cannot stand - it is corny sex jokes and how horny you are all the time; I really couldn't give a shit. Sex with your nastyass latino boyfriend who lists different pills off the top of his head isn't all that matters in the world. Seriously, it is all that I hear when I'm around them. Seriously. I fucking swear. I can't have an actual intelligent conversation with anyone anymore.
I know I enjoy being alone a lot of the time, but only up to a certain point before I go fucking crazy. Get some fucking friends, Christina.
Exactly two more weeks until Mike Patton!