Friday, February 23
Isn't it disturbing when you unknowingly turn on the volume too high on your computer or stereo, and when you put music on, you blow out your goddamn eardrums? I'm sorry, but I'd like to continue to be able to listen to Pantera for the rest of my life.
You ever have one of those days when you just don't fucking know what to do with your life? From the millisecond that I woke up, I thought, "DAMMIT! Why the FUCK do I have to wake up?" Maybe it's because I need to rearrange my room so that the first thing I see every morning isn't Kurt Cobain's face on a Nirvana poster. You know what? I have no fucking idea why that poster is still there. It's like that fat bald dude who lives in your apartment who just won't leave; you don't talk to him or anything - he's just there.
Have you ever watched a show called "Dirty Jobs" on the Discovery Channel? Well, the theme song is a Faith No More song.
I forgot to mention that Tuesday was a very interesting day. Lita and I went to the mall and she picked up two 30-year-old guys, one 21-year-old guy, and gave her number to another. I didn't really take part in any of her sexual escapades because to be quite frank, everybody was fucking ugly. The dudes who aren't ugly are taken; makes sense, but very unfair. Whatever, man. She even went as far enough as to give my number to a guy who said he'd call or text me later on. He never did. I don't really care. Then she slept over my house and talked fucking dirty to the 30-year-olds over the phone all night long. It was quite fucking hilarious but disturbing at the same time.
Isn't it just amazing when you think you don't have a CD, and then when you go to check your collection you find that you have the whole damned thing?

Excellent.I'm even too unmotivated to go to work today. The overlooming threat of knowing that we just got a whole new shipment of stuff during the week and my inevitability of spending money like a motherfucker is just terrible. Had I not stepped foot into Borders yesterday because of my sister, $27 would not have been lost.
Oh, you know what I really want to do? Just sit down in a big fat fluffy fucking recliner, put on a Barry Manilow DVD, get a giant glass jug of brandy, and just laugh my fucking ass off until Monday. And then puke 10 pounds off before going to school. Now
that is what I want to do with my life.