Tuesday, February 13
The only bad thing about not having a sibling(s) is that you can't stalk them on the internet. I'm telling you, it's a fucking grand ol' time. But I still prefer to be an only child - which I am not. There is no such thing as an asian couple that doesn't have more than one kid. It's considered proposterous on our continent. I found her Myspace and personal webpages, and I'm surprised that she never said anything about me besides my name in her "About Me" page. I bet if she ever found my Myspace, she'd wonder if I were on crack.
This was only one of the things that have been mentally recorded on my list of asshole things that I have done today.
1. Made a batch of Chex muddy buddies in cooking class, and while letting them cool on waxed paper on the counter, splashed soapy water on a few while washing the dishes. I later left those for one of my cooking partners to take home.
2. United States Army recruiters were trying to recruit during the lunch blocks, and the guy gave me a postcard to write my information on so that they could contact me. The guy nagged me like a motherfucker. I said I'd fill it out and give it to him after class, but never did, even after walking by about another five times.
3. I wanted an Army t-shirt, but the challenge was that you had to do 50 push-ups in order to win one. Are you fucking kidding me? Do I ever commit in active deeds? So I found a random spanish guy who did 72 push-ups on one foot to get me one, and the recruiter didn't look too happy that I committed a deed of exploitation and jerk when handing me the t-shirt.
4. Continue to stalk my own sister over the internet, although strongly resisting from leaving nasty anonymous comments.
5. My mom pays me $2 at the end of every day if I don't eat snacks. I eat a lesser amount of snacks, and still demand my $2.